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Jackson just lied on the field for ten minutes or so, then got up and went to change in the locker room. The moment he entered the room, he saw the seven seniors who he fought this afternoon, he knows it'll not go well, if he confront them now, so, he decided to flee from the scene, but soon stopped by the seniors, who were pulled him inside the room and locked it.

They know that there are surveillance cameras around the field, that's why they chose the locker room for their attack. Soon, two of them picked Jackson up and held him in place with their hold on his arms. Jackson didn't even have the strength to struggle, his throat was dry from all the running, he couldn't even scream much. The leader of the group hovered over him, "So, attacking us?" he asked as he punched square on his face, Jackson stumbled a little but got in the place by the two holding him.

"You sassed us, before, right? Now say something with that pretty mouth of yours?" the other one said as he kicked him on the stomach with his right knee? The pain was unbearable for Jackson as he already has a bruise formed on there, by the punch he received from Jb earlier. Jackson felt so helpless now, he can't do anything to save himself from this situation, it was first time in his life that he was in this kind of situation. He always had friends by his side, because of his cheery personality. But, he'll never accept his defeat without trying, he is top business man at this age for a reason.

"I can't believe you were such a coward, just tried to attack me while I was alone and not have enough strength to defend myself." Jackson knew it will definitely bring him down more. But, he just refused to look like a loser infront of them.

"Is he for real?" the leader looking one asked as he smirked, well, we are going to show you how much bad we can cause. You'll definitely regret say that to us." Another one said with that they just started to kick, punch and slap him, at the end he was on his knees, there is already blood streaming down on his face and his hands felt like they're gonna rip apart by their pulling.

"It's bad that, your mouth was empty, that's why you're talking rubbish, how about you use that pretty mouth of yours to make me feel good, huh?" the one that kicked him said, as he got near him and started to remove his pants. "You know, you're actually looking gorgeous, just the attitude wasn't right, I know how to change that." With that he held his head in place with the grip on his hair, Jackson winced he screamed and struggled to get free of their hold, but everything felt useless as the given situation.

At that time, the door of the changing room, opened, revealing shocked Mark and Bambam. They are shocked to see the scene infront of them. They just waited at the school entrance to see if Jackson left the school as he looked too tired to even move. They didn't want to show their care for him directly that's why they chose to wait there it make sure he is alright. It became late, that's why they came to check on him.

The moment the seniors saw them, they paused what they are doing Mark was angry, that's all he could tell, he just went in and kicked and punched everybody that got near him. Bambam also doing the same, their seniors already know about their group so they just ran out of the room the moment they got the chance. Jackson just fell to the floor, without nothing to hold him, Mark and Bambam rushed to his side, they picked him up and made him sit on the one of the benches, Mark made him lean onto him more, Bambam brought him the water bottle and made him drink some.

"It's alright. Don't worry, now we're here." Mark said in English.

"Thank you so much, Mark. I didn't even know what would've happened if it weren't for you two. Th- thank y-you." Jackson replied in English without even realizing he was having a conversation with Mark in English. After some time Bambam came back with the first aid kit they kept for the injuries on the field, and started to clean the cuts and put ointment on there, after that they started to walk towards their dorm that's when Jackson realized that Mark was talked to him in English, "Did you talked to me in English back there?" Jackson asked to confirm, he doesn't want to look like a idiot infront of them, "Yeah, why?" Mark replied in English.

Jackson looked surprised. Bambam noticed that and said, "Don't be surprised, we are also foreigners. I am from Thailand and Mark is from LA." He replied in Thai.

"Oh, I never thought about that even your names are different." Jackson replied in Thai, still shook by the fact.

"Hey, are you talking anything bad about me?" Mark asked with a smile, and continued, "Don't worry we'll take care of you. we realize that only the situation that made you look bad towards us, but you're actually a cool kid."

"But, we can't help if others are around. If you need anything just ask us, okay?" Bambam completed. Jackson just nodded his head, something warm spread on his chest; he couldn't help the smile that spread on his face.      


They only love me when nobody's around (Jackson X Everyone)Where stories live. Discover now