Breaking into the Madhouse

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" Boles here! Just need to get this prisoner in" Floyd said, to the front desk guard at intensive treatment.

"Well, I'll just need your ID and that's it" the guard said.

"My ID? Oh, um, right..."

Harley looked at Floyd, and came up with something. She tried to break loose from the cuffs.

"Hurry! Let me in, or she'll kill us both!"

"Alright, alright! Go, it's open. Take that whacko to her cell"

"Crazy, huh?!" Harley asked, making funny faces at him.

"Ok, good we're in. We just need to find the back door..."

There he was. The man who has caused so much pain and suffering. Harley couldn't move, she thought, I'm gonna kill him, I'm gonna kill him. That's all she could think. I'm gonna kill the Joker, she kept repeating herself.

"Just, stay put, we're just walking past him"

"I-i-i can't, I need to..."

"Helloooo, Harley, how's life without me? Oh wait, is what you live even life? HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!!"

Harley got loose and took Deadshot's gun. She shot at him, even though his cell was covered by a bulletproof-type glass.

"I'll kill ya! You murderous, psychopathic clown!"

"No you won't, you. Don't. Have. The. Guts. Oops, did I spoil your fun? Hahahahahaha!!"

"I got a new man, he's mine, mine, mine. How do you like that, puddin pop?!"

"You have a...? No, no, hahahahahaha!!"

"Harley let's go, now" Floyd said.


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