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Markbam were looked outside of the window most of the time during their ride to their hotel room. Jackson decided not to take the guest house, as his dad would know about him being here, he didn't want to ruin their trip, so he decided to give them freedom to choose where they have to visit in the country.

They next day was mostly boring for Jackson as Mark and Bambam suggested the usual places tourists would go when they visit the country. It seemed like they didn't have a place they want to visit on a personal level.

Jackson's phone rang when they were having their lunch in some restaurant. Jackson took out his phone and noted that it was his father (Biological father). He didn't feel like getting up to attend the call as he was already got tired from all the walking they done in the name of sightseeing.

He attended the call, "Hi, dad." He called out in a cheery tone.

"Hey jack, how you are doing buddy?" his dad asked in a same cheerful tone.

"Good dad, but I miss you, you know"

"But, it didn't seem like that. You came here, but didn't tell me anything and you are staying in the hotel when you have me here. Why I feel like you didn't love me anymore?"

"It's not like that dad. I came here with some friends. I didn't want to ruin any of their plans. You know I love you. Why are you acting like this?"

"But, I really wanted to spend time with you Jacky. Is it too much to ask for a father to spend some time with his son?" he asked but Jackson felt it sounded as if he was near him, he turned his eyes only to met with his father's eyes. "Dad, what are you doing here?" he asked surprised to see his dad there. Mark and Bambam turned their head towards where Jackson was looking to met with the one and only Ricky Wang. They recognized him immediately by the photos they saw in the news. His dad came to their table and sat by Jackson's side. Jackson seemed to come out of his shocked stance; he immediately hugged the man tightly, held back his tears. He didn't want to look like a crybaby infront of them. His dad's bodyguards stood in a respectful distance away.

"Dad, what are you doing here?"

"I come to see my son. Hey guys, I am Ricky Wang, Jackson's father. You're his friends tight?" he asked after he introduced himself politely. Mark and Bambam blushed a little at the sudden attention.

"Yes sir..." Mark started but soon cut off by Mr. Wang.

"Hey, no formalities between us. If you're the friends of this idiot, then you're family too. Just call me dad or Ricky or uncle, what you prefer but no sir, okay?" he said casually.

But, Jackson noticed Bambam's eyes lit up when he heard this and Mark also seemed to be relaxed a little bit.

"Okay dad, I am Bambam and this is Mark. We are actually Jackson's class and dorm mates."

"Do-dorm? Jackson, are you staying in dorm?" Ricky asked clueless.

"Actually, dad it is a big story. I'll definitely explain everything to you later. Can you tell me why you're here now?" Jackson asked as he decided it was not the place and time for him to explain everything to his dad.

"To take all of you to home. How come you're not come to your house when you're already here?"

"Dad, it is not my place to take decisions. I already told you, it was..." Jackson started but cut-off as his father turned away from him and started to ask Mark and Bambam for permission.

"Guys please. You can enjoy your holidays from there too. I rarely see my son; I just wanted you guys to stay there few days, that's it. Please" Markbam couldn't believe their eyes the man, who owned billions of dollars, requesting them, with his pouting and everything he just seemed like a older version of Jackson.

Markbam accepted the offer without any hesitation as they really didn't have a particular place they want to visit. The smile spread across both Jackson and Ricky was worth everything.

Markbam expected their house to be big, maybe a mansion, but they were still stunned by the size of the house, when they got out of the car. It was quite a journey from the entrance to the house, accompanying a well kept garden on both sides.

"Are you living in here alone?" Bambam asked as he entered the living room.

"No, all of my staff who need place stay here and I've my son, he'll also come here often." Ricky said as he held Jackson by his shoulder. He didn't let go off Jackson not even for a second. That alone proved them how much he missed his son.

Soon, decided they're free to go anywhere, but all of them had to be present for the dinner. Mark and Bambam took their time to explore the house.

The next morning, Jackson informed them that he was going to take them to a place, that he really adore. Markbam got ready and they took the car as that place quite far away from the house.

After sometime, the car stopped infront of a boutique shop, Bambam's face instantly lit up seeing that, "Few flowers? Isn't that owned by the famous designer Jenny?" Bambam asked.

"Yeah, we are here to meet her, actually." Just as Jackson said those words, Bambam started to jump on his feet. "What? Why you didn't tell me that before? I should've dressed up better." He started.

"Bam, it's alright." Jackson told as he led both of them into the building. Soon, they were greeted by Jenny, who is a good friend of Jackson.

"Hey, Jack." She called as she gave a tight hug to Jackson.

"Hey, Jenny. It's been awhile. They are the ones I told you yesterday, he is Bambam and that is Mark." Jackson introduced them as he motioned towards them.

"Hello, nice to meet you guys. You know I was so worried, that Jackson had to stay in Korea alone. I am glad to know that he has good friends like you." she said smiling at both of them.

"Okay, Jenny. If you excuse us we have to go to another place and Bambam..." Jackson stated as he held Mark's hand.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of him and we're going to enjoy, I prepared so much to show to him, so you better get outta here, quickly." She said as she pulled Bambam to her side. 


They only love me when nobody's around (Jackson X Everyone)Where stories live. Discover now