It's good to have someone

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Today was the first day for Jackson to practice with the team, whatever happens in his life he'll never let that affect the game or the way he approach his team, even the coach was impressed with their team play, it looked like they were practiced for years with each other, they all played like they all are talk through the telepathy or something, everyone had the exact idea of what the other one will do which made it easier for them, and Jackson seemed too involved in the game, just so he could take of his mind from unwanted thoughts, after the game today Jackson had the shift to work on the café, so he went there.

Today he found out why his brother recommended him to work on this café, stating it was near his uni, just to torture him.

"How long it'll take for you to get my order?" he asked rudely as Jackson placed his order on the table, it is a simple strawberry milkshake, Jackson let out a short breath just to cool himself down a little bit. From the moment Danny entered into the café, he ordered Jackson around like he was some kind of servant for him.

"Sir, it only been three minutes since you ordered." He replied with the trying to be sweet voice and turned leave, Danny just huffed and took the shake to drink and 'accidently' dropped it making mess on his pants, shoes and the floor, Jackson turned around and saw the mess.

"What are you looking at shouldn't you be cleaning this? Clean this up." He yelled at Jackson, which got the attention of everybody in the shop, Jackson took the paper towel to clean the mess on the floor but Danny put his leg infront of him, "First clean this up." He ordered again, but before Jackson clean that up, Amber reached their table and signaled Jackson to stop, "Sir, is there any problem?" she asked trying to be nice.

"All I want was him to clean this mess that he made." He replied still slightly yelling.

"But sir, you were the one that dropped that, shouldn't you think it'd be too much if you asked him to clean your pants and shoes?" she said still trying to be nice.

"What are you even saying, he was the one that dropped it on me." He still argued.

"Sir, I saw you drop that and if you want we can even show you the security camera footage, if it came to that situation, there'll be a chance where you have to apologize to him for false reporting" she said with the sweet smile.

That's when Danny looked up and saw the cameras that were fixed throughout the café, he just huffed and took the paper towel from Jackson's hand and wiped the nearly drenched pants and shoe, as he mumbled something and left without even paying his bill. Jackson just shook his head, he couldn't even believe that his brother was this kind of person, he turned towards Amber to thank her and apologize to her, "I am sorry, Amber I'll pay for everything and thank you so much for your help." He bowed to her; Amber was from USA so she didn't mind with being called noona or anything.

"It's not your fault Jackson so you don't have to pay for it." She assured him.

"No, he is actually my brother, so I have to take responsibility for what he done." He explained.

"Do you mind sharing with me what was going on later today?" she asked. She knew definitely they are not biological brothers just by looking at them, and she also care about Jackson even though she only knew him for only few days. Jackson for only few days, he accepted her offer he also needed someone to vent out his feelings or he might go crazy from keeping everything secret. Later that night he explained everything to her after they closed the café. After he finished she looked shocked. Jackson didn't blame her nobody will expect the boy that work in their café to be a millionaire himself without his parent's assets. She promised him that she will never tell anyone about him, she knew about the danger Jackson would be in if his identity revealed.

"Thank you so much, Amber" he thanked her.
"But, I couldn't do anything to help you in anyway." she said confused.

"No, thank you so much for asking, caring and listening to me." Jackson told with a most sincere look on his face.

"Don't worry; I'll be always here for you. If you need anything just let me know." She told as she hugged him, which made it too emotional for Jackson, "The one I thought a little boy was already own a big ass company?" she asked as it made Jackson giggle a bit she smiled contently. 

Did you guys saw 100ways? It's so awesome!!


They only love me when nobody's around (Jackson X Everyone)Where stories live. Discover now