Taking care

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In the middle of the night he was waked up by Mark, who held him something to drink in the soup bowl. Jackson was tired as hell he didn't even want to open his eyes, but Mark insisted that he should get up and drink that. Jackson sat down on his bed, it was chicken soup that Mark brought him, Jackson didn't say anything he just drunk everything in that bowl, he forgot about his 'dieting' then Mark gave him some pills.

"Take these, I know you have a fever and you can't take pills on empty stomach that's why I cooked some chicken soup for you, my mom used to cook me that whenever I got sick, Now hurry up, take these pills."

Now came to the consciousness fully he noticed that there is no Jb in the room, instead it was Mark, Jackson was confused. But he took the pill never less.

"What's going on? Where's Jb?" he asked slowly.

"Oh, he and Youngjae share the room for tonight, as they had a fight and they wanted to talk it out. So, I am sharing the room with you now, well, that's also for good, if I didn't came into the room, I would never found out that you had fever, you were mumbling something in you sleep when I got inside, so I tried to wake you up only to find out that you have fever. Why you didn't tell us, Jack?" Mark asked in somewhat pissed tone.

"I am sorry; I just didn't want to disturb you guys. So..."

"So, you didn't tell us, huh?" Mark asked keeping his voice low but expressing his anger with words.

"I am sorry." Jackson smiled, he knew he shouldn't be happy for making Mark upset, but seeing someone he didn't think would take notice of Jackson's health actually upset because he is sick was, what made him happy.

Jackson wanted to talk to Mark the whole night but Mark made him shut his mouth and tucked him in bed, even gave him a good night kiss. Jackson didn't remember anything after that as he closed his eyes he drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, Jackson woke up feeling much fresher, he opened his phone to check the time only to notice that it was already 10'o clock, so maybe he is not going to school today. The dorm looked silent so he came to the conclusion that everybody left, that's when he there is a medicine packet on his night table with a note sticked on it.

'Sorry, I didn't wake you up on purpose. Take rest and take the pills after eating something, okay? Take care.'

He smiled as he thought about the incidents that happened last night. 'Oh god! I ate last night. I ruined my entire diet. Oh no!' were the first thing that came to his mind, as he rushed to the wash room, on his hurry he didn't lock the door, he didn't think much about that as he was the only one in the dorm. But, that's not true, Youngjae, after their doctor told them he had no problem and left he went to visit the doctor again to confirm his theory about Jackson didn't eat during these days, their doctor agreed and asked him to take care of Jackson as stating he is already too weak. Youngjae's anger just increased with everything he heard so for.

That's why he had big fight with Jb that night, Jb apologized to him again. So, he decided to stay at dorm as he gave the others reason that he has stomach ache and can't attend the class today.

His heart shattered into pieces when he saw Jackson leaning on the toilet bowl trying to vomit everything with a crying face. He just wanted to hold that boy console him tell him that he is beautiful, so he just did that. At first Jackson looked shocked but soon Youngjae's sweet words melted him as he cried into Youngjae's chest, as Youngjae held him tightly.

After some time, they both settled on the living room, Younjae started "This is not your first time like this right?" Jackson only nodded.

"Don't worry, I know how you feel. I also had been in that situation before. So, you're gonna do what I tell you to do, okay?"

Jackson turned to look at Youngjae confused, what does he meant by he also been in the same situation? Jackson opened his mouth to ask but Youngjae interrupted him and asked, "Want to know about myself?"

"Ye-yes, if you don't mind." Jackson added carefully.

"No problem, I don't mind, really by knowing me you can understand why you can trust me on this matter. My parents were the type of people, everybody call like fitness freaks, until I reach age ten they took care of me and everything like every parents do, but when I reached age ten, I was a bubbly looking kid as I look now. They are not pleased with how I look, so they started to put me through exercises and dieting. It was alright at that time, I did everything they told me to do, but I looked the same after everything which didn't well received by my parents, so they started to throw insults about how I look to get me motivated that's what they say. But, that got opposite reaction from me as these things got the best of me; they let me starve for days. Even I start to accept the fact that I don't deserve to eat or smile or live. I was twelve when I first met Jb, Jinyoung and Yugeom, they are the ones that gave me strength and made me realize that I deserved to be happy. So, I did what I had to do, I left my parents and everything I know but I gained a whole new family." He finished.

There are no regrets or sadness on his eyes; he still believes that he took the right choice. Jackson was shocked again in less than 24 hours.

"You know they are all awesome, they are the ones that bring back myself that I lost. You'll definitely like them when you come to know about them. But, don't tell the others that I told you about myself or anything, okay? Jb'll definitely get mad if he came to know about this."

"Don't worry, I promise." Jackson told with a smile.   


They only love me when nobody's around (Jackson X Everyone)Where stories live. Discover now