Chapter 20

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I woke up and Bryce was still passed out. I sat there for a second and opened my phone. I did some searching and well no video yet. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe it wasn't caught on camera. I got out of bed and went downstairs. What the hell happened last night, the place was trashed. I know I'm not the maid but I started cleaning up anyways. There were beer cans and cups everywhere. I was cleaning up around the couch when I was pulled down on to it.

Jaden "Why are you up so early?"

Me "Why are you sleeping on the couch? and What in the hell did you guys do last night?"

Jaden "It was for a video. I must have passed out here. I honestly dont really remember all that much."

Me "Oh good lord Jaden. Well at least you're in one piece. Bryce showed up at my door bleeding."

Jaden "Ohh yeah he was venting and got worked up then threw a whiskey bottle. He tried to clean it up but well you know the rest."

Me "Venting? About what?"

Jaden "Dont play stupid. You know."

I rolled my eyes and tried to stand up. Jaden tighten his grip and starting tickling me.

Jaden "You know I dont like it when you roll your eyes at me"

I was laughing so hard that I couldn't breathe. I hate being so ticklish. Josh walked down the stairs.

Josh "Okay you two. Behave yourselves. Anyone know where Bryce is? I checked his room but he's not there"

Me "He's in my bed.."

Josh "You're joking right?"

Me "Relax. I wrapped his hand last night and he just crashed in my bed. Nothing else. Trust me I think I'm going to swear off boys for a bit."

Jaden "Probably not a bad idea. Then you have more time for us."

I finally got up from Jaden's grip and finished picking up the trash. I found the broken glass and cleaned that up too. I started making breakfast for everyone and then Bryce walked into the kitchen and sat on the counter.

Bryce "What the hell happened last night? We didnt, you know.."

Me "No Bryce we didnt. You dont remember any of it?"

Bryce "No. I'm sorry. Actually I'm sorry for everything. I was out of line yesterday and last night for that matter."

Me "Stop. Its fine. I mean I'm still mad that you used something you knew is really hard for me to deal with as ammo towards me, but I accept your apology."

Bryce "You have the right to see whoever you want and I promise I'm done trying to tell you what to do. And I will never speak to you like that again. It was too far."

Me "Its fine Bryce. You were right anyways. So lets just drop it."

Bryce "Wait.. I was right? Did something happen between you and Tony?"

Me "It's more like what won't be happening between him and I anymore. But I dont want to talk about it." Not like Bryce won't find out eventually.

I finished making food an we all sat down to eat. After breakfast I decided to to lay out by the pool and get some sun. The guys were filming out on the patio.

Anthony "Holy shit Katie"

I jumped up thinking someone may have been hurt and I just see all of them looking at me.

Me "Whats wrong?"

Griff "Girl you are the only person on this planet that could get this much publicity, yet know one even knows your name."

Oh no the fight. Griff brought his phone over and showed me the video.

Video's Audio

[ We have a big story for you guys today. Tiktok star Tony Lopez caught arguing with a possible girlfriend. Or at this point probably an Ex girlfriend. Here's the clip of what happened yesterday. Who is this mystery girl, and is she just the new big thing coming to social media? Is she Tony's girlfriend? And why cant they film together? Who is using who? Guess we'll have to wait and see if she surfaces again.

*Argument clip*

Me "Where the fuck is this coming from Tony?"

Tony "I just feel like you make things way to difficult for me after all the effort I have put into you."

Me "All the effort you have put into me? Like I am some project or something?"

Tony "I mean see it from my side, videos are how I make money, videos take time, but I've been spending a lot of time on you and I cant even film any of it. In a way you're costing me money but I'm still here with you."

Me "What kind of twisted human are you? Is this how you put value on any of your friendships? Am I not worth that precious little time of yours?"

Tony "I'm starting to think you're not."

Me "Oh fuck you Tony, we're done here. Actually we're done completely. Take me home, actually no that'll take too much of your time, I'll just fucking uber home." ]

We all just stood there for a second. I was actually kind of proud of this one. It's not often you get to watch yourself stand up for yourself.

Anthony "Damn girl. You are the female version of Bryce."

Jaden "And a total bad ass too. Look at you standing up for yourself."

Josh "I dont know how you get yourself into these things Katie. It's like they follow you."

He smirked at me. Jaden put his arm around me.

Jaden "You are the queen of some how hiding your face from the cameras."

Me "No I'm just lucky with that one."

We all laughed. Their reactions made me feel better about the whole thing. At least I didnt cause anymore issues for them.

Me "I kind of feel bad for Tony though. He's going to catch a lot of crap for this."

Bryce "He treats you like a worthless object and you feel bad? Katie don't feel bad for showing your self worth." His words were sharp and he had this serious look on his face "Also don't feel bad bc he deserves it, you should never treat a girl like that. He will spin this around that you were the one using him for money or some shit. His mindless little followers will support him and he'll probably end up coming out on top with this one."

Me "Social media is so fucked up."

Jaden "And so is everyone that does it."

We all laughed because it was kind of true.

Josh "But at least we can be fucked up together."

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