Chapter twenty-eight: Harper

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The sunlight twinkled in the sky and I smiled. It was a lovely Sunday afternoon and I was having a walk through the park before I met Carter for a coffee.

Does life get much better than this?

I was so absorbed in the delightful sunlight that I didn't realise I had turned a corner too fast until I was on the ground.

"I'm so sorry." I said, dusting myself off and holding my hand out to the boy on the ground. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." He said with a smile. "You seemed to be in quite a daze there." He observed.

I smiled apologetically. "I'm sorry. Really. I was just, lost in my own world there for a minute."

"I could tell." He said, his lips quirking into a smile. "I'm Jake, by the way."

"Harper." I told him, shaking his extended hand.

"So what brings you out here, on such a lovely day?" He asked.

"I'm meeting a friend." I told him. "What about you?"

"I'm just enjoying the warm sunshine." He replied.

I smiled. "It is lovely."

"Well, I hope you have a lovely day, Harper." He said.

"You too, Jake." I told him.

Turning, I saw Carter heading towards me. And he didn't look happy.

"Harper?" He asked. "What are you doing?"

I frowned. "I was coming to meet you, but then I, quite literally, ran into Jake here." I said, gesturing to him.

He looked at Jake, disinterested.

"Did he hurt you?" He asked. Taking a cigarette out and lighting it up.

"No." I told him. "It was an accident."

He didn't speak and I frowned. Watching as he just smoked and looked away.

We stood in silence for a few moments before Jake awkwardly cleared his throat.

"I'd best be off." He said. "See you around, Harper."

"Sure. Bye." I told him, smiling as he waved goodbye before walking off.

"What the hell was that?" I spun round to snap at Carter the minute Jake was out of earshot.

"What was what?" He asked casually, taking another drag of his cigarette.

"That. What was with the attitude? Jake's a nice guy."

"You sound like my mum." He muttered.

I rolled my eyes. "What is it with you and new people?"

"I'm not a people person, okay?" He snapped. "I don't have a reason to trust him."

"You don't have a reason to distrust him either." I snapped back. "Just fuck off and let me make my own decisions. What is it with you boys always trying to control my life?"

"Who controls your life?" He asked.

"Danny told me not to trust you. I told him I'd trust you until given a reason not to. But you're being a bit hypocritical to my theory now." I told him. "Maybe I shouldn't trust you."

"I have a right to distrust people." He scowled.

"Why?" I asked, irritated. "He gave no reason for you to be so rude."

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. Softening, he looked into my eyes calmly.

"I don't trust many men, okay?"

"Why not?" I challenged.

He sighed and sat on the bench. Sitting next to him, I crossed my arms and waited for him to explain.

"Mum used to bring home men every night the first few months after Dad died. The usual sleazy, sex-driven type guys who hung around the bars late at night." He paused and took a drag on his cigarette. "I guess she was lonely. Or getting back at Dad for leaving her vulnerable. I don't know." He sighed. "She'd go to the pub, drink herself dry and come home late night with a guy in tow. Anyway, one time, a guy came home with her. She was plastered. Almost completely out of it." He blew smoke out before trying again. "I went to put her to bed, he just stood patiently. Heading out, he smirked and watched me. I told him to leave and he just...I dunno. He just stood there and studied the room. He was waiting for something. Eventually, I snapped at him to leave and he headed over to me and told me to watch my mouth." He clenched his teeth, the cigarette snapping in two. Spitting it out, he calmed himself down. "I told him to screw it and he knocked me to the ground and muttered something. He kicked me until I was unconscious, when I woke up, Mum was next to me and the TV and other bits and pieces were missing."

"Oh Carter." I said softly.

He shrugged. "No lasting damage."

Apart from his memories. My heart broke somewhere along that story and I took his hand without realising it. He looked at me and gave a tiny half-smile.

"You see now why I hate strangers?" He asked.

"Yes." I did. I thought it was a bit extreme. But I understood. And all I wanted right now was to be there for him. Even if he didn't want me to be.

Was this chapter necessary? Probably not. Was I gonna post it anyway? Sure I was. My story, my rules.

Anyway, sorry for the late update and short chapter, back to college in a couple of weeks so that should mean more regular updates.

Bye for now.


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