Please Wake Up

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Astrid POV

I waited for hours. Waiting for something to happen.

 Nothing happened.

 I just wanted him to wake up. Obviously the arrow did more damage than we thought. Fishlegs would come in every hour or so to see if something changed. But nothing changed. Heather would periodically come in to comfort me. Seeing him like this is awful. 

The only sign he was alive was that he was breathing. That's it. No movement. Just breathing. As each hour passed I became more and more worried. Fishlegs said if he doesn't wake in the morning then he'll send a letter to Berk. Please wake up soon I thought to myself. All of a sudden Heather came in.

 " Hey Astrid" she said. " Hey Heather." I replied not taking my eyes off Hiccup.

 " I made dinner. How about you come join us. You've been in here since we got back." She suggested. I thought about it. I didn't want to leave him but I knew he would probably be the same when I came back. " I guess. I am a little hungry." Heather and I walked out and towards the clubhouse. I am worried that in the event that he does wake up, he would be all by himself. I walked in, got my food and sat down. Everyone was already there, eating. 

We were all silent. Normally we'd be talking about things like dragons and Berk. But not tonight. Tonight it was silent. No one dared to break that silence. It was awkward. Finally Fishlegs spoke up. "Has anything changed..., with Hiccup" he asked me. I shook my head no and he put his head back down. We all just wanted him to wake up. But he wasn't. " Fishlegs I almost forgot. Something else happened on our patrol." I said. He lifted his head and looked at me. " I saw the arrow heading towards Hiccup. When it hit him he didn't even flinch. Then he just started going limp and fell. I didn't know what was happening." I explained. 

" Hmm... that is strange. I would expect him to at least jerk a little from the pain. But there was no movement at all?" I shook my head. He kept thinking. Then Heather spoke up. " You said that arrow only had Dragon Root on it right." Fishlegs nodded. " Maybe it did take an affect. The effect dragon root has on our dragons it pretty much what's happening to Hiccup, just with a few changes." We all thought about that. "But dragon root doesn't have an effect on humans so why would it have an effect on him." Questioned Fishlegs.

 "Well we know the cure for dragon root and there's nothing toxic to humans in it so maybe it's worth a try." I said. I was hoping this would work even though it made no sense. Fishlegs immediately got to working on a batch of the cure and I headed back to Hiccups hut. When I got it there. I looked at him.

  Still the same, I thought. 

Toothless was on the floor sleeping. He was just as worried as I was maybe even more. Hiccup is toothless's best friend of course he'd be worried. Heather came in and said "The dragon root cure is almost ready only a couple more minutes." I let out a sigh of relief. "I hope this works" I said. Heather nodded in agreement. If this didn't work I don't know what we could do. A couple minute later Fishlegs came in with the cure and we got Hiccup to drink it.

 "Please....". I said quietly. " please wake up"

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