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Floyd woke up 10 minutes after Harley was taken. He noticed something strange. He looked around the apartment, since he knew Harley could have hid to try and scare him. He didn't find her. Then he saw the milk on the floor. He ran to the room and got his gun. He grabbed his keys and ran to the car. He phoned his sister.

"~~Lynda, I'm gonna need you to stay with Zoe for a little bit longer~~"

"~~Why? Is something wrong?~~"

"~~Just, just stay with her~~"

He hung up.

He called a friend after that, a friend who throws boomerangs for a living.
Captain Boomerang.


"Hey, Owen, it's Floyd"

"~~Floyd! Man, how's it going?!~~"

"Great, look, ARGUS took Harley. I need your help"

"~~Mate, I'm in Australia~~"

"Well, get your ass to America"

"~~Alright, alright. You haven't changed, Floyd~~"

Floyd hung up and headed for the airport. He would have to sneak into a plane for Washington DC. No problem, he thought, he's done it before.

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