Not so good

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After he send his so called brother off, he went to class only to see the others glaring at him whenever they had the chance.

When the lunch break rolled around, Jackson was pinned to his locker, by the one and only Jb. Others also surrounded him, making it look like typical bully scene.

"Did we ask you to pay our rent?" Jb asked, for which Jackson only shook his head.

"Answer us, bitch." Jinyoung said as he pulled Jackson by his shirt and pushed him hard which made him hit his back on the locker and earning a painful groan from him.

"N-no" he stuttered out.

"Then why the hell you paid our rent and your brother came here?" this time it was Yugeom who was asked.

"I- I am sorry. I didn't know anything about him coming here, i-if I..." before he could finish Jb cut him off.

"If you did, what would you have done? Tell me? Did you hear his Korean? It doesn't even felt like Korean. Tell me what would you've told him? 'Hyung, don't come to my school, please.' Something like that?" he mocked him with his accent. He just punched Jackson strong in the stomach with that he just left him there. Jackson just slide to his knees as he clutched to his stomach, his eyes already teared up.

Jb didn't notice the way Mark and Bambam flinched when he made fun of Jackson's accent, he didn't notice the way they send apologetic glance towards the boy he just left on the floor.

Jackson knew it'll only get worse, but he didn't expect to be pinned against the same locker on the same afternoon but by a different group. Jackson knew they were seniors. So, he just tried to speak his way out, maybe it was some misunderstanding.

"Hyung, I think you mixed somebody with me." He tried.

"Well, we are caught the right person. Is that Korean that you talked right now?" they all laughed at the leader's comment.

Jackson was not weak, never he just didn't say anything to Jb and others, because he knew somewhere he deserved that, but, he'll never let anybody bully him.

"Oh, I see. I can speak Mandarin, Cantonese, English, Shangainese, Japanese, French, Thai and Spanish clearly. Did you think you can understand any of it if I spoke in any of those languages?" he sassed.

He knows what'll be the outcome for this, he blocked the moment the leader looking guy raised his hand to hit him and punched him straight on his face, the other guy on the right side of the leader, just tried to kick him on the stomach, he caught his leg and hit the next on who came beside him to punch him, making both of them fall, with only one punch on the gut another one was down, which left only three others, the other three tried to attack him at the same time, two of them came to lock his arms and the centre one came to punch him on the stomach, but Jackson kicked the two that first approached him and punched the last one right on his face. They tried to get up, but a teacher called out all of them, that's when Jackson notice, there is a circle formed around them, and Jb and the others was the part of it, there is a definite surprise on their faces. Jackson didn't had much time as he and the seniors were brought to the principal office by the teacher who caught them in the middle of fighting. Jackson now hate his life, he was going to the principal office for the second time in a day for not a good cause.

The talk on principal office didn't go that well, he just handed their punishments to their coaches as the seniors also the part of basket ball team. The seniors didn't look concerned, as if they already know, it'll be come to this and they didn't have to worry about that, but Jackson's didn't look pleased when he found out about this and Jackson knew he screwed up and it is only the second day.

When evening rolled around fear started to get hold of Jackson. Jackson went to the field, he immediately spot the coach waiting for him, others already started to practice, "Coach, I am really sorry, they were the one that stated bullying me." He tried to explain.

"If you really feel sorry, then how about, running fifty laps around the ground with kicking your ball, then fifty laps only running?" coach kinda asked but already fixed with his punishment Jackson knew he had no other option, so he started off with his punishment running with maintain the ball on the line of your running was definitely a punishment for awhile it was okay then you'll definitely feel dizzy. By the time he finished the fifty laps, he can't even stand straight his coach was generous enough to give him five minutes break before he had to starts to run his another fifty laps.

By the time Jackson finished the fifty laps it is already dark, their coach left Mark for incharge of him.

Jackson just lied flat on the ground when he finished the last round.

"Good, now you can go to the dorm." Mark told him in English, with that he called Bambam who said he'll be waiting for him in library.

Jackson was so tired to notice that Mark spoke to him in English; he just replied with, "Thank you." He was the only one on the field. Jackson didn't notice the seven creepy figures went into the locker room.

I thought about naming the seniors with BTS but I didn't know all the names of them, I only knew RM, so I left it at that I hope it didn't so much confused when you read it. 


They only love me when nobody's around (Jackson X Everyone)Where stories live. Discover now