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When Eric was about to exit the room Bambam's boss burst into it pushing Eric aside, when he tried to stop him. before anyone could react he was infront of Jackson holding his hands.

"So you're the famous Wang Jiaer, huh?" he asked looking at Jackson. Soon, his eyes moved to behind Jackson to the corner of the room, where Jackson knew his guards are at as they came out from their room, which was attached to his office.

Everything seemed to happen more slowly than he expected as the man holding Jackson's hand took out an injection punching it on Jackson's neck harshly. His guards took out their guns and shot him right on his forehead. Jackson pulled out the injection, he could feel Eric's shouting and see him moving fast to catch him, and he could see other's shocked expression in blurred image as he slowly fell into darkness.

"GAGA!!! GAGA!!!" Eric called out as he held Jackson on his lap close to his chest. He couldn't believe what happened in a mere second. He has to do something; this is not a time for losing his mind. Hospital. "We have to take him to the hospital." He shouted the others.

Yugyeom was the first one to respond as he lifted him bridal style and adjusted his head so his head wouldn't be hanging off. He started to head out of the room, others soon following behind. They reached the hospital in less than five minutes as it was near the building. Once, the treatment got started all of them were settling infront of the room, the treatment was going on. None of them could believe how they end up infront of an emergency ward, with their most loved person, inside fighting for his life in just a few minutes.

Bambam and Yugyeom were already crying, as they feared for the worst scenarios. Youngjae held them close in an attempt to comfort them and trying his best not to broke down at that very moment.

Mark and Jb were angry. Angry at everyone, Eric for letting him even them into the floor, knowing it is a risk for Jackson's life, the guards for reaching too slow, weren't they supposed to be there to protect him all the time. Why are they even there if they couldn't do their fucking job? They were even angry at themselves for not doing anything at that time. They couldn't even able to face themselves if something bad happen to Jackson. Jinyoung just sat there motionless, he even rarely blinked his eyes. Nobody tried to talk to him as they couldn't understand what was going on his mind.

After what felt like eternity, they doctors came out of the room, stating now he is out of critical condition as they admitted him right on time. They informed them that he'll be woke up in less than three hours.

It was the longest three hours of their life. When Jackson woke up finally, Eric was the first one to burst into his room, he fell onto his knees the moment he saw Jackson. Jackson was his little brother, he never expect to see him like this.

"Ge..." he called in low voice as Jackson understood Eric's pain. He wanted to reassure him that he is alright. After ten minutes of talking, Eric got out and informed the other that Jackson wants to see them.

As soon as they heard those words, Bambam, Yugyeom and Youngjae went inside rushing to his side, holding his hand crying their eyes out. Mark and Jb hesitated a bit but moved towards the room only to notice Jinyoung still hasn't moved from his place. Jb and Mark went to his side, "Nyoungie, what happened? Come on, don't you want to see him?" Mark asked as he sat beside him, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"We are not good enough; we are not good enough for him. We are just there when all these happened to him. We just stood there, without doing anything to save him. We shouldn't have been there in the first place." He started to ramble, the events that happened few hours ago replaying on his mind constantly, stopping him from thinking about anything else.

"Hey, baby, calm down. We know, what you're getting at, we also have more regrets about the things that happened. But, we can get nothing out of thinking about it. All we have to think about was where we are lacking. It is something all of us have to think about, so, come on. He is waiting for us, right?" Jb said as he pulled him into the room.

Once, they were inside the room, they hesitated a bit before entering the room. It takes a sound of Jackson calling for them in a low voice to keep them moving. The first thing they said once they got near him was 'sorry'. Jackson looked at them confused, as he couldn't get why they are apologizing for. After a few minutes in stuffed silence, his mind processed the reasons. 'Did they feel guilty?' was the only thought.

"Why are you guys apologizing for? It's none of your mistake. It is not a first time there is been an attack on me. So, don't worry guys." He said as he tried to hug the three as much as he could in his condition.

The doctors informed them, that he can be discharged after two days. All of them visit him once in the next day during visiting hours. Today is a weekend, so everybody was in the hospital room, talking and playing. Jackson drifted off to sleep in the middle of the conversation, that he tried to hold with Jinyoung even though he didn't even got a shut of an eye, last night. Jinyoung smiled at his sleeping form as he brushed off some of his hair strands that fell on his forehead. When he opened his book to read, Jackson's phone rang beside him. He took the phone to see, it was Mr.Lee. He thought of waking up Jackson but decided against it, he attended the call.

"Ey, why you didn't pick up, when I called you yesterday Mr. Lee asked in an anger filled voice, before Jinyoung could say anything.

"I am sorry, this is not Jackson. Jackson is asleep now. Do you want me to pass any message to him?" he asked keeping tone polite.

"Uh, oh just tell him to call me." He responded. With that the line went dead.

Jinyoung sighed as he took the phone to off the power button; he noticed the image on the wallpaper. It was them, he was definitely sure; it was taken even before they got friendly with him. The picture alone speaks a lot. They all sleeping while were cuddling each other. He couldn't wipe off the smile on his face as he looked at the image. 

'So, Jackson had feeling for us all along'  

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If you guys interested in where the idea for this story come from...


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