Chapter 5

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Katie's POV

I walked up to Griffin and put my arm around his waste. I looked up at him and smiled.

Me "Good morning"

Griffin put his arm around my shoulders and said

Griffin "I don't know if I'd consider this that good of a morning"

I was so confused about what was happening. Josh turned his computer around and showed me.

Josh "Here look at this," It was a video..

Video's Audio:

[  Stranger "See you are a little whore for these boys. Why else would they protect you like this.

Bryce "Fuck you. You don't know what the fuck you are talking about!" 

Me "Bryce calm down. Look at me, I'm fine, PLEASE just calm down."

Bryce "No I'm going to fuck this dude up."

Me "Bryce please Im begging you just stop, he's not worth it... BRYCE FUCKING HALL GODDAMN IT LOOK AT ME!"     ]

And then I saw the kiss. I walked over to the table and sat down. I was speechless. 

Bryce "I warned you that people were recording."

Me "I didn't realize that people would care so much about one stupid kiss."

Josh "When you have millions of people following your life, one kiss is not just one kiss. Especially when it was during a damn fight. I think we need to get ahold of our management team and get this under control.

Anthony "Damn another fight and a new girl. Bryce is going to get some attention this week. Now we just have to figure out if its going to be good or bad."

Josh and Anthony's words were very sharp and almost felt like they were mad at me. I looked down at the table. I felt so bad for the whole situation. It was all my fault. I felt hands on my shoulders, I looked up and saw Jaden. 

Jaden "You didn't know. We'll figure this out don't worry."

Everything got distant for a second. I got lost in my own thoughts. How did I let this weekend get out of hand. Inviting these boys to stay with me was a huge mistake. I felt tears starting to come to my eyes. I was brought back to reality when I heard Bryce arguing with his manager.

Bryce "Dude it was one kiss. Its not a big deal.."

Manager "See Bryce this is where you are wrong. You got into another fight and now you have random girls breaking them up. This is a mess. You are putting your sponsors at risk. No one is going to want this as their image."

Me "Is there anything I can do to fix this?"

Manager "Girl, I don't even know who you are or what type of stunt you think you pulled. I don't want you doing anything, you've caused enough problems already."

Jaden "HEY uncalled for. Katie has been nothing but an amazing host to us this weekend. Or let me rephrase that, an amazing FRIEND. You're lucky she was able to stop Bryce from fucking that dude up. We would be in a much worse position if she wasn't here."

I looked up at Jaden, he is amazing. I can't believe he defended me like that.

Manager "Jaden you're a genius. We can easily play the girlfriend card with this one. Katie what's your social media presence?"

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