Chapter 4

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I could barely sleep. I didn't want to disturb Jaden who seemed to be sleeping so soundly. I sat up, got out of bed and threw on a pair of shorts with one of my hoodies. I looked at the clock, 6am. I walked out of my room to the kitchen. I saw Bryce sitting outside on the patio. I grabbed two waters and some Advil and walked out to join him. I sat down and looked over at him. He wouldn't even glance my way. I tried to break the tension.

Me "I brought you a water and some Advil."

Bryce "I fucked up katie."

Me "What do you mean?"

Bryce "Last night. It shouldn't have happened. I shouldn't have done that to you. Like always I'm just a shitty friend"

I was taken back for a second and then lifted his head to see his face. I could see the pain in his eyes.

Me "A shitty friend? What the hell are you talking about. You came to my rescue when some dude was practically attacking me. You protected me"

Bryce "Yeah but then I took advantage of you. I should have listened to Jaden when he tried to stop me"

Me "Bryce, I have no regrets with what happened last night. We were drunk having a good time. You didn't take advantage of me. I'm the one that made the decision to go along with it"

I wrapped my arms around his and laid my head on his shoulder.

Me "I wouldn't change a thing about last night. You guys are some of the best friends I've had in quite some time.  I haven't felt this cared for in a very long time."

Bryce "But what we did.."

Me "Was fun. Nothing but a good time. You guys made me feel good about myself again. There are no hurt feelings here."

Bryce "You're really ok with all of this?"

Me "Absolutely. Now can you drop the mopey act and get back to being normal Bryce already?"

He pulled me into a hug.

Bryce "I promise I'll never take advantage of you. Or will I ever let anyone for that matter."

I could hear the sincerity in his voice.

Me "Aww Bryce you're getting all emotional on me."

I teased him and he jokingly put me in a headlock and started tickling me. I was laughing so hard I could barely breath.

Me "Okay okay you win"

Bryce "That's what I thought." He finally had his smug little smile back on his face.

I was happy to see that Bryce wasn't acting weird anymore but I was still curious to what Jaden meant by "I'll explain in the morning" after Bryce walked out last night.

Me "I'm going to go back in a lay down. My head is throbbing."

It was the truth. I was so hungover. Bryce smiled and nodded. I made my way back inside. Everyone was still asleep. Their flight didn't leave till later tonight so there was no hurry for them to get up. I walked back into my room and saw Jaden still sleeping. I walked over to my bed and stood there for a second. I couldn't help but admire how handsome he really was.

Jaden "It's not nice to stare"

A sexy little smirk formed with his lips and next thing I knew he was reaching up and pulling me back into bed with him. He was laying on his back and I was draped over his chest with one leg crossed over his.

Jaden "I was wondering where you snuck off to"

Me "I needed to get some Advil. Then I ran into Bryce."

Jaden "Oh about that.."

Me "Yeah I wanted to ask you what you meant last night. I don't understand why Bryce got the way he got."

Jaden "So one thing you should know about Bryce is that he's a very impulsive person. Kind of an act before you think type of person. He gets wrapped up in his feelings at the time and doesn't think anything through. That's why he tends to get into fights. I knew as soon as I saw Bryce's face last night that he felt terrible about what we did. He cares about you, we ALL do but when he came down off the rush I think he realized we put you in a position to get hurt."

Me "Oh. I guess I never really thought about it that way. Can I ask why you didn't feel guilty about any of it?"

Jaden's POV

My heart sank when I heard that come out of her mouth. I don't think I've ever vibed so hard with a girl before and now I'm scared she's questioning my intentions. I took a deep breath and responded.

Jaden "Its not that I didn't feel guilty but when I tried to step in you cut me off so quickly. Who was I to argue with what you wanted? You do know that we all just want what's best for you right?"

Katie "I can see that now. I think so much has happened in the last two days that's it's just a lot to process."

I feel like I have been selfish this whole trip. I never really thought about how all of this was so new to her. This is the life we are used to but it's very foreign to her. I know I have let my feelings get the best of me with her. I've tried to get close to her every opportunity I could and maybe that even meant taking advantage of a situation on two but I swear it was with the best of intentions. Who am I kidding my intentions were very selfish. Even trying to stop things last night were because I didn't want Bryce involved but Katie has this fire inside her. She's definitely someone who doesn't let anyone tell her what to do. I admire that independent spirit. So maybe I shouldn't push things anymore. I should really take a step back and give her a little space.

Jaden "It is a lot. And I completely understand that it takes some getting used to. You're better at it then I would have ever thought you would be. You're probably one of this chillest girls I know."

I meant it. Katie was one of a kind. She doesn't let herself get wrapped up with what the world has to say. She's just so real. I pulled in closer to me and kissed her forehead. She looked up at me with her beautiful green eyes and kissed me. I can't get enough of this girl. I started to kiss her harder. Next thing I know she is straddled over top of me with her hands in my hair and full on making out with me. So much for giving her some space... damn this girl really knows how to drive a boy wild.

I heard a pounding on the door and then Josh's voice.

Josh "You guys may want to get out here. We kind of have a situation at hand."

Katie slowly pulled away from our kiss and whispered..

Katie "Fuucck he has horrible timing!"

Jaden "Tell me about it. But it sounds pretty serious. We should probably go see whats up."

We got fully dressed and headed out to see what all the commotion was about. We turned the corner to the kitchen and saw all the guys sitting there and boy did they look worried. Katie and I walked over and everyone was silent.

Jaden "Fuck this can't be good."

Authors Note:

I don't like to switch POVs very often but it adds a little fun twist to make the relationships throughout the story a little more in depth. I'll do my best to keep it simple though.

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