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When Jackson and Jinyoung came to their dorm, everyone was in the living room, except Jb. When they asked about it, they said Jb gone to a party that something their company held. Jackson was confused now. He knew there is a party their partner hold today. But he never knows Jb going there. How come Eric never informed him about it, he thought as he took his phone to Eric's number. Before he could dial his phone rang. Jackson noticed it was Eric calling him. He picked up immediately. Soon Eric's voice came in the line little concerned and scared.

"Gaga, I am so sorry; I didn't know it would happen. I didn't know they'll be here." Eric rambled.

"Ge, tell me exactly what happened? Is something happened to Jb?" Jackson asked losing his cool.

"I don't know exactly what happened, Gaga. But, when I reach them because of the commotion..." Eric didn't get to finish his sentence as Jackson asked, "them? What do you mean by them?"

"Mr. Lee and his son were here and something happened between them, I don't know what but Jb looked like he was going to cry. So, I told Hendry to drop him at your dorm. He is on his way to there, but Hendry told me that he asked him stop at ATM for some reason. I am sorry, Gaga. I really don't know they'll be here." Eric explained him everything. Jackson was stunned to say the least. He didn't know what to do or how to respond to Jb, when he sees him. He didn't know anything at this point. Just as Jackson ended the call, Jb came in the dorm. He looked furious.

Jackson soon approached Jb, "Jb..." he started but Jb held Jackson's wrist in vice grip as he pushed him on to the wall. He hissed slightly as his back hit the wall. "This is what they needed, right? Just give it to them and tell them that I earned it. I am not anyone's sugar baby." Jb yelled still one hand holding Jackson's wrist tightly, that it'll sure leave marks as he threw the money on Jackson's face. Everybody looked stunned at Jb's outburst as they didn't know what happened at the party.

"Jb" Jinyoung called him as he noticed Mr. Lee and David on their doorway. Jb released his hold on Jackson.

"Jackson you better teach your friend manners. He just slapped my son in front of me. How dare he is to do something like this." Mr. Lee yelled at Jackson once he reached the door.

"This is what you expect from him, right?" Jackson asked as he placed the money Jb threw at him on his outstretched hand, and then yelled "Get the fuck outta here, Mr. Lee."

After a second of silence a loud slap echoed, "Don't ever fucking talk to me like that." Mr. Lee spited with that he left.

Jackson stood there for a minute thinking about whether he should stay or go out for a moment. He ended up going into his room and closed the door. He lay on top of this bed, trying to control his tears. "Don't cry, it's not worth it." Was the only thing he said to himself over and over again as he cried himself to sleep.

When Jb entered the room that night, he felt like dick to act like that towards Jackson. When he explained everything to the others, he realized how Jackson had no relation to what happened in there. His anger just blinded him and restricted him to think straight. He looked at Jackson, who was now sleeping as his back facing Jb's bed, even though he could still make out his red puffy eyes, wet eyelashes and undried tears on his face. He wanted to hug him and kiss those red eyes and tell him, nothing was his fault, it was him who acted like a dick, but he think better of it and went to his bed. Soon fell asleep as he watched Jackson's back.

The next day morning, when Jackson woke up, Jb's bed was already empty. 'Maybe he gone to shower' Jackson thought as he started to move to take his things for shower. He decided went out there as soon as possible. When the bathroom door opened, revealing freshly showered Jb. Jackson didn't even dared to look up at him. He just moved towards the bathroom without spar a glance at Jb.

When Jackson came out of the bathroom, Jb was still sat on his bed without even drying his hair as water droplets dripping from his hair. He seemed like he is waiting for someone maybe Jackson. Jackson tentatively came out of the bathroom as he made his way straight to the room's door after he took his phone and his bag, when his hand reached for the door knob, Jb's hand wrapped around his wrist stopping it from moving. Jackson turned around to look at Jb, wrist still in his hold, the same wrist that had marks because of the yesterday's events. Jb slowly brought his wrist to his lips, kissed the marks. Jackson looked started at Jb's action. He couldn't quite believe his eyes.

"J-Jb..." he started as he didn't know what to say after this.

"I am really sorry, Jackson. I shouldn't have acted like that towards you, yesterday. I really felt like a douche bag." Jb said sincerely as he held to Jackson's hand.

"It's okay, Jb. It was actually their fault. You don't have to apologize." Jackson reassured him, smiling a little. But Jb didn't stop at that he kept getting closer to Jackson until Jackson's back hit the door. Jackson's breath slightly hitched, Jb still held Jackson's hand in his as he get closer until their faces were only inches apart.

"J-Jb!" Jackson called in a whisper, as he tried his best to stick to the door. He didn't want to create any problem in between his relationship he seem to have with the others.

"I really wanted to ask you for a few days now; do you want to be in a relationship with us?" Jb asked not even moved an inch as his eyes traveled in between Jackson's eyes and lips. Now, Jackson couldn't even believe his ears, is Jb asking him to be in a relationship with them? Did he really ask Jackson this?

"Y-yes. I mean, y-yeah. Who would say no to you?" he rambled like an idiot. Face feeling hot. He felt like his is having a fever at the same time, hands felt ice cold. With that affirmation Jb looked pleased as he came near him to close the gap between their lips, only to Jackson put his finger on his lips and push him away.

"What now?" Jb whined.

"Others, you didn't even ask about this to others. If you kiss me now, it's like you're cheating on them." Jackson explained still couldn't believe the situation, he was now at.

"Okay, you win. I am going to ask them now. Are you wanted to be there?" he asked.

"No, it is better for you guys to talk about it, alone without a ... well, without me." He said as he took his hand from Jb's grip and bent down to collect his bag which he dropped before. "See you. I don't mind whatever their decision is going to be. I am happy that you guys are together." With that he left.

Jackson left the room, emitting confidence but once he was out of the dorm, he felt fear of being rejected crept on his mind.  


They only love me when nobody's around (Jackson X Everyone)Where stories live. Discover now