Chapter 28

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Bryce's POV

My heart was shattered into little pieces. I hung my head and then noticed something on the ground. It was Katie's bracelet that I gave her. It must have broke off during their struggle together. Now its all I have left...

Tony walked to me from the end of the street.

Tony "There was nothing we could do man."

Bryce "But see there was. We didn't have to come to this party tonight. I could have told her I didn't think it was safe. I'm the one that said she would be fine. I could have prevented this."

I turned and punched the wall. I was so mad at myself.

Josh "It's not your fault. Blaming yourself isn't going to do any good. Katie wouldn't want you too. She also wouldn't want you beating your fists off stuff."

I shook my head and headed back to the house.

Katie's POV

I woke up in the back of a car. I didnt know where I was and then it hit me, Nate. The car felt like it was flying down the road. I sat up and tried to see where we were. I didn't recognize anything. I don't know how long I had been unconscious. My head was throbbing and it hurt to breath. I'm guessing I had at least a few broken ribs. The cuts on my arm were shallow and were covered in dried blood and debris. My voice was hoarse..

Me "Where the fuck are you taking me? Why the fuck do you even want me? You said it yourself I'm worthless, then why go through all this trouble."

Nate "Because youre mine. Plain and simple. And I dont like when my belongings are taken from me."

I knew he was a control freak but I'm starting to see that he is actually clinically insane. I'll never be able to reason with him about anything. So I shut my mouth and waited for us to stop. After like 30 minutes we pulled into a hotel parking lot. He pulled around back and parked. Nate went around the car and pulled out a bag then came a grabbed me.

Nate "Dont do anything stupid to make this harder for yourself."

I walked along with him. I knew that even at 100% Nate would be a challenge for me but my body is in bad shape after earlier. I couldn't risk any more injuries. We got into the room and I saw an elaborate computer set up.

Me "What the fuck is all of this?"

Nate "Oh just a nice little set up for me while I've been waiting to get my hands on you. We're going to pack it all up in the morning and get out of here. Now get on the bed.."

My worst nightmares were coming true. I didnt want him to touch me so resisted. When he came over to be and tried to push me down on the bed I pushed back.

Me "Dont touch me"

He grabbed my faced and turned it to him. He slapped me hard and then pushed up against the wall. I winced in pain.

Nate "I think it's cute that you think you have a choice. You'll come around to it eventually, just like old times. I may just have to get extra rough to get you to listen again. But I dont have the energy to deal with this right now."

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the bathroom where he handcuffed me to the bathroom towel rack.

Nate "You can sleep in here tonight since you dont want to listen."

He turned the lights off and shut the door. I sat there on the floor in the pitch black. Tears started to stream down my face. I felt the darkness seep in, and then terror. I had no idea if I'd ever get out of this. I sobbed to myself..

Me "I just want to go home."

After sitting there for what felt like hours I heard a loud bang and a lot of yelling. I was terrified of what was going on. All I could do was cower in the corner and pray. The bathroom door started to open and the lights turned on...

Jaden's POV

We were all terrified with what just happened, but Bryce was falling apart. Tony, Josh and I walked with him back up to the house. We all felt like failures, we really let Katie down. When we got back up to the house the girls looked even worse than us. I looked over and saw Mads sitting by herself. I walked over to her.

Jaden "Mads.."

Mads "Dont.. I just need space."

I didnt know what else to do. I just sat there next to her. None of us wanted to talk about it. Bryce was a mess, pacing around the house, yelling at security, crying. You could physically see his moods changing because he didnt know how to process this whole situation. None of us knew how to.

It had been what felt like hours and we were all fading, but we refused to go anywhere incase they were still in the area. Tony and the others from the hype house got us blankets and pillows to make us more comfortable. Mads had finally calmed down and laid down with her head in my lap. I dozed off for a few minutes till a wave of terror came over me. I cant even explain what it was, but it just felt like darkness. I lightly woke up Mads so that I could get up. I needed to get some air.

Mads followed me outside and we sat on the front steps. She leaned her head on my shoulder.

Mads "You really love her dont you."

Jaden "I do, but not like youre thinking. See what you didnt get to hear was that Katie and I share this connection. We have since we met each other. We cant explain it but we just have this deep sense of each other. It's like our souls had been looking for each other. But our connection was not meant to be an intimate one. After we figured that out our friendship became concrete. She's my best friend and I cant lose her."

Mads "I-I didnt know... had I known... "

She started to cry again.

Jaden "Dont you dare blame this on yourself. It's our fault for keeping you in the dark. Katie has some bad things that happened in her past and its just all catching up to her now. No one deserves what is happening to her right now but its also no ones fault but his."

I could see the hurt in her eyes. I dont think anything I could have said would have made her blame herself less. I just rested my head down on hers and tried relax. You could see the sun on the verge of coming up. It made think of Katie and just how much she loves sunrises.

I heard the driveway gate open and one of the agents cars drove up to the house. My heart raced to hear any type of update. Please god let them have found her.

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