Chapter twenty-one: Carter

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I glared at him as he studied me with a dangerous grin.

"How many times are you going to try and run away from me, Carter?" He asked, smirking.

"As many times as it takes to be successful." I replied calmly.

His smirk widened. "Ah, but you should know that I'm never far away. All you have to do is close your eyes." He grinned wickedly.

"Fuck you." I spat.

His smirk dropped and he glared at me. A dangerous glint in his eyes. "Be careful or I just may take that pretty little thing of yours."

"You stay away from my girl." I snarled, my knife appearing in my hand. 

He smirked again. "Your girl? How cute." He said sarcastically.

My eyes flashed.

"Don't underestimate me, Carter." He spoke softly.

"Don't worry, I won't make that mistake again." I replied.

He laughed.

"I always get what I want, Carter. Always. Never forget that." He said with a final smirk at me.

I woke up in the morning shaking off unwanted thoughts. It had been a while since I'd seen his face. In my mind that is, I hadn't seen him face-to-face in years. And I could only hope I never did again. And if I ever did meet him, he wasn't getting to Harper.

What had I called her in the dream? My girl? I smiled to myself. She didn't know it yet, but she was mine. I was going to make her mine if it was the last thing I did. And he wasn't going to stop me, not even in my dreams, no one was going to stop me from loving her.

I just had to make her believe that first.

I sighed, dragging myself out of bed, before checking the clock, six-thirty, time for a run before college then, pulling on my running gear and trainers, I left Mum a note before setting off, just a quick run, not too long, I had to catch a bus in hour, and I would need a shower. I thought about my dream, I didn't want to, but my mind always led me back to my dreams eventually. What did he want? Even though it was only in my mind, it felt like he was harassing me. It felt like he wanted something. But what?

I shook off all thoughts of him, he was gone, he wasn't going to get me. And he certainly wouldn't get Harper. It was just my overactive mind running through things and blowing it up again.

She would be fine.

I'd protect her, even if she didn't want me to, I would protect her. I owed it to her, to everyone who was close to me, to protect them from the monster in my head. I just needed to keep her safe. As long as she was safe, it didn't matter what happened to me.

Slowing down, I smiled as I saw a familiar silhouette heading towards me. I jogged over to her and she smiled back at me.

"Hi." I told her.

"Hi, Carter." Harper told me, "What are you doing out so early?"

I shrugged. "Just a quick run before college. I'll have to go soon." I told her.

She nodded once in understanding and smiled slightly. This was a bit awkward. What were we supposed to say? She just watched me, probably hoping I would come up with a conversation starter before this awkwardness got any worse.

"How did you sleep?" I said, yeah it was probably the lamest way to start a conversation ever, but it was all I could think of. You try and do better.

"Okay." She nodded. "You?"

I just shrugged. "Better than normal." I said, telling a tiny lie because I didn't know what else to say.

We just paused, and I glanced at my watch.

"Jesus, look at the time, I'd best be going." I said, to avoid any more awkwardness. "Speak soon? I'll message later."

She nodded in relief. "Okay, bye Carter."

"Bye Harp." I said, before jogging off.

I just sighed as I left. I wasn't a people person, I didn't really get the point of small talk, I didn't know how to converse with people. Not face to face. Behind a screen, I was fine, I could take my time coming up with a witty answer and people would get it, but with someone in front of me, it was much harder. Why was I so shit at this?

Arriving home, I turned down Mum's offers of toast and coffee and went to have a shower, changing into some jeans and a clean t-shirt, I quickly pecked her cheek before leaving as fast as I came.

I slouched on the bus to college. Trying to hide away from the faces that seemed to peer at me with too much interest for my liking. Or maybe I'm just being paranoid. Yeah, that's it. I'm just being paranoid. Better to be paranoid than dead.

For God's sake Carter, who's going to kill you on the bus to college? The reasonable voice in my head snapped at me.

I scanned the bus.

That guy. I thought as my eyes landed on a hulk of a boy about my age. My eyes snapped down as he looked up at me.

You're just being paranoid. The voice reassured me. Nothing will happ—

The boy came over to me.

"Hey not seen you around before."

I just grunted, pulling my jacket closer around me. Nevertheless he grinned at me.

"Name's Jake." He said, holding out his hand.

"Carter." I mumbled, trying not to grunt. I just looked at his hand as it hung awkwardly in the air before he dropped it.

I shuffled away from him, wanting to limit contact. Like I said before, I wasn't very good with boys. With anyone new to be honest. Harper was an exception. Maybe she would be a mistake. But I had to learn to trust sometime. So why not with her?

"So where are you going today, Carter?" The boy (whose name I have already forgotten) says.

"None of your goddamn business." I snapped at him before pressing the button to get off the bus. I'll walk the rest of the way to college.

Yeah, I'm not good with people, okay? Pulling out my phone, I sent a message to Harper with a small smile tugging at my lips. I'm not good with people, but I want to be good to her.

And that's chapter twenty-one DONE.

Do you think Carter was being unreasonable? Should he have trusted Jake?

Maybe we'll find out later.

I did an early update today because I'm on holiday for the first time in months and we'll be going on a walk later. Didn't think I'd be this excited. But I guess that's the new COVID life.

Anyway, see you next week.


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