Chapter 27

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Author's note- With every POV change time may have rewound a bit to give you a second look into what happened during each situation. Sorry again if it gets confusing, but this is how it played out in my head. Enjoy...

I headed to the back of the yard towards the fence. There were no lights out this way so it was hard to see anything. I made my way to the back gate and saw her.

She had terror in her eyes and tears down her cheeks, and then I saw him. Nate had finally found me and now because of me one of my friends was in danger too.

Nate "Hello my love, fancy finding you here"

Me "Nate let her go. She has no part in this at all."

My heart was racing. I couldn't let anything happen to Mads. I took a step towards them and I saw Nate tense up his arm that was around her neck making it harder to her to breathe. I could hear her sobbing and it was breaking my heart.

Nate "Well we are in a little predicament here aren't we?"

Me "I'll do whatever you want just let her go."

Nate "How do I know you won't run or scream for help?"

Me "Because you know I can't let someone get hurt because of me. You know I would never take that risk."

Nate "You always were too nice for your own good."

I saw his grip loosen up of Mads and she came running to my arms. I wiped her tears away.

Me "I'll be fine I promise. Just tell Tony that I'm leaving and I'm going to miss our morning run tomorrow."

She looked at me with confusion written all over her face.

Mads "What about Bry..."

Me "Just tell Tony okay..."

I felt Nate grab the back of my head and drag me towards the gate. I could here Mads sobbing behind us as Nate told her to stay put till we were gone. The only advantage I had was that I knew this area better than he did. We went out the gate and turned down towards the street. I knew I needed to slow us down so the boys and security would have a better chance of catching up.

Me "Where are you taking me?"

Nate "don't fucking worry about it. Just shut up and walk."

I was tripping all over the sidewalk because of my heals so I used that to my advantage. I stepped wrong and my leg folded underneath me dragging Nate down with me.

Nate "Goddamn it woman. Get up and walk."

Me "You try walking in these things."

I could tell he was annoyed. He let go of my hair and leaned down to rip off my shoes. I took my chance and kneed him in the face and ran back towards the house. After a few feet I felt him grab the back of my dress and ripped me back throwing me to the ground. I felt my head slam into the concrete and my skin being cut up my the gravel. I laid there trying to get my bearings back. My head was throbbing.

Nate walked to me and stood over me. He swiftly kicked me in the side. I closed my eyes. I thought about Bryce and all the other boys that had done so much for me. I thought about how I havent told Bryce that I love him yet. I wasn't ready to give all of that up.

Nate "You have more fight in you than you used to but I don't have time for this fun little game."

Me "Yeah well you used hit a lot harder too. What happened Nate? You soften up a bit?"

I knew he couldn't control his anger so I was just trying to get him to waste some more time.

Me "I dont know why I was ever afraid of you. You hide behind computers and beat women, you're nothing but a little coward."

He kicked me again and pulled me off the ground. He shoved me against the wall and pushed his forearm to my throat. It was getting harder and harder to breathe.

Nate "You think I'm a coward? I'm not afraid to kill you right here. Youre a worthless little whore that deserves every ounce of pain that I can inflict."

Thats when everything started to get blurry. I wanted to fight back, I wanted to fight to get back to my family but there was no winning this battle. And then everything went black.

Bryce's POV

Katie went running after Mads and we all figured we would just give them some time to talk. I walked over to Tony who had just sent Jess home,

Bryce "Are we cool now?"

Tony "Yeah, I know I was a dick. I'm sorry, I just think its best to try to move past it all."

Bryce "Agreed, but if you could please apologize to Katie too. She'll appreciate it."

Tony "sure.."

Just then Mads came running through the door crying and trying to get words out. Jaden ran over to her and wrapped his arms around her. She pushed him away..

Mads "Ka-kat-katie..." She was a mess and couldnt pull herself together.

Josh "Mads take a breath, what are you trying to say?"

Bryce "Where is Katie??"

I was starting to freak out.

Mads "Some dude grabbed her..."

Bryce "What do you mean grabbed her, where are they?"

Mads "I dont know, he took her out the back gate."

Panic mode set in. Where the fuck was our security and how the hell did they miss an entrance to the house. I was so mad but I was more terrified. I promised Katie everything was going to be okay. I told her we were going to be safe here tonight. This was my fault.

Tony "They could have went a few ways, do you have any idea where they went?"

Mads "I-I-I dont know, she just told me to tell you she was going to miss your morning run. I dont know what that means."

Bryce "Why the fuck would she talk about running with.."

Tony "I know which way they went! Ondreaz go get security and tell them to head towards the back private street. Bryce follow me."

We all ran out the back and down to the rear gate. I followed Tony down the street and saw her. She looked lifeless in his arms, I could see blood covering her arms. I sprinted down the street but we were too late. He was already putting her into a car and pulled out.

My heart was shattered into little pieces. I hung my head and then noticed something on the ground. It was Katie's bracelet that I gave her. It must have broke off during their struggle together. Now its all I have left...

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