21.. 🎉

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It was his birthday and he was back in LA for some work, sitting in his hotel room with the football highlights on then his phone beeps.

Jo - Heyy, Happy Birthday ma'am, heard you were over in LA, you busy?

Hero - Hey thanks.. Yeah I'm here got some work stuff, not doing much just football highlights... Stop making fun of my accent 🙄😂

Jo - Well let's change that, get dressed, something nice, we're going out💃 okay sorry I'll stop 😜xx

Hero - What? It's fine don't stress I'm tired anyway xx

Jo - Stop trying to get out of it boy, your not spending your 21st in your god damn hotel room, get dressed be there in 30 xx

Hero - Bossy Little thing aren't you, see you soon xx

He can't help the huge smile on his face right now, he was happy to sit in watching football but seeing her name on his phone gave him goosebumps. She doesn't know how he feels about her he's bottled it up not wanting to ruin their friendship or their chemistry on screen. He puts on his white lacoste turtle neck jumper with some blue jeans and gels his hair. Just as hes finishing up there's a knock at the door, man she was fast he's thinking  as he opens the door and he can't help but stare, she looks fucking amazing. "Happy Birthday!" she shouts jumping into his arms, she's got this sexy little blue one peice on, shes glowing. "Here you go, it's not much but I know you love it..." she says handing him a gift bag. He opens n it to see his favourite ferragamo aftershave, "Ah Jo thank you, you didn't have to, I've literally just ran out of this," he says pulling her into a hug.

Sitting in the black SUV that came to pick them up he turns to her, "So where are we going then?  She doesn't face him she keeps her gaze out the window and says, "Well that would be telling, you'll soon see." he smiles over at her, "You know I hate suprises," she turns around slowly moving towards him getting closer resting her hand on his then whispering into his ear, "You'll like this one trust me,"  He freezes from her touch and his mouth goes dry, he desperately wants to lean in and kiss her, to feel her lips on his without playing Hardin and Tessa. The rest of the drive is silent and she still hadn't removed her hand from his, he's just sat staring down at their hands thinking about all different scenarios in his head before the car pulls up outside their location that is swarming with paparazzi. "Ugh paparazzi, they are going to get the wrong idea here, shit." she says looking out of the cars blacked out windows. He feels like he's been punched in the stomach wondering if she thinks it would be so bad if they thought that.

Hero gets out of the SUV first and running over to help Jo out, he guides them inside trying to be nice to the paparazzi but get away quick enough telling them to give them some space. "Why is it so dark, what the fu-" he starts, "SUPRISE" the whole of the after cast and crew and Anna jump out at him. "Ahh fuck you all scared me," he says hugging them all, "this is amazing, what the fuck.." Anna walks over and gives him a tight hug, then whispers into his ear, "This was all her, she started planning it last week when I mentioned you'd be here for your birthday doing work, so she rang around getting us all together." his head is swimming, why is she so thoughtful? Why can't I tell her how I feel l? Does she feel the same? It gets to much and he heads straight to the bar, shots, he does shot after shot with his friends and before he knows it he's drunk. Needing air he heads out to the back of the club to smoke a cigertte as he's leaning with one foot against the wall looking up at the sky he hears it, that accent, "what you doing out here biryhday boy," he turns to face her, "Just needed some air and a ciggie," she smiles over at him walking closer, "It's so cold, hurry up ill wait,"

"Don't be silly go in its freezing, I just need five minutes," she looks at him confused. "Are you okay? You don't seem yourself?" he's thinking about telling her but can't seem to find the words then he feels her hands on his, "You can tell me anything you know this," he takes one last drag of his cigarette, "Ahh fuck sake, I'm going to regret this but fuck it, I have feelings for you Jo... I have since we started filming, I've tried so hard to fight them and hide them so I don't ruin our friendship and im sorry for doing this now but there I've said it..." She's looking up at him with her mouth wide open and stays like this for a few minutes, "Jo say something..." she keeps opening and closing her mouth like she wants to talk but nothing comes out. "Fuck sake I've fucked up, I shouldn't of opened my mouth, ignore what I said" he says and starts walking off but she grabs his wrist. Looking down at her hand on his wrist then back up at her face she moves towards him and wraps her arms around his waist pushing him against the wall, "You have no idea how many times I've imagined you saying this to me.." she says before crashing her lips on his. The kiss is passionate and full of lust whilst both their hands are roaming around each others bodies, he turns them around so she's against the wall and deepens the kiss lifting one her legs up causing her to moan. They are both moaning into the kiss and then they hear the door opening and they both jump away from each other, it's Sam, "Oh hey you two, what's going on here?" he says. "Oh nothing I'm just smoking and Jo needed air, "yeah that's right, I'm good now see you both later," she says walking back inside stroking her lips. She is flustered and slowly starts to panic about what just happend she can't stop thinking that they have ruined eveyrhring, she goes over to Anna and shouts down her ear, "hey I think I've drank to much, I'm gonna head back to my place and sleep it off before I throw up," she looks up at Jo with a worried look, "oh no honney are you okay? Do you need me to come?" she gives her a hug and says, "no honestly don't worry about me just make sure Hero has a good night," she gives her a kiss before leaving.

When Hero comes back, he's looking around for her, she's nowhere to be seen. Thinking she must be in the bathroom he goes back over to the bar where Shane and Sam are and they do tequila shots, after the fourth shot he goes over to sit with Anna his head spinning. "Have you seen Jo?" he asks her, "Oh yeah she wasn't feeling good, she left a while ago but said to make sure you enjoy your night. He slumps back in the booth disappointed, what the fuck is that about?

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