You're ours - Part 2

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Today is been great for Jackson as Amber generously gave him a day-off. So he decided to spend it with Jinyoung in the library like mostly he spends his days-off. He was helping Jinyoung to put back the books on their respective places, but being with him now as his boyfriend only makes Jackson feeling giddy with joy.

With these feelings Jackson didn't notice, that they were now on final row of the shelves which was mostly covered in dirt as not many people use this part of the library.

He didn't even notice Jinyoung's smirk as if he achieved something and his adorable eye smile. When he took the final book from Jackson's hand and put it on its place, he just caged Jackson with his arms on either side of him. He didn't mind the dust that dirtying his finger tips as he placed his hands on the not so used shelves. What he noticed was Jackson's shocked look as it started to turn into more confused look.

If it wasn't library, Jinyoung would've taken him then and there. His eyes started to roam on Jackson's beautiful face, finally settling on his lips, and then it quickly moved its way to his eyes again. Jackson's eyes are like an interesting book to Jinyoung, the one that he never got bored of, the one that can make him feel millions of emotion in a span of a second.

"Jin-Jinyoung..." he stuttered as he kinda figured out what was going on that head of Jinyoung's. But, he didn't want Jinyoung to got into trouble, if somebody saw them.

"It's not Jinyoung, baby boy. Call me daddy, when we are alone." He said seductively as he leaned into his right ear and nibbling at it.

He was stunned to hear those words coming from Jinyoung's mouth, the sweet boy every teacher and elderly adored. As Jackson was still didn't got out of this shock, Jinyoung already took hold of Jackson's hair as he pulled it harshly, "Call me daddy, baby boy" he said now in more stern voice.

"Da-Daddy" he told in a small voice as he was embarrassed as it was his first time, calling someone daddy with this meaning. Jinyoung smirked as his eyes starts smiling. He loosened the hold on his hair, not entirely letting it go.

"Good boy. Doesn't good boys get their appreciation?" he said as he pushed Jackson's head forward, crashing their lips together.


It was one of those days where everyone went to visit Jb's mom or came late from their jobs. When Jackson entered the dorm, it was filled with silence except the mild music playing, which was an impossible thing to get when you put most chaotic boys in a dorm together. Jackson just noticed that the music sound is coming from Markjae's room. So, he went to knock on the door, to see who was home. He didn't want to spend his time staring at ceiling or mobile phone. After affirmation, he knew it was Youngjae from the voice. When he entered the door, Youngjae sat straight up on his bed. Something, in his gaze told Jackson it is not the sweet, sunshine Youngjae he used to know. His gaze held power as if he tries to control his body with his gaze.

"Jb and Jinyoung said you're pretty obedient. Is that true, pup?" he asked even before Jackson could say something. He felt like his heart beat stops for a second before it starts to go crazy as million questions swarm into his mind. 'Did they talk with each other about the things they do to me?' 'What if I am not good enough, they are considering about break up?' 'Did he just call me pup?' 'What am I supposed to call him?' 'Oh! Jackson you're so poor in this stuff.'

"Y- yes..." he trailed as he didn't' know how to respond to his question.

"It's 'Yes Master' for you, pup"

"Yes master"

"Well, let me see, Kneel" he said. Jackson didn't know what was going on but he enjoyed every bit of it. He kneeled right on the floor, at the place where he stood seconds before, by the door. Youngjae smiled slightly before it disappeared into a plain expression that he wore before. "Now, come here, pup" he said as he pointed to the floor that is infront of him.

Jackson didn't know what to do, can he got up and walk to that place? But, he never said to get up or anything like that, right? So, he just moved on his knees covering the distance between them. He was wearing shorts. So, he was grateful for the clean floor on their room or it would've been really painful. But, Jackson knew slightly that even then he may be didn't care about the pain.

Youngjae's smile grew wider, as he saw Jackson, at that very moment he knew that he made the right decision and he did good.

"You are such a good boy, aren't you?" he said as he ruffled Jackson's hair. He just leaned into his touch as he enjoyed the little show of affection, the other offering him.

"Good pups always get their treats, right?" he said. Without much warning he closed the distance between them as he let their lips dance together. Dominance dripped every inch of that kiss. Jackson fell in love with this side of Youngjae too.


Today is a normal weekend day as everybody is in the dorm and enjoying their free time the way they wanted it. Jenny already called Jackson to notify him about everything. She told him to remind Bambam about his joining on the new job at her new shop. That's why now Jackson was infront of Yugbam's room knocking on the door. Bambam came to open the door, his eyes lit up the moment he saw that it was Jackson.

"Oh Jack, come inside. We are actually talking about calling you here." He said as he opened the door wider for Jackson to enter after that he closed it again.

"Bam, actually Jenny want to remind you about your new job." He said looking at now weirdly silent Bambam and Yugeom.

"Jack, everyone else already had taste of you." Yugeom started.

"They all bragging about how sweet you tasted, how your lips felt so soft." Bambam continued.

"We want to take a taste for ourselves" they said in unison.

Jackson looked confused as he heard their words. Others are took control over the situation, they made everything happen, the moment he could forever remember. But, here Yugbam asked him and expecting him to take lead. Now, he felt so lost, as he didn't know where to go or whom to start with, he didn't know anything. As if they understood his confusion Bambam spoke, "Jack, come here." He said as he tapped on his lap. He moved smoothly to sit on his lap.

Once he was settled comfortably on his lap, Bambam. He kissed him soft and gentle. After that Yugeom made him sit on his lap in strangling position, as they literally eat each other's face. Their kiss was more fiercely and lot of tongue, a complete opposite of Bambam.

Jackson was tired of taking control, at least around the boys, he wanted to give them control and just enjoy. What they are giving him. The only time that he is free of any burden was when he was with the boys.

Hope you enjoyed it!!! I am sorry, if it was boring. Hey, I tried my best though. I can't wait to upload the next chapter, where the story starts to pick up again.

Have a wonderful day guys 😄


They only love me when nobody's around (Jackson X Everyone)Where stories live. Discover now