Chapter 12

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I woke up and felt like a train hit me. Bryce wasn't in the bed anymore so I decided to go try and find Griffin's room. I open the next door down and peeked in. I saw Jaden sitting on his bed playing guitar. I stood and stared for a second.

Jaden "You know you can come in right?"

Me "Oh sorry. I just.."

Jaden "Just shut up and come here."

He smiled, okay so I didn't mess up too bad last night because he doesn't hate me. I walked in and sat on the bed next to him.

Jaden "What in the world happened last night? We left you by the pool and next thing I know you're coming downstairs with Tony and you're in his clothes. I guess I kind of jumped to conclusions. I was starting to wonder about you.."

Me "It was honestly nothing. Some dude pulled me into the pool with my clothes on and Tony was there to help. He gave me clothes to change into so I wouldn't have to walk around with a soaked see-through white shirt the rest of the night. Then he brought me down to Bryce. He was actually very sweet. Thats why you shouldn't assume Bub. But what do you mean you were starting to wonder about me?"

Jaden "Oh. Please dont be mad, its just something we deal with a lot as social media stars but I guess I was just worried that you were going to be one of those girls that jumped to whatever guy was available."

He looked at me with this sense of loss in his eyes. I laid my head on his shoulder.

Me "I know what happened between us happened so quickly with me barely even knowing you, but I promise I'm not like that. I haven't been with anyone since you left."

Jaden "Nobody?"

Me "Nope. I mean there was this one guy from work that tried to kiss me after we hung out one night but I stopped it."

I could see his body language change. He was shocked to hear that. Before I could say anything else about it Griffin bounced into the room and laid on the bed. He put his head in my lap and smiled at me.

Griffin "Jeez if I knew there was going to be a cuddle session I wouldn't have come sooner."

I just smiled at him and ran my hands through his hair. Jaden started to play his guitar again and we all stayed there and enjoyed our time together. Griffin looked at his phone and it hit me,

Me "Guys, I think I left my phone at the hype house."

Griffin "Oh not a problem, I'm about to head over there to meet up with Dixie. You can come with." He got up and headed for the door. "We're leaving in a few so get your ass up and ready."

Me "What about you? Are you coming?"

Jaden "I need to stay here and work on some of my songs."

I looked up at him. I wanted to kiss him so bad. I leaned up and got closer.

Jaden "Jess."

And then it hit me. He has a girlfriend now. I sat up at the edge of the bed and got up.

Me "Yeah we need to talk about that later. You could have told me. We're friends remember. No secrets."

I saw his face drop as I walked out of the room. I felt bad leaving on that note but I didn't want to make Griffin wait. I ran back to Bryce's room threw on some sweats and a cami and put my hair up into a messy bun. I looked so hung over but who am I trying to impress.

Griffin and I got into an uber and headed to the hype house. We got to the house and I went looking for Tony. If anyone knew where my phone was it would be him. I couldn't find him anywhere downstairs so I headed back up to the room that we went to last night. I slowly opened the door and there Tony was.

Tony "Oh wow. I was expecting it to be harder to hunt you down. But instead you found me."

Me "Hunt me down?"

Tony "Your stuff. I thought you might want it back." He laughed knowing that I was jumping to conclusions. "I did try to look you up on social media but I was starting to think you were a figment of my imagination. I couldn't find you anywhere"

Me "I like it better that way." I walked the rest of the way into the room and noticed the other bed with another guy there. "Oh sorry I didn't realize someone else was in here."

Tony "Its okay. Its my brother Ondreaz."

Ondreaz "So you're the ghost that Tony has been talking about all morning."

Me "Talking about me ALL morning huh?" I smiled and walked in and sat on a chair in the room. "I promise I am real Im just not part of the social media community. Oh and I brought your clothes back too"

Tony "How did you end up at my party then? Or were you here with Bryce? You guys seemed awfully close last night."

Ondreaz "Yeah but doesn't he have a girlfriend?"

Me "Yeah he does. I did come with him, err well I came with all the sway boys last night. They're like family to me. I flew in yesterday to visit and thats how I ended up here."

Tony "Oh gotcha. Well welcome to the hype house, hopefully this time I won't have to come to your rescue." He winked at me.

Me "Yeah thanks for that. I dont know how I got that drunk that fast but I'm glad you were there."

Tony "Anything for a pretty lady. So why dont you stay here for lunch and well all hang by the pool and have some fun."

Me "Well I'm supposed to be spending time with my boys.."

Ondreaz "Invite them over. We love having them all over."

I pulled out my phone and opened a group chat.

Me to the boys "Lunch and drinks at the hype house. Promise I won't get drunk this time."

Everyone answered that they were coming.

Me to Jaden "Hey Bub, can you grab some shorts for me and bring them."

Jaden to Me "Anything for you princess."

I told Tony and Ondreaz that I would let them get dressed. Just as I went to head downstairs I heard a voice I recognized. It was Jess's voice, she was giggling and flirting with whoever was in that room with her. The door opened and she walked out. She looked right at me and rolled her eyes.

Jess "Don't go sticking your nose where it doesn't belong." And she walked away.

I think Jaden and I will have to have a talk later.

All the boys showed up and we all got ready to head down to the pool. I guess I had to actually put on my bikini this time. I got changed and grabbed Tony's t-shirt from last night I'll give it back to him eventually. It was big enough to substitute for a cover up so I figured it was my best choice. Down to the pool I went.

I saw everyone already in the pool just swimming and hanging out. I took off the shirt and dove into the pool. When I surfaced Tony was right in front of me.

Tony "Ya know I really like the looks of you in my t-shirt but I'm also thinking I like seeing it on the ground too."

I felt his hand on my hip underwater. I decided to splash his and swim away. That wasn't a good idea next thing I know he's picking me up out of the water and threw me under. I came up and saw Bryce, Jaden, Josh and Griffin watching me. I splashed them too. All of the sudden we're all wrestling around in the pool just having a great time.

Nessa "Hey you crazy kids I brought some mimosas."

Me "Now its a party.."

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