Chapter 6

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Over the next few days I watched Bryce's fans go nuts. The plan was working. Nobody was talking about the fight, all everyone wanted to know was who I was. There were even some pictures of Bryce pulling me through the crowd at the meet and greet. I had completely forgotten about that. Luckily there were so many people in the crowd that no one got a clear shot of my face. So it all just kinda confirmed our entire story. I decided to go through all my social medias and private everything and limit who I followed. I unfollowed all the boys. I didn't want anyone to make any connections.

I hadn't heard from them much. They all had super busy schedules so they would text me when they could. Griffin usually checks on me everyday, we've gotten super close. He tells me about all the "hot gossip" with everyone. His latest topic that he has been stuck on is this new girl. Apparently she's an influencer too so he's taking it slow. I guess I never thought about how hard it would be to date a social media star. Its hard enough to trust people that don't have millions of people after them, let alone someone that does.

Jaden has been in the studio most of the week. He sent me a clip of the song he is working on. His voice makes me melt. I could listen to that boy sing all day.

And I get the cliche boyfriend texts from Bryce. He's trying to make the best out of a bad situation and I appreciate it. I saw him tweet that he was going to be making a youtube video soon explaining everything. It makes me a little nervous to have this whole thing plastered out there for everyone to see but I guess we have to do what we have to do. Bryce and I talked about how it wasn't the safest idea for me to stay in my house anymore. We weren't sure who was all at that party so our best bet was for me to move on to my next assignment. Its cute how protective Bryce is. He doesn't get enough credit for how thoughtful he really is. My work sent me my options of where I could go. I chose Colorado.

I tried to call Jaden to update him on everything. I don't like that he's been a bit distant but I had to at least try to reach out to him. I got his voicemail,

Me " Hey bub, I'm just calling to check in. Haven't heard from you in a minute. I'm moving to Colorado this coming weekend, just thought you might want to know. I guess just call me back when you get this. I miss you.."

I hung up the phone. I missed him more than I should have. Its Wednesday, I just have to get through my last shift tonight and then I leave on Saturday. So I got ready and headed to work. I checked my phone periodically looking for maybe a text or something back from Jaden but there was nothing. After a long 12 hours I finally went home to crash. My phone started to ring. I quickly grabbed it and it was a FaceTime from Bryce.

Bryce "Hey beautiful, I just wanted to quickly check in. You ready for the move?"

Me "Hey boo, yeah I'm ready. I move every few months with this job so this is like nothing for me."

Bryce "I always forget that you move around so much. You should come out to LA next. You could stay with us."

Me "You're so sweet for the offer but thats a terrible idea. The last thing I need is to move to an area that is covered with those cameras. It would be too easy for my face to get out there."

Bryce "I know but the option is always there, you're always welcome here. You should come visit soon. But hey I gotta go. I'll text you tomorrow!"

And just like that he disappeared from my screen. I decided that sleep is what I needed. I opened my phone one last time to check for anything from Jaden, but nothing. I went onto his twitter and saw his last tweet,

15 mins ago  @JadenHossler "I wanna be where you are"

So maybe he's ignoring me, great. Damn this hurt. My heart sank as I crawled into my bed. I drifted off to sleep. When morning came I woke up and checked my phone. I had a few texts...

Josh "Heard you are moving to Colorado. Its definitely not LA but at least its closer than Pennsylvania. Hope you're doing ok! We miss you."

Bryce "Good morning beautiful. Was hoping maybe we could fake a few texts for me to screenshot. Let me know"

But nothing from Jaden. I decided to answer the boys,

Me to Josh "Colorado should be amazing, you guys will definitely have to come out and do some hiking with me. Miss you boys too."

Me to Griffin "Hey dude, haven't heard from you in like 12 hours. Where have you been lol But forreal whats going on with Jaden? I think he's ignoring me."

Griffin to Me "Sorry Ive been with the girl. Jaden left yesterday and never came home. He was in a mood. Sorry I don't know anything else. Luv ya and miss ya!"

My heart sank. He never came home. I just hope he's ok.

Me to Bryce "Hey babe.. I miss you to pieces. Cant wait to see you again <3 "

Bryce to Me "I miss you too beautiful. Cant wait to hold you in my arms! <3"

Fake texting Bryce was fun. He really can lay on the charm when he wants to. I opened twitter and saw the screen shot of our little text exchanged.

2 mins ago @BryceHall "Missing her a little extra this morning. Explanation video coming next week."

I watched the replies pour in. So many people were happy for Bryce and loved seeing his new image but then there was a lot of hate too. The typical fangirl responses hating on me. The internet is a very strange place.

I wasn't in the mood to pack but I knew I had to. I turned on some music and started jamming out and getting all my stuff organized. There was a knock at my door. I wasn't expecting anyone to stop by, Vegas was going nuts barking at the door. I held him back and cracked the door open to see who it was.

Jaden "Hey babe.."

I couldn't believe my eyes. Jaden had came back to Pennsylvania. But why? As my thoughts were all jumbled I remembered just how hurt I was with him ignoring me. I slapped him.

Jaden "I deserved that"

Me "Yeah you did. What the fuck Jaden?! I thought you were ignoring me. I thought I did something wrong."

He didn't say a word. He stepped in the house and closed the door. Before I knew it he grabbed the back of my head and started to kiss me. He kissed so passionately. Jaden picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waste. He carried me into the bedroom and threw me down onto the bed. He took off his shirt and then mine and pinned me down holding my hands over my head. He stopped and looked at me,

Jaden "Damn I've missed you."

I laughed and rolled my eyes at him,

Me "Its only been 3 days"

Jaden "Did you just roll your eyes at me? You know how I feel about that."

Me "I did, and what are you going to do about it?"

I saw that sexy little smirk appear on his face. He flipped me over and pulled me to the edge of the bed. He removed the rest of my clothes. At this point my feet were on the ground and I was bent over the bed. I felt Jaden's hand rub over my ass. He smack down hard. I let out a yelp. I felt him slide his hand up my back to my hair. He gripped my hair and pulled forcing me arch my back and just like that he slid into me. He started off gently and then got harder. I couldn't help myself but to call out him name,

Me "Ohh Jaden.."

This triggered him to start going even faster. I could hear his breathing start to get heavier. He pulled out and pulled me off the bed. He laid down and pulled me on top of him. I started riding him. His hands were all over my body and we were both near the edge. I felt his hands on my hips and he pushed down hard one last time. I felt an overwhelming sense of euphoria. I collapsed into his arms and nuzzled my head into his chest. As we laid there together I couldn't help but feel complete when he was around. He had this effect on me that I couldn't even begin to explain. But the only thing I could manage to say was..

Me "So much for getting my packing done today..."

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