Don't deserve him

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Mr. Lee pointed the gun towards Jackson's head. Soon, gun shots were heard. All the men took out their weapons.

The moment he heard the first gun shot, he knew who it belong to. The security team that he appointed personally a week ago after their training, the people who everyone else saw as a danger to the society, his seniors.

All the people around him said, it was madness to appoint them for his security as they already attacked him on multiple occasions. But, Jackson was stubborn, that they can be better people when the proper training will give to them. He stood true to his word; he talked to them and understood them. He was the one, who put them in the training, and gave them jobs as soon as their training completed which a week ago.

They looked perfect working together, shooting and dodging the bullets in fluid motion. Looking at the situation now they definitely held the upper hand. Soon, Mr. Lee and Danny were on the ground by Jimin and Jungkook.

Nobody noticed Mr. Im as he hide behind some boxes. "I promised them, I'll kill you even if it was the last thing I do." he said as he held up his gun and shot towards Jackson. The bullet punctured him on his left shoulder blade. He screamed out, and that was the only thing they needed as Namjoon spotter Mr. Im and shot him straight on the middle of the fore head. Soon, they got near him cutting cuff of him and Hendry open.

Jackson could hear cries of, 'Gaga' 'Jackie' 'wake up' 'you're alright. We got you' of the others. He wanted to reassure them that he was alright. He wanted to tell them they done a great job. He wanted to tell them, how they didn't let him down for believing them. But, he opened his mouth to only spit blood out.

Eric called Jb on his way to the hospital. Hendry told him they will reach the hospital in fifteen minutes. After a few rings Jb attended the call.

"Sir, you know I am in school at this time, right?" Jb's voice sounded angry on the other side.

"Jb, they found Jackson. They are taking him to the hospital. Come there as soon as you could." Eric said rushed.

"Fou-found him? When Jackson got lost?" he asked clueless on the other side.

"Wh-what? Come to the hospital I'll explain everything there." Eric said as he cut the call. He couldn't believe they didn't notice Jackson's absence in the school and didn't even try to contact him. 'Why you love them so much, Gaga? They're not worth it' he said to himself.

It was during the break Eric called him. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Jackson got kidnapped but they didn't know about anything. They didn't try to call him, thinking that he gone to office for some work. But, they never expect to hear the news of Jackson got kidnapped. All of them went to the hospital.

Eric informed them Jackson didn't reach the hospital, when they reached there. After few minutes, Namjoon entered the hospital holding Jackson in bridal style and Hendry by his side, others are behind him. Jb and the others confused when they saw their seniors with Jackson. But, they didn't say anything; Jackson already fell into unconscious as the result of lot of blood loss. The doctors took him into the emergency room quickly to start his treatment.

Just as the emergency room door got closed, Hendry couldn't hold himself as he let himself broke. Eric was on his side on the next second, holding him and telling him everything will be alright. But, he also contains himself more so he joined Hendry. They both cried their eyes out holding each other.

Yugyeom and Youngjae went to console them as the same time Jimin and Jungkook came there too. After few minutes everyone settled down with their fair share of crying.

"What are you guys doing here?" Jb asked Namjoon, once everybody got settled down.

"Why do you ask?" Eric asked before Namjoon could answer.

"I just wanted to know..." Jb started.

"You didn't even have time or care to know if Gaga is doing well or where he was but you want to know what they are doing here, huh?" he asked fully riled up.

"What? They didn't even ask you about Jackson?" now it's Hendry. He was already angry towards them, because of the conversation he had with Jackson yesterday. Hendry saw Jackson as his younger brother. He really can't let any other person to break his heart. If they are not worth of Jackson's love, then he'll be the first person to tell Jackson to let go of them.

Just when things got heated, Ricky and Sophia rushed into the hospital. "Eric what happened?" she asked the moment she reached them.

"Nothing new, he just got shot three times and now fighting for his life when you guys are away to take care of your business." Hendry said sarcasm dripping every inch of his words.

"Hen-Hendry? What- what are you...?" Ricky stunned for moment. But everything he said was true so he didn't know how to respond to it.

"You know how much he loves all of you. But, he never had been the first priority for any of you. At first I was relieved when he told me that he was dating six guys. Even though I don't know anything about you guys apart from what he told me. I thought finally he is going to be someone's number one. I thought at least one of you guys will see him like that. But no, you guys have good chemistry between you guys as you all are together for years. But, what about Jackson? Everything was new for him. Not just you, being in a relationship. How to give space or take place with someone. Everything was new for him and you guys did a great job in directing him, right? He always talk about you guys like 'Ge, what can I do for them for this or that?' you were angry on him for not spending time with you, huh? Do you know what he was doing for these past days? He was trying everything in his power to adopt that boy, the brother of yours. Do you know how much rules you have to follow and how much time and effort it takes to officially adopt someone in Korea? That is the reason why he couldn't be there when you guys asked him to come to a dinner or something and he is not even happy about it. You know how bad he felt when you..." Hendry couldn't even speak anymore as he broke into tears. Eric immediately took his side.

"Calm down, Hendry. Doctors said he'll be alright. You know how much he hates seeing you like this when he woke up, right?" Eric said to Hendry as he held him in a hug.

The whole hallway was filled with silence. They type of silence you get after a storm. Nobody dared to speak. Their ex seniors and now body guards also waiting for the door to open and a doctor to tell them Jackson opened his eyes.

Now, they think about it, 'are we even have the right to see him?' 'Or do they deserve the love that he gave them?' were the questions running through everyone of their head.

When the doctor said they can visit him Hendry, Eric and their seniors were the first one to make their way to the room. "Gaga..." Hendry called out as he held Jackson's arm in his.

"Ge, you didn't got hurt, right?" he asked which he got a nod from Hendry.

"Thank you, hyung. Without you I never be alive now." He said as he turned to Namjoon and others.

"Gaga, it would have been our fault if anything happened to you. It is our job to protect you." Namjoon said as he patted Jackson's head.

"But, really thank you Jackson. We don't know how we would have ended up if it wasn't you. Thank you for put your effort and time on us." Jin said.

"More than that believing in us." Jimin said as he pecked his right cheek.

After sometime of talking they got out and Ricky and Sophia went inside, to see their son. But, sad to say they already received quite an amount of calls and messages about their current schedules. They ignored everything; everything Hendry said punched them hard on the gut. That is what they needed to get their head straight, to find out, what they really need and what really important in their life.   


They only love me when nobody's around (Jackson X Everyone)Where stories live. Discover now