Chapter 1: A Call From the Unknown

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The young heir of Berk had just turned four. At this hour he was off exploring in the forest; something he had been doing since he learned to walk. He enjoyed it there. The air was calm and quiet and his awful older cousin, Snotlout, wasn't there to bother him either. He was happy. He would usually follow his regular path to Raven's Point before turning around and following the same path back.

Today was slightly different though.

He had experienced a particularly rough day with Snotlout and the Thorston twins, Snotlout's usual sidekicks. Following those events he decided to stay out longer than usual, not too much longer but longer nonetheless.

It started to get dark as the last of the sun's light was glowing in the trees. He decided to begin following his trail back before his father began to worry.

He started making pace back when all of a sudden he heard this voice.

It was almost like it was calling his name but still not quite.

It was more of a force pulling him into the unknown. Hiccup didn't know what it was that was calling him but, curiously, he listened.

Out of nowhere black wings sprouted from his back, along with a tail and the base of his spine. Ear plates parted through his hair from his head, and spines shot out of his back and his eyes turned to slits. He had become a Night Fury. Well, more accurately a human, Night Fury Hybrid.

Along with the new body parts came the sudden desire to kill.

He had much sharper senses and could smell his prey. A deer. Using the cover of the fading light he went where his mind told him to go.

He made no sound.

When he caught sight of the animal he laid completely still, chest almost touching the ground. When the creature put its head back down to chew on the soft grass he pounced. Using his newly sharpened teeth he bit right into its neck.

He froze as he backed off and his draconic parts receded. He stared down at the deceased animal.

"What have I done?" he muttered to himself.

That was all he could say before he started running. Running back toward the village, back home.

He hoped, prayed, he was dreaming. But he knew he wasn't. The metallic taste of blood still lingered in his mouth.

He had never killed anything before. He was not a violent person.

Seeing the effects of this new side of himself he swore to always fight this feeling, this voice. He saw what could happen if he gave in. Someone he loved could end up hurt.

He never wanted to take that risk.



For those that are unaware this story is currently going through a reorganization process. I don't discourage you to keep reading but just so you are aware of whats going on. The base story and its details will all be the same but I just wanted to go in and clean it up a bit since its two years old and my first ever published work. So it will slowly begin to change. Note: Some of the chapter titles may change as well, but again, it's all going to be the same idea.

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