Chapter forty-five: Carter

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We stood in stalemate.

Why had I taken her on a late night walk? Wasn't I the one who told her it was dangerous? How stupid was I?

I kept my eyes on Harper's pale face. She didn't move. Didn't scream. Didn't even breathe. She was just motionless. Expressionless. As if she knew that I'd get us out of this.

"Why don't we go on a little walk?" He asked.

Like we had a choice.

"Let her go." I said calmly.

He laughed. "As entertaining as it would be to see you try to run away from me, I think it's best if she stays with me for now. Don't want you attempting any tricks now, do we?"

I suppressed a growl.

He grinned and tucked the knife away, using some sleight of hand to make it disappear.

He was dangerous.

But so was I.

I thought about the weapon tucked in my jacket. Knew that one quick motion would save Harper from harm. But for now, well for now I enjoyed not having blood on my hands.

He took Harper's hand, despite her reluctance.

"Don't be scared, querida. A pretty girl like you, she should smile more." He told her.

Was he serious? He threatens her life then asks her to smile more? Was he psychotic? I  scowled behind him.

"Now, now." He said, not even looking at me. "Play nicely. Or your cosa bonita may be stolen away." He chuckled.

Harper turned to me, pleading with her eyes for me to calm down. 

"We'll be okay, Cart." She told me.

"Aw. Listen to your girlfriend, Cart. Play along and you'll be okay."

"Let me take her hand." I said.

"And have you two run away together? I don't think so."

He looked at me like I was the deluded one.

"Carter, please." Her soft voice stopped me from attacking him. Her eyes implored me to play his game.

"Yeah. Please." He mimicked.

I scowled and stayed where I was. For her.

He led us through the park. It was late and the park was empty. With each step we took, I could feel Harper getting more and more anxious.

Where was he taking us?

And what did he want?

I reached into my pocket, the knife hilt soothed me. Where was everybody? Why was the place so abandoned? How late was it?

"What do you want with her?" I asked.

"I don't really want her." He said.

"Then why do you want me? Why do you want me dead?"

"I don't want you dead. Of course, having you dead would certainly benefit me in the long run." He mused to himself quietly. "But you are much more valuable to me alive than dead at the moment." He said.


"Well you need to repay your debt of course." He laughed.

"What debt?" I spat. "I don't owe you anything."

He spun around to face me.

"On the contrary, you owe me a great deal." He replied. "You cost me a grand when you showed up that day. And I've been waiting for the moment to reclaim it."

"Why me?"

"Because the other guy is...unavailable." He said, careful not to give away too much information.

"And how do you expect me to pay you?"

He smirked.

"With cash. Or if that's unavailable...I guess a human life will do."


A life? My life? Or Harper's? Which would he choose?

"A life?" Harper asked, in shock.

She had remained mostly quiet throughout this whole ordeal, not wanting to startle her captor into doing something drastic.

"Uh-huh. Either will pay the debt in some way or another."

"Didn't you already take that debt when you killed my sister?" I growled.

He frowned. "I didn't kill her. That unfortunate accident."

"Unfortunate for who?" I scowled.

"For everyone. It's unfortunate for you because now you have to pay what he owes me. So inconsiderate." He said, clicking his tongue.

"Oh really? It's unfortunate? My sister's death was inconsiderate of her? Has it caused you an inconvenience that half my family died in an accident for something that wasn't their fault?" My eyes flashed with anger. My hands curling into fists.

He pursed his lips into a thoughtful frown.

"Spit it out, Winters. What do you really want?" I growled.

He smiled.


"Then let her go."

He shook his head. "No can do, I'm afraid. She's the only thing keeping you from killing me with that sweet little knife you have." He smiled. "Sweet really. You don't care about your life. You don't care what happens to you. But if someone you're close to is in danger, you will do whatever it takes to protect them. You're too weak." He shook his head again. "Feelings are most people's weakness."

"There's nothing weak about loving someone." I said, slipping the knife out of my pocket. "Only in not having the guts to do so."

"You won't kill me." He said. "Because one wrong move will kill her."

I kept my eyes on him. Not daring to look away.

"Love isn't a cure for evil, Carter. Life isn't like the films. People like you aren't destined for happy endings."

"Not people like me. We fight to give people like her a happy ending." I told him. "And we have a secret weapon." I added.

"Oh yeah? What?" He sneered.

"We don't work alone."

Jake grabbed him from behind and I yanked Harper away from him as his grip momentarily slackened. His mouth parted slightly in shock and I grabbed Harper's hand. 

"Run." Jake shouted as he struggled to trap his arms so he couldn't wriggle free. 

"Fuck. Jake? What the bleeding hell are you doing here?" Winters growled. 

He placed a knife against his throat and Winters was quiet once again.

"Carter, run." He said again, quietly this time. "Now."

Grabbing Harper's hand, we ran. Maybe we should have helped Jake. But I wanted to get the hell out of there. For Harper's sake.

I wasn't going to risk her life again.

The End

Nah, I'm just kidding. We'll see what happens next, if you've made it this far, thank you for sticking with this book, any reads or comments are much appreciated. And you know that little star at the bottom of the page? If you click on it, it'll light up. Cool huh? So try clicking some time. 

Anyway, I think we have a few more chapters, and then we'll be finished. We have a surprise in the next chapter by the way, so prepare yourselves. 

See you soon.

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