Chapter 19

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My door opened and I saw Tony walk in with flowers in his hands.

Tony "Woah what's that about?"

Me "Oh sorry I didn't know it was you. Bryce kind of pissed me off today so we're not really speaking at the moment."

Tony "Wait Mr. come to your rescue all the time pissed you off? Damn must have been something bad."

Me "Yeah it was just rude and uncalled for but I don't want to talk about it."

I started to throw some make up on. My bruise was now very obvious so I wanted to cover it up. Tony walked over and turned my face to him. He kissed me gently and then went and sat on my bed. I knew going out with Tony in public could be a recipe for a disaster, so I wore a hoodie and a cute little snapback hat to try to at least hide my face. We headed down stairs. The guys were sitting on the couch filming.

Me "Griff I'm going to lunch. Call me if you guys need anything."

We sat down at a restaurant and had a nice lunch and just had some small talk. We decided to go for a walk after.

Tony "So about last night.."

Me "Yeah about that, I'm sorry for the way I reacted. "

Tony "Yeah you definitely overreacted.."

Me "Hold on. I never said I overreacted. I think I reacted the way any girl that has went through what I went through would have."

Tony "I dont know, I have been nothing but understanding and patient with everything. I even put up with the way you are with those guys, even after you told me you have history with them and you still flipped on me."

Me "Where the fuck is this coming from Tony?"

Tony "I just feel like you make things way to difficult for me after all the effort I have put into you."

There it is was again, he said that last night. "You're not worth the effort." I heard it over and over again. I may not have been able to stick up for myself last night but today was a new day.

Me "All the effort you have put into me? Like I am some project or something?"

Tony "I mean see it from my side, videos are how I make money, videos take time, but I've been spending a lot of time on you and I cant even film any of it. In a way you're costing me money but I'm still here with you."

Me "What kind of twisted human are you? Is this how you put value on any of your friendships? Am I not worth that precious little time of yours?"

Tony "I'm starting to think you're not."

Me "Oh fuck you Tony, we're done here. Actually we're done completely. Take me home, actually no that'll take too much of your time, I'll just fucking uber home."

I walked away furious. I didnt mean to make such a scene but it all just happened. My adrenaline was pumping because I finally stood up for myself. As I got little ways down the street I notice a lot of cameras. Fuckk I had just made a scene in LA, the land where everything gets recorded. I called an uber quick and got back to the house as soon as I could. Once I got back to the house I needed to tell someone...

Me "Joshhh... I need you, I might have an itty bitty situation on my hands."

Bryce "Whats wrong? Is everything okay?"

Me "Still not talking to you... Josh seriously though I need to talk to you in private."

Bryce "Real mature Katie..."

I stuck my middle finger up at him. I was still on an adrenaline rush from the fight with Tony and still really hurt by what Bryce said to me this morning so there was no way I was giving in and letting him off the hook. Josh and I got to the other room.

Josh "What is going on?"

Me "Well I may have just got in a fight with Tony publicly and I'm pretty sure some people caught it on camera."

Josh "Fuck Katie, its like you and Bryce are the goddamn same person."

I rolled my eyes at him. I hated the fact that he was kind of right though.

Josh "Okay well lets not freak out, First off there is no way anyone remotely knows who you are let alone could recognize you thanks to you actually being smart and going out low key covered up. What was the fight about?"

Me "Well Tony being the dick that he apparently is said some pretty disrespectful things to me and well I stood up for myself. It kind of made him look like a self entitled little bitch to be honest."

Josh "Ohh.. ohhhh" he started to laugh "we have nothing to worry about here. Tony does, but we dont. You are an unknown nobody, no offense, that was spotted with Tony. He's going to have to try to spin it in his favor but there's nothing he could remotely say bad about you. If he does it just makes him look worse."

Me "And what if he just flat out tells them I'm with the sway house?"

Josh "He won't. That makes him look even worse. It would make him look like a terrible friend."

Me "So what you're saying is that I didnt fuck up?"

Josh "As far as I can tell I think you are fine."

Me "Oh thank god. but please dont tell Bryce. I'm not ready for the 'I told you so' talk."

Josh "I promise I won't tell him but you know it won't be long till its out there for him to see."

Me "Yeah I know. I just need little bit more time."

Josh and I finished our little meeting and went back out to face everyone. Josh was bombarded with questions but just like he promised he didnt say a word. I scurried upstairs and hid in my room. I really just needed time away from everyone.

A few hours went by and I heard music going and I could hear all of them getting rowdy. I threw on my headphone and just watched Netflix. I lost track of time after about the 6th episode of the office and when I looked at the clock it said 1am. I got up and started getting ready for bed.

There was a pounding at my door. I opened the door and there stood Bryce. He took a step forward and kissed me hard. I tasted whiskey on him. I pulled away from his kiss,

Me "Bryce you're drunk..." I looked down at his hands "And you're fucking bleeding."

I pulled him into my room and took him into the bathroom. I grabbed my trauma bag and got what I needed. I cleaned out his and and took a couple pieces of glass out of it then wrapped it up. I had never seen Bryce this drunk before.

Me "What in the world did you do?"

Bryce "Tony's a dick, he doesn't deserve you."

Great here we go with a drunkin rant about Tony.

Me "I know he doesn't. But lets not talk about this right now. Lets get you to bed."

Bryce "I want to stay with you."

I wasn't going to argue with him. Drunk arguments get you nowhere. I helped him out of his bloody clothes, down to his boxers and then over to my bed. I sat with my back up against the headboard and he laid his head into my lap. He started to drift off to sleep and I heard him mumble..

Bryce "I love you Katie."

He was out cold. I should be pissed and annoyed after everything today but instead I just shook my head and smiled.

Me "Yeah yeah I love your drunk ass too."

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