Chapter 8

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It was a long day in the car until we finally got out to my new place Colorado. It was a cute little house down a private drive. When we pulled up to the house we saw Josh and Bryce sitting on the porch. I got out of the car and went to go greet them.

Bryce "Hello beautiful," he wrapped me in his arms and held me for a few seconds. "I'm glad you made it safely."

I turned and hugged Josh.

Me "I cant believe you guys came the whole way out here to see me."

Josh "It's no big deal. I also brought some security cameras to put around your house. Gotta keep you safe."

I cant believe the lengths these boys are going through for me. We got all of my stuff into the house and they boys helped me get settled in. The house was a fully furnished little two bedroom place with a back sunroom overlooking a mountain's edge. It was dark at the moment but I couldn't wait to see how pretty it was in the daylight.

Jaden was being distant from me but I think it was because of Bryce. Bryce and I were sitting on the couch together coming up with a list of ideas for this whole relationship thing. He pulled out a bracelet that had a diamond B on it.

Me "Oh my god its gorgeous. You didn't have to do this Bryce. Its too much!"

Bryce "Look I know this whole thing is fake but you still mean a lot to me and I want you to always remember that."

I hugged him and gently kissed him on the lips.

Me "You're going to make some girl really happy one day."

We continued on with some ideas about ways to keep this who thing going. It was late and before I knew it I was nodding off. The next thing I remember is waking up on the couch with Bryce. We must have fallen asleep together on the couch.

Me "Shit...Jaden"

I got up and ran into the bedroom. Jaden wasn't in there. Where could he be? I went outside and saw him and Josh installing all the cameras. Damn that meant he saw Bryce and I on the couch when he got up. I just hope he will understand that sleeping there was an accident.

I walked up to him and grabbed his hand. I pulled him away from what he was doing. I got on my tiptoes, grabbed his face and kissed him. He didn't kiss me back, instead he pulled away.

Jaden "Just stop. Look I don't know if I can do this. I know the whole thing with Bryce is fake but I cant help but feel like there is something real there." He ran his hands through his hair and looked off into the distance. I had to do something.

Me "It only looks real because I do really care about him, but not in the same way I care about you. I don't look at Bryce the way I do at you."

Jaden "But you do. I see glimpses of it all the time. I just think we should take it easy for now. I don't do well with the whole jealousy thing and the whole thing with Bryce is just going to drive me insane. I think we should just leave things as friends for now."

I felt tears in my eyes. I dont look at Bryce like that. I just dont know how to make him believe me. I couldn't believe he was going to walk away from what we have. He wiped the tears from my cheek.

Jaden "I will still be here for you and be your best friend. But I also think we should just focus on building that friendship. Then maybe in the future there could be a chance for us."

I nodded my head, but couldn't respond. I knew the moment I would try to speak I was going to start crying. I walked back into the house leaving him outside with Josh.

Bryce "Is everything ok?"

Me "No but it will be. I just need to distract myself. Lets go explore."

Bryce "Im down. Let me just get changed quick."

We both got clothes on to go hiking. We got outside and told the boys where we were going. Josh was busy trying to set up everything and Jaden barely acknowledge us. So we went out and started down a trail. We got a little ways down the trail and I felt Bryce stop.

Bryce "Hold on I have an idea."

He grabbed my hand and told me to start walking down the trail. I heard his phone snap a picture. I stopped and asked to see it. I don't know how these boys manage to capture such beautiful pictures. The picture was of our hands linked together. You could clearly see the B on my bracelet. The focus was on our hands so the background was out of focus and the sunlight was hitting me that you could only see the outline of my body.

Me "Bryce thats beautiful. How do you know how to take such great pictures?"

Bryce "We all kind of have to know how to. Social media is all about capturing the best moments so you learn quick how to do it to be successful."

I smiled at him. I could see it now, why Jaden was so upset. Being around Bryce was easy and comforting. He has this edgy image on the internet but he's actually this gentle soul that is so charismatic. We hiked a little further and decided to head back. It had been a few hours since we left.

When we got back to the house the guys were in the house eating.

Josh "We went and got food. We brought some back for you."

Me "Thanks but I'm not hungry." I grabbed a water and went to my room.

Josh walked in my room and sat down on my bed.

Josh "You guys know you're really bad at hiding whats going on right? Look Jaden just needs space. He a very emotional guy. We all are actually, but this is a fucked up situation. Its not your fault but its also not his. Sometimes it just comes down to it being the right person at the wrong time. Just know that we're all here for you. Jaden isn't one to walk away from some one he cares about, even in awkward situations like this."

Me "I know I just cant help but feel like this is how its always going to be. Nothing ever works in my favor. I'll be okay."

He put his arm around me,

Josh "If life never works in your favor then why did our paths cross?" he nudged me and I cracked a smile.

Me "I guess you have a point there."

The rest of the night was very low key. Josh showed me how to look at all the cameras on my phone, he also made it that they all could see them from their phones. It was nice to have their protection. The boys had to head back to LA in the morning so we didn't stay up very late. I crawled into bed. It was probably for the best that I spent some time alone. I opened my phone and saw Bryce's post. It was the picture from today with the caption..

"I'd follow you anywhere"

Bryce woke me up because it was soon time for them to leave. He sat down on my bed.

Bryce "Go talk to Jaden before we leave. I think you really need to."

So I did just that. I went out and found Jaden. I sat down next to him.

Me "You don't have to talk, I just need you to listen. I need you in my life. I don't care how bad things get if I don't have you then its like theres no point anymore. I am not asking you to open that door again, I am just asking that you don't disappear on me."

He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead.

Jaden "I couldn't walk away from you if I tried. I will always be drawn to you and thats why I cant just disappear on you."

We sat there silent. There were no more words that needed to be said. I just wasn't ready to let him go. Josh yelled from the house that their uber was here. 

Me "I guess this is goodbye.."

Jaden "Its never a goodbye, its a see you soon."

He let go of me and walked away. I waved to them as they drove away and I couldn't help but feel like my heart had just drove away with them.

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