💜 Epilogue💜

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••5 Years Later••

These past five years had been amazing for Jungkook and Taehyung.
The two had gotten married and were having a great life together.

Jungkook, after a year of photography, finally retired, saying he wanted to spend time with his husband.

Jimin and Yoongi had also gotten married a year after Jungkook and Taehyung. The two were still producing and releasing music together.

Seonghwa and HongJoong were happy. They shifted to Europe two years back and were currently living there.

Everyone was happy. Especially Taehyung and Jungkook, cause they now had a small baby girl, three years of age.

Taehyung said he wanted to adopt a child and Jungkook couldn't agree more. So they went to the orphanage and selected the youngest child there.

Eunmi, who was barely three years of age, was the one that caught their eye. She was the fastest to warm up to the couple, and Taehyung and Jungkook happily adopted her.

The three were a happy family.

"Eun!" Taehyung ran behind his daughter who was running around the house with her onsie on. Taehyung was scared she would trip and fall.

"Eunmi! Come here!" Taehyung called her. The girl continued to run. She slipped, making her scream. But before Eun could fall, two arms picked her up and held her tightly.

"Eunmi what are your doing?" Jungkook booped her nose making her giggle. Taehyung panted, relieved she didn't fall.

"Look, your making mommy worried" Jungkook pointed at Taehyung. "Sowy mwomy" Eun made grabby hands towards Taehyung who took her from Jungkooks hold.

"Don't run like that okay?" Taehyung kissed her forehead. The girl giggled before Taehyung placed her down as she walked to her bedroom to play with her toys.

"Eunmi is a handful" Taehyung sighs. Jungkook kissed the elders forehead before wrapping his arms around Taehyung.

"We love her tho" Taehyung nodded, looking up at his husband.

"I love you" Taehyung smiled at Jungkook, the two leaning in, sharing a loving kiss.

"I love you too, kookie" Taehyung whispers in between the kiss. The two continue to kiss, feeling happy.

"No! Mwommy! Daddy! Kissy mwe!" Eunmi seperated her parents making them chuckle at her actions.

Jungkook picked eunmi up, holding her with one hand, while the other held Taehyung by his waist.

They were finally happy. After going through so much, they were happy. And they couldn't ask for a better life.


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