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"The penitentiary" Floyd said, looking at the enormous building.

"Come on!" Harley said.

"The entrance has a pass code. There must be another way" Slade said.

"You guys keep forgetting! I worked here! The warden puts his birthday date reversed for basically all his pass codes" Harley said.

"When we get in there, there will be hundreds of guards" Shiva said.

"We'll need to get in quickly, unnoticed, get to Crane, and get out" Slade said.

"Then we might want to find another way in. It's stupid if we enter through the front door, don'cha think? Guards will be waiting for us when we enter" Boomer said.

"HE'S RIGHT" King Shark growled.

"Well then, Harley, are there any ways inside not through here?" Slade asked.

"Through the catacombs!" She squealed.

"That's disgusting, mate" Boomer said.

"Wanna enter through here? Be my guest" Slade said, pointing at the door.

"Nah, I'm good!"

"Where's the entrance to the catacombs?" Slade asked.

"Through the botanical gardens! Yeepee!" Harley said, smiling and jumping up and down.

"Hope we don't run into a human plant hybrid" Shiva whispered.

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