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Yugeom entered the studio, as usual, as soon as he entered someone informed him, that the owner of the studio wants to see him. So, he headed to see him, he reached the small office which he knew the owner uses.

"Ah, Yugeom, you're finally here. I've been waiting for you." his owner said, as he looked relieved for some reason.

"Yes sir, do you want me to do anything for you?" Yugeom asked still confused as to why he called him for.

"You're the one that stayed late at the studio yesterday, right?"

"Yes sir, I stayed late to practice some more. Is there any problem, sir?"

"Actually, yes. The computer and the mirrors in that room were broken state, when we entered there this morning."

"But, sir, when I left last night everything was perfectly alright." Yugeom explained confused and little bit scared.

"I am sorry, Yugeom. But I have no other choice. You have to pay for everything that broken here."

"B-but s-sir..."

"There is no way for you, Yugeom. You know we can take legal action against you on this matter as you're not an appointed teacher her at the same time, you're not even registered student in any classes here. Think about it, Yugeom." The owner said threatening Yugeom to death.

Yugeom stood there didn't know what to do. He caught into a complicated situation. He called everyone except Jb and of course Jackson to inform about the problem. He didn't call Jb because Jb always warned him about working here without any proof for that he was actually working here. So, he was scared that he may get scolded for death, if he knows this and Jackson for obvious reasons. He is good friend and everything and he'll definitely help if Yugeom asks, but Yugeom was scared of what happened when Jackson paid their rent. He didn't want to repeat that situation again.

When everybody arrived, Markbam suggested calling Jackson, which was protested by Yugoem and even Jinyoung. As Jinyoung feared for the same reason. So, they explained everything to them from Jackson being the owner of Team Wang to how he offered Jb the job, that now he was working. Everybody stood there with utter shock; they couldn't believe anything they are hearing. After that they accepted the idea of calling Jackson.

Back to present,

Bambam explained him everything in Thai, so that the owner doesn't know that he's literally cursing at him on the every chance he got. They didn't notice the other girl who also stood there approach them until she spoke up, "Do you guys speak Thai?" she asked in Thai.

"Yeah, nice to meet you." Bambam said excited to know another person that speak Thai.

"Yugeom didn't do anything wrong. It's just the owner, who did that to get more money. The insurance will cover everything up. He just uses innocent people like Yugeom to get more money. It is a sick play that he does often." She explained as she made action like she was talking about the clothes that Bambam wearing and Jackson's locket.

Now they understood everything. But for now they had to get Yugeom out of this as soon as possible, so Jackson paid for everything. The others didn't question them until they got of there. Once they know about what is happened, they're not happy about it. Jackson assured them, that he'll take care of everything legally without getting Yugeom's name out. Jackson was thankful as the others didn't get much upset at him for hiding his identity as they understood his reasoning. But, they insisted on telling Jb the truth. They only dropped the topic, when Jackson assured them he'll tell him once he got the right timing.

Jb was getting ready, smiling wider as he looked himself at the mirror. The suit Eric presented him fit perfectly on his frame. It wasn't his usual weekend, Saturday evening. Today he got invited to a party that the company partners with Team Wang holds. Only privileged staffs are invited for that party Jb is one of them. That's why Eric gave him a nice suit for him to wear for the party, as he knows Jb didn't own that type of expensive clothing. Jb smiled as he set his hair perfectly.

Jb went out of his room to living room, where everybody is in except Jinyoung and Jackson as they both left morning, stating that they had lot of assignments to finish up. Everyone in the living room gasped as they saw Jb in his dark Navy blue suit. "You look like CEO yourself." Bambam said making Jb blush a little.

They company car picked him at the entrance of their dorm; soon he was dropped at an expensive looking hotel. They had the party on the top floor. Once Jb entered the party floor, it was exactly like he imagined it to be like what he expected from all the movies he watched. He didn't even know who he should talk to. He just wandered around after few minutes he found Eric, who introduced him to some people he was talking to. 'It isn't too boring as I thought.' He thought to himself as he listened to Hong Joong.

He was surprised when he got pulled out of the group that he was talking to. "I know it is you. See dad, he is the one that I told you about." David, the one who pulled him earlier said. Jb was shocked to see him here. 'How I didn't notice them earlier?'

"What are you saying David?" his father asked.

"You forgot? The one I told you about tricking Jackson to pay their rent. It was him." He explained his father rather loudly mostly getting attention from everyone near them. "You couldn't even pay your rent properly when I saw you last time, how come you get suit like this and privilege to attend this party, beggar?" he said now turning towards Jb.

"Shut..." Jb started but he was cut-off by him soon.

"Did you won a lottery or something or did you just become someone's sugar baby?" David asked as he got near Jb.

Jb couldn't control his anger anymore, he just slapped on David's face hard, before things could get escalated Eric came to the scene, took Jb out of there and told Hendry to drop him at his dorm.

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