Chapter 9

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It been a few days and I'm slowly adjusting to the life out here. I sit in my sunroom every morning looking over the mountain edge. It really is breath taking. The boys are back to their busy lives out in LA. It's weird to not knowing when I will even see them again. My phone lights up,

Bryce to Me "Good morning beautiful. I finished the final edits of the video today. Check your email and let me know what you think. Hoping to post it tonight. All my fans are going nuts waiting for it lol."

Me to Bryce "I'll check it out now."

I opened my email and clicked the link to the video.

Title- Meet my Girlfriend

It was a sit down video of Bryce just talking to the camera. He has this unique way of making you feel like he's actually sitting there talking to you. He also included the part of the video of us kissing at the party. That clip itself has went viral for the past week or so. I finally got to the part about the story behind us.

Video Audio

[ Bryce "I was at an event and ran into this girl. I thought she was just the most gorgeous girl I had ever seen. I went up to her and introduced myself. Not going to lie guys it took me back when she didn't know who I was. I mean we were at a social media event, but turns out she was there by coincidence. She is absolutely disconnected from the social media world, and I kind of love that about her. When we are together there is no filming, theres no pressure to make content, its just real. Anyways so after a few months I finally convinced her to come to a meet and greet with us. Although she stayed behind the scenes you guys did capture a picture or two of us leaving the event and then of course the incident happened at the party. Let me guys explain that to you too. Guys, its never okay to fight, but in this case a guy was harassing her and thats why I got so mad. But also as you can see in the video she has this effect on me that brings me back to earth. She keeps me grounded but also has this way of making me feel so alive. Maybe in the future I'll bring her on camera but for now please everyone dont try to locate her or figure out who she is. She has a career outside of social media and the last thing I ever want to do is jeopardize that for her. Well thats all I have to say about that, I love you all and will see you next video. Peace.."]

Me to Bryce "That looks good to me. It sounds so sincere and perfect. I definitely say post it."

Bryce to Me "Sounds good. I'll get it going. Thanks for everything hun. You're really helping me out on this one."

I decided to call Griffin.

Griffin "Hey girl, whats up?"

Unknown "Griffin who are you talking to."

Me "Wait is someone there with you?" I laughed. I'm pretty sure its the girl he's been talking to.

Griffin "Hold on Katie, I'm going to put you on FaceTime"

I could see a really pretty girl sitting next to him at the pool.

Griffin "Dixie this is Katie, she's a good friend of ours."

Dixie "Oh hey, sorry I'm not used to Griffin getting calls from other girls, it just kinda surprised me."

Me "Its ok. So Griff whats new?"

Griffin "Not really all that much, all the girls are here for the day, other than you of course."

Griffin panned the phone over the pool and I could see Josh, Anthony and Jaden all standing in the shallow end of the pool and three girls sitting at the edge.

Griffin "This is Nessa, Avani, and Jess. Nessa is Josh's girl, Avani is Anthony's and Jess is one of their friends."

I waved at them and they all waved back. I got a weird feeling in my stomach as I saw the last girl. Her and Jaden were the only single ones there. Uhh I hate being jealous, especially over someone that I know I cant have.

Me "Well Griff I'll let you go, but you need to come out soon and see me. You and Anthony are the only ones that haven't come out here to Colorado yet."

Griffin "I'll make a trip soon. But well talk to you later."

After we hung up the phone and opened youtube. I saw Bryce's video and it was trending. Everyone wanted to know who I was. I saw a lot of comments of people guessing, but luckily none of them were even remotely close. There was some hate, mostly on me though not Bryce. A lot of the hate comments were saying that I was dating him for money or fame, which is the most bizarre thing to me considering the circumstances.

I started work tomorrow but I'm really not nervous. When you bounce from hospital to hospital like I do the nerves just kind of go away. The day went by slow. I pretty much did nothing. I didn't talk to anyone the rest of the night.

The next morning I woke up and got ready for work. My phone lit up and I saw a text from Jaden.

Jaden to Me "Good luck today. I know you'll do just fine. And just remember you look better in scrubs then Griff does ;)"

Me to Jaden "Thanks bub. I know my ass looks better than Griffins. It's not even a competition."

It was a good way to start my day. It's time to get back to my normal boring life so I went off to work.

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