Chapter 3

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After a quick Uber ride back to my place we hurry inside to get somethings set up for this impromptu party.

Me "Bryce when did you even have time to set all of this up?"

Bryce "Oh before we even left your house. You just can't  say no if I don't ever ask. So I didn't." Bryce gave me the biggest puppy dog eyes and pulled me into a hug. "You know you can't be mad at me."

Me "Uhhg I'm not mad. I just need another drink"

Soon people started showing up and we had some games going and some music playing. It wasn't a huge party, only like 25 people or so. Some of them were people I recognized like Tayler Holder and a lot of others that I didn't. Many of those people asking who the hell I was and how the boys knew me. I spent a lot of time around Josh, Anthony and Griffin. We were just drinking and having a good time. We even got some dancing in. Griffin was spinning me around and next thing I know I'm on Josh's back singing to the music. Josh put me down and him and Anthony both decided they wanted to go chill and call their girls, so we all hugged and I thanked them for a great night. This left Griff and I together just having a blast.

Griffin "Hey hun do you need another drink?"

Me "Its like you read my mind"

Griffin headed off to get us some more drinks and I stayed behind and was just dancing, until I felt someone grab me from behind. It definitely wasn't a familiar touch and they were rough with it. They pulled me back into them and I pushed their hands away. I turned around to see a face I didn't recognize. As nice as I could, I told him I wasn't interested and to please leave me alone. He didn't take very kindly to this.

Stranger "Oh I'm sorry are you only a whore for the Sway boys? Come on I could be just as fun as them."

Now I know I was pretty drunk but I was able to pull myself together and answer back.

Me "I'm not a whore at all and you can get the fuck out of my house."

The dude grabbed my wrists and pulled me back to him. By this time we had drawn enough attention to ourselves that people started to gather. Griffin came back from getting our drinks and noticed his hands holding my wrists. He tried to get in between us and the guy let go of me and shoved Griffin backwards. Before I could even blink I saw Bryce pissed off and in this guys face. I was afraid that he was going to hit him, so I got between them and pushed Bryce as hard as I could away from the incident. I glanced and saw Jaden and Griffin trying to talk the guy down but he just kept at it.

Stranger "See you are a little whore for these boys. Why else would they protect you like this."

Bryce "Fuck you. You don't know what the fuck you are talking about!"

Me "Bryce calm down. Look at me, I'm fine, PLEASE just calm down."

Bryce "No I'm going to fuck this dude up."

Bryce was trying his hardest to get around me but I kept grabbing on to him and throwing my arms around him.

Me "Bryce please Im begging you just stop, he's not worth it" But I couldn't get through to him. I mean I had no other choice. I yelled "BRYCE FUCKING HALL GODDAMN IT LOOK AT ME!"

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