
10.6K 369 37

Slightly triggering chapter ⚠️

Taehyung immediately stood up, running over to Jungkook. "Kook!" The blonde calls out, fear and panic in his voice. "Tae? What's wrong?" Jungkook looks at his boyfriend, concerned.

"My mom got into an accident. She's at xxx hospital I have to go" Taehyung quickly explained, rushing upstairs to grab his jacket cause it was cold outside.

Jungkook immediately turned off the stove, turning the gas off before grabbing his car keys.

The two immediately rushed to the hospital, Taehyung was shaking the whole ride, worried for his mother.

When they finally reached, the blonde immediately got out of the car, running towards into the hospital, Jungkook followed close behind.

After the girl at the desk have Taehyung information about his mother's room, the couple took the elevator to the fifth floor. "Hey, she's going to be okay" Jungkook softly kisses the top of Taehyung's head.

As soon as the elevator door opens, Taehyung runs towards room 503. Just then, a doctor walks out of the room. "Doctor?" Taehyung calls. The man looks up. "Kim Taehyung?" He asks and the blonde nods.

"Your mother....." Taehyung was scared now. "Go see her" and the doctor walks towards Jungkook. Taehyung had already entered his mother's hospital room.

His heart broke when he saw her on the bed, various tubes and wires around her. There was an oxygen mask on her mouth to help her breath. But what Taehyung noticed, was that there was no blood, anywhere. There weren't any bandages on her body either.

Taehyung sat down next to the bed, holding his mother's hand.

Meanwhile with Jungkook

The doctor and Jungkook took a seat on one of the chairs near Mrs Kim's hospital room. Jungkook waited for what the doctor was about to tell him.

"Your Taehyung's...?" The doctor looked up at the brunette. "I'm Jeon Jungkook, Taehyung's boyfriend" Jungkook smiles politely. "I'm Mrs Kim's doctor. Call me Mr Shin" he smiles, then looking down at his clipboard where an sheet of paper was kept.

"Listen Mr Jeon, we have some bad news for you" and Jungkook gulped. "Mrs Kim is not doing to well. Her neighbour called us when she found Mrs Kim unconscious on her apartment floor" the doctor sighs.

Jungkook looks at him. "What's wrong with her?" Jungkook didn't want to know. He was scared. Scared for Mrs Kim and more importantly, Taehyung. Mr Shin sighs again. "She has brain cancer" and Jungkook felt like crying.

"B-brain cancer?" The brunettes voice came out cracked. "She's had it for a year now" Jungkook didn't know what to say or how to react. How would Taehyung react?

"Is there anything that can help her?" Jungkook wanted to know everything that could keep Mrs Kim alive. "I'm sorry to inform you but, the cancer has spread everywhere in her body. It's too late now"

Jungkook had started crying. "H-how long?" The brunette didn't want to know this either. "Mrs Kim only has two hours left to live. I'm sorry. You should probably inform Taehyung" the doctor himself felt bad for the two

"Will she wake up?" The doctor sighs. "She's not going to wake up. She has two hours left. I'm sorry" Jungkook started to cry, not caring if he was in front of a doctor.

"Here," Mr Shin gave Jungkook a folded piece of paper. "Give this to Taehyung when she passes" and with that, he gets up, walking away.

Jungkook didn't know how to face Taehyung now. He didn't want to face the blonde. But he had to. Jungkook had to make sure he was there for Taehyung now.

Suddenly, the brunette heard Taehyung screaming from inside. Jungkook immediately stood up, slamming the door open. "MOM! MOM!" Taehyung called out for his mother.

The doctors soon rushed in, pushing Taehyung out, closing the door behind. Taehyung fell to the floor, crying. Jungkook immediately embraced him, crying as well. "The machine stopped beeping!" The blonde cried out.

Jungkook cried harder knowing his boyfriend just lost his mother. The door to Mrs Kim's hospital room opened, doctors and nurses walking out. "I'm sorry Mr Kim, your mother had brain cancer. We couldn't save her. The cancer has spread everywhere in her body" Taehyung couldn't believe.

He didn't even get to say goodbye to his own mother. "no! No! She's not dead! Save her!" Taehyung ran into the room, shaking his mother's body. "mom! No! Don't leave me!" He yells. Jungkook rushes behind Taehyung, holding him back.

"Let me go!" Taehyung hits Jungkook multiple times but in vain. "I'm sorry Taehyung she's gone" Taehyung sobbed, crying. Jungkook embraced Taehyung, letting the elder cry all he wanted.

Jungkook and Taehyung silently walked out of Mrs Kim's hospital room, Taehyung still crying.

"She can't be gone Jungkook!" The blonde cries, hitting Jungkooks chest. "I'm so sorry Tae" the younger hugs the blonde once again. Once they break apart, Jungkook reaches for the note in his back pocket.

"Your mother left you a note. The doctor gave it to me" Taehyung, with shaking hands, opened the folded piece of paper.

To : Taehyung ♥️
From : Your mommy💕

Taehyung, my son. If your reading this letter, I'm not in this world anymore. I'm very sorry for leaving you Taehyung. But I couldn't tell you about my disease. I didn't want you to worry. It's my age now anyways.

I wanted to tell you, that I love you no matter what, Taehyung. You are my baby and I'll love you forever. Don't worry son, I'll be watching you from heaven I promise

Take care of my Jungkookie. He's such a sweetheart. Tell him I love him as well. I love you two so so much.

Taehyung, get married to Jungkook one day. Stay with him and be happy. I love you my Taehyungie♥️

Stay happy💜

Taehyung cried harder reading the message his mother wrote for him. She really did care for him alot.


I'm sorry if this triggered some people
I apologize

Note: This is a work of fiction
Please do not take anything seriously

Thank you for reading

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