Chapter nine: Carter

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It killed me to watch her go I would have preferred her to stay here, but I understood why she didn't want to. She was cautious and that was the only reason I didn't insist on her staying, but that didn't mean I was comfortable with her walking away. Who knew what waited in the dark? I trembled, wondering if I would ever hear from her again. What if something happened to her out there? I wanted to run after her, bring her back and make her stay. But I wasn't her crazy, overprotective big brother. No, I was just crazy and overprotective. But I had already lost two people in my life. I didn't want to lose anyone else. And so until I heard from her, I would be up until daylight wondering if she ever made it home safely.

She scared me. Her independence scared me. She didn't know the dark like I did. She didn't know how dangerous it could really be, how scared I was of it.

I paced up and down waiting for the phone to ring, so much for a drink calming me down so I could sleep. I was silently freaking out. Calm down, Carter. I told myself. She seems like a sensible girl. She'll call you. That didn't stop me pacing the floor like an anxious mother waiting for her daughter to return home.

Eventually the phone rang. I picked it up immediately and listened for her voice.

"Carter?" She asked.

"Yeah?" I slurred. (Okay, I'd had another drink because I was nervous.)

"I'm home. Go to sleep now, okay." She said.

"How do I know that?" I asked.

"You could trust me." She said.

I laughed. "No, really."

She sighed, "Want a picture of my front door?"


Seconds later, a picture of a front door popped up in my phone.

"How do I know that's your front door?" I asked her.

She chuckled. "You don't. But it is, I promise."

"Nice try. Send me a video of you opening the door and going inside, then I might trust you." I said.

She laughed. "Okay. One sec."

There was some rustling, and then the dialling tone started to ring. A few minutes later, a video popped up and I clicked on it. It showed Harper slipping into the house and locking the door behind her. She looked like she was trying hard not to laugh. A message popped up.

Happy now?

Yes. Night Harper x I messaged her.

Night Carter x

I smiled in the dark, thinking about her. Strange how she was able to put a smile on my face the way no one else could. 

Aww Carter's got quite the protective streak huh? I think it's adorable.

Thanks for the reads, they are very much appreciated! x

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