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The sun shone brightly into Taehyung's office as his eyes scanned the paper in front of him. Today was the companies 4th anniversary. There was a party in the evening which Taehyung was supposed to attend.  The door to his office opened, causing him to look up and then back down at the paper almost immediately. "Son. Come on" his father spoke, an annoying tone to his voice. "I'm busy dad" the truth was, Taehyung didn't want to attend the party. He wanted to stay in his office and complete his work. Taehyung didn't want to work extra time the next day.

His father sighs. "Jimin and Yoongi will be there" he reveals. Taehyung's head shoots up, eyeing his father suspiciously. "Their coming?" Excitement fills his veins as Tae stood up from his chair. "I called them so you would go as well. Now, get ready" it's true, his father did love him so much. Tae jumped up and down like a kid in a candy shop, while smiling brightly. "I'll be there in an hour dad. Thank you!" He smiles, grabbing his coat, running out of his office while Taehyung's dad sighs. "What do I do with this kid?"

Taehyung didn't waste any time in getting ready. He threw on an expensive Gucci shirt with black, tight fitting pants. After he was done with his makeup and hair, Taehyung looked stunning. His car arrived just on time as he got in, greeting the driver. Taehyung impatiently played with his fingers while being driven to the venue. He wanted to meet his best friends more than anything. Its been a while since he had met them. Taehyung smiled at the thought of meeting Jimin and Yoongi as he sat back, still sipping on his wine.

Meanwhile With Jungkook

Jungkook was still in his office. He didn't want to go anywhere. He was angry and confused. His girlfriend had broken up with him... because he cheated on her. "But dad! I didn't do anything! She wasn't satisfying me enough!" He protests, yelling at his father. Jungkooks father sighs. "Son. She was your 8th girlfriend, in two weeks. Maybe you should calm down a little" he pats his shoulder. Jungkook whines, not knowing how to distract himself. "Today is the fourth anniversary of Mr Kim's company. I'm going..wanna join?" His father asks. Jungkook smiles, standing up.

"Can I bring Seonghwa and HongJoong hyung's with me?" He cutely questions, showing his father his world famous puppy eyes and bunny smile. Jungkook's father sighs, nodding his head. "Meet me there at eight" he walks out of his sons office. Jungkook quickly calls his hyungs, informing them about the party.

3rd person POV

Taehyung smiled, seeing Yoongi and Jimin standing near the bar. He walks up to them. "Hyungs" he calls out. They both turn their heads, smiling almost immediately at the sight of their younger brother. "Taehyungie" Jimin coos, engulfing the younger in a hug. Yoongi follows his actions. "It's been a long time" Taehyung starts, his smile not disappearing from his pretty face.

The three of them continued speaking about various topics. "So wait... You guys are dating now!?" Taehyung's voice was full of suprise. He didn't expect his two best friends to be in love with eachother. Jimin nods, placing a small kiss on Yoongi's cheek. "Who's the dom here?" Tae smirks. "Me of course" Yoongi shrugs. "Do you really think Jiminie is capable of being a dom?" Yoongi chuckles. Jimin immediately whines, hitting the elders arm. "Hyung!"

It was a typical party for Jungkook. He walked in, his midnight blue suit hugged his body. Jungkook was followed by his two best friends, Seonghwa and HongJoong. "Kook" Seonghwa calls. Jungkook turns around. "please don't go around fucking girls" Seonghwa warns him. Jungkook just chuckles. "Nice to see you again HongJoong and Seonghwa" Jungkook's dad appears. The two of them bow to him. "The two of you enjoy the party. Jungkook, let's go meet Mr Kim" Jungkook's dad smiles, as the two of them make their way to Mr Kim who was greeting guests with his son, Taehyung.

"Mr Kim!" Jungkook's father happily shouts, as the two of them hug. "Long time no see" Mr Kim replies. "This is my son, Jungkook. He is Taehyung, son of Mr Kim" Jungkook's father says. Jungkook's gaze moves to the boy standing beside Mr Kim. Taehyung on the other hand, kept staring at Jungkook. His perfect body built, doe eyes, thin, pink and soft lips, smooth black hair, everything about him was ethereal to Taehyung. Jungkook felt the same way. Taehyung looked so good in his eyes. "I hope the two of them get along" Mr Kim smiles. "Ah, Mr Jeon, I was hoping to have a word with you?" Taehyung's father questions. "Of course"

The two of them move to a more private area to talk business. "I wanted to ask you for a favour, Mr Jeon" Mr Kim says. Mr Jeon nods, waiting for him to continue. "You see, our company's are very famous. And we are best friends" Mr Kim starts. "Of course we are!" Mr Jeon smiles brightly. "So I wanted to make a deal with you" He continues. "What deal?" Mr Jeon questions. "What if..we merge our company's together?" Mr Kim asks, making Jungkook's father's eyes, widen. He never thought of merging his company with someone else's. But Mr Kim was his beloved friend. His childhood buddy. How could he decline? "How do you suppose we do this?" Mr Jeon questions.

Mr Kim smiles. "Taehyung and Jungkook get married" Mr Kim finally says. For a moment, Mr Jeon stays silent. "okay" he softly says. "Are you sure Mr Jeon?" Mr Kim asks once more, just to be sure. Mr Jeon nods, looking up. "Yes. Even though Jungkook might not be gay, he'll get married to your son. This will benefit both our company's in many ways" Mr Jeon smiles.

They both walk back into the hall as Mr Kim goes to stand on the stage. "Me and Mr Jeon here, have an announcement to make" he announces. Jungkook was busy talking to his hyungs, the same goes for Taehyung.

"Mr Jeon's son, Jungkook and my son Taehyung, will be getting married"

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