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After dinner they separated ways, seven of them piled up in a car to get their dorm leaving Ricky and Sophia alone with each other. Jb insisted that he will sit in the front with the driver stating that he wanted to take them to a place. Ever after Bambam and Yugyeom's whining that it already late, he stood his ground, saying that it is very important.

They all shocked, when they noticed they were infront of their mom's apartment. "We met your family, right? It'll be only fair if you meet ours." Jb said excitedly. Others except Mark and Bambam nodded agreeing to him.

"Jb, it is already late. Why don't we meet her tomorrow or the weekend?" Mark reasoned trying to get them out of there.

"No, I don't want delay anything with him anymore. Now, come on Jacks." He said as he pulled Jackson with him.

When they knocked on the door, their mom seemed surprised seeing Jb holding Jackson's hand, smiling widely. "Oh! You're Jackson, right?" she asked as soon as she noticed him, which gained multiple surprised and shocked looks from the others except Markbam.

"So, you met him before?" Jb asked still in surprise.

"Yeah, I..." she started but Bambam continued, "We brought him here once actually." He finished, not getting into the details of why.

"So, you knew all this like he is the one that gave me job, paid your medical bills and the reason for me to be living now, huh?" Jb blabbered, feeling down again thinking he was the only one who doesn't know.

"What are you saying? Is he the one, that you said... like. What is the name...? Wang... Wang Jiaer, right?" she seemed surprised by the news.

"You don't know?" now it is Yugyeom.

"They told me about other things, but they never said anything about this." She explained.

Jackson stood there, as the atmosphere got awkward, within seconds, he got enveloped in a warm hug and a whispered thank you by Jb's mother. That was the end of their awkwardness, as they started to talk to each other, as Jackson apologizing, that he couldn't get anything as Jb's didn't tell him about coming here. Everything seemed so perfect like he is living his dream.

New character going to appear soon, guess who it is? 🤔

Soon, everything fell into place as Jackson get to spend time with his dad and mom more, even it is two hours in the next three days. His father planned a party today as it is Saturday. It is a party for X-games employees, he invited all of them, so, Jackson bought them, suits and Hendry picked them up from their dorm that evening. But, he didn't expect his father to get the attention of the crowd to announce him the new CEO of the company and stating that he and his friends (as their relationship still isn't revealed) will take care of the company and they will be the one to take care of the scam issue as well. Some people seemed shocked by the announcement and some seemed doubtful as they had no idea how these young boys going to take care of the management. Tomorrow both his parents leaving the country as his father will be going to USA and his mother to China, so Jackson spend as much as time he could with them during the party.

Some employees started to flock around the others, once Ricky announced they'll be incharge and friends with CEO. Mark knew many of them as he already working there. Jb never liked these kind of people, so he excused himself from a group of people who tried to befriednd him, to get what they need in the future. He made his way to the wash room, to get some peace. He didn't notice the other person entered behind him, but he turned around when the other person spoke asking him, "Can I talk to you for a moment?"

Only to meet with the person he hated for nearly his whole life. The person, who is the reason for the every problem in his life, the person, who is the reason for his birth, his father. But, it seemed like he didn't recognize Jb, as he approached him like a stranger.

"What do you want to talk to me?" Jb asked.

"Well, I want to talk to you about a deal. I didn't want anyone to overhear our conversation." He said still slowly approaching Jb until he stood a few feet away from him.

"What do you want to talk to me?" Jb asked, if it was about their past life, he wouldn't be there to hear his meaningless words.

"Actually, I know about the people involved in the scam they were just saying. I want to make a deal with you about that." He said.

'So, it is not about their past, now this guy couldn't even recognize him, so, Jb just nodded to tell him to continue. He knew his father never up for good, but he just wants to hear what he is going to say.

"Actually, me and five others are the ones that involved in the scam. I'll give 50% share and even give proofs about that. You just have to escape me from this." He said, eyes exposed greediness, he didn't beg him or anything, he talked like he is making a good deal.

"Why are you telling all this to me? You could've tried to escape from this by yourself or..." before he could finish the man cut him off.

"I think the new CEO kid and his friend has doubts on me or they are confirmed about this. That's why I want your help..." as he was saying the door got opened and Jackson came inside.

"Jb, what are you doing here for this long? I got scared, that's why I came here to check on you. Is everything alright?" Jackson asked as he just sent a look towards the man as the he crossed him to reach, Jb.

"Nothing, Seun-ah, me and the gentle man here talking about a deal. He just wants me to escape him from the scam issue." He said softly.

"What...? I know you involved in that, but I never expect you to get this down, to try to make a deal with my friend?" he asked slightly angered by the fact that he put Jb in this position. "I am sorry, Jb..." he started but Jb cut him off.

"No, Seun-ah. It's actually not your fault. Mr. Im, you still didn't recognize me, right?" he asked.

Both Jackson and the man looked surprised.

"How could you recognize me? After all, you're not my father, right?" he asked something dark in his eyes.

"J...Jb? Jae...Jaebum-ah...?" the man stunned to hear this. He opened and closed his mouth, as he didn't know what to say.

"Yeah, your son, you never gave birth to" he spat.

Everything, moved in slow motion for Jackson, he still couldn't process what Jb just said. He never thought, this man to have a relation with JB let alone his own father. Jackson exactly remembers the man, he had not much experience in the field but he begged Ricky, saying that he has a child, who he now have to take care of. That's why, when Mark pointed out this man involving in the scam, Jackson took time to investigate everything before come to the conclusion. Now, he doubts ever word he said may be a whole big lie.

He never thought people would go this far to get what they need. 


They only love me when nobody's around (Jackson X Everyone)Where stories live. Discover now