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When Jackson entered the building it is mostly empty besides some staffs who work the night shift, the moment he was on his office floor, he was accompanied with his manager Eric.

"Gaga, what are you doing here, at this hour?" he asked as he led him to his office.

"Because of some things I couldn't come here earlier, ge, that's why I am here now. But, what you are doing here at this time?"

"Well, Hendry messaged me about you coming here, that's why I am here, if you need anything." After that they go through all the paper work, it is nearly, 6am when they finished everything, Jackson got up from his chair and stretched and turned to Eric who was now rearranging the files, "Gege, took care of Jb. If anything happens just call me and don't tell him anything about me, pls." he said which made Eric to look up from the files.

"I don't understand why you want to help him, without telling him that it was you." Eric asked as he also stood up to stretch.

"Well, it is complicated and it is better this way so please don't tell him anything, okay?"

"Okay, you know I will do anything for you, right?" Eric told as he looked at him romantically which made both of them laugh.

The boring classes where you don't even understand half of what was going on, was so much nice for Jackson compared to the other things that going on his life. Because, during lessons he didn't even turn to look at Jb he'll always focused on the teachers, even though he was always thought about what would be Jb doing now.

It was during lunch time, when Jackson tried to walk towards a table to eat with his tray, the seniors who bullied him yesterday tripped him, which made his whole food to fell on... Jb, of all people.

Jackson was uncertain for a moment he looked up to see who it was, the moment he saw Jb he opened his mouth to apologize, but Jb cut him off rudely if he could add as he lifted him up using the grip on his shirt, "Look, who we have here? What are you doing in cafeteria, anyway? Shouldn't you be dieting for you weight management or something? Did you look at yourself in the mirror? You already look like a potato." Jb told him as he still held him by the shirt.

"What?!" Jackson looked completely shocked, he didn't even know what to say, his past flashed infront of his eyes, it is not the first time that something like this happened to him, when he was in third grade, he changed schools in between school year and the bullying started the very first day, and this was the exact thing that they said to him 'you look like a potato' which made him starve for a week before his parents found out about that and made him change school. He never thought he'll hear that again, 'am I really fat?' 'Did I didn't deserve to eat?' many thoughts took the hold on Jackson's brain.

At the back, Youngjae also seemed to be shocked by Jb's words, when he heard Jackson's broken 'what' it was his breaking point as he ran out of the cafeteria, and away from them, Jinyoung was the only one to notice him as he followed him out. Youngjae went straight into the washroom and locked himself up in one of the cubicle, Jinyoung quickly called Jb and informed him everything, Jackson didn't even react when Jb left him and went out of the cafeteria with the others, he seemed to be completely submerged in his own thoughts.

This gave the seniors the chance to bully Jackson as they throw more insults about how 'fat' he look, and things like that, they seem to understand which hurt him the most and start using that against him. Jackson felt his cheeks starts to wet, he was crying in long time, he just ran out of the cafeteria to the garden and sat under a tree, brought his legs to his chest and let himself breakdown.

When, the others reached the wash room, Jinyoung was still trying to talk to Youngjae to open the door.

"Youngjae-ah!" Jb called as his voice broke something in Youngjae as they then only heard the sobbing sound of Youngjae.

After much more apologies, promises and consoling from outside, Youngjae opened the door.

But at that time they were clueless of what they broke.    

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Cover photo cr. moongot7

They only love me when nobody's around (Jackson X Everyone)Where stories live. Discover now