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The next day,

Mark and Jackson were in a meeting room in X-games with Ricky.

"So, did you guys find out about the scam? Is there anyone in particular that you guys doubt?" Ricky asked.

When Mark opened his mouth to say something Jackson's phone rang making both of them to look at him.

"It's mom, dad." he announced before attend the call.

"Jackson fucking Wang, where you and your father are at?" she almost yelled, making Jackson flinch at the sound.

"W-we are at X- games office, mom. Is there any problem, mom?" he asked.

"I want both of you, oh, I forgot that boyfriends of yours too at my office in ten minutes."

"Wh-what? You're in Korea? When did you get here?"

"You better talking while you're moving. Get here, I'll explain everything to you." with that the line was dead.

After that everything was chaos, as both Jackson and Ricky started to rush Mark to come with them, at the same time Jackson called the others to inform them, that he will send car to pick them up. The one thing they both knew about Sophia is, she has their leash.

In exactly nine minutes, they were at the entrance of the building. By the look of it, they noticed that, she had arranged a press conference as they saw every major news channel reporters there. They were quickly led to the hall where the press conference already started. They noticed the police, but didn't think much about it as they thought it could've been arranged for the security purpose.

Sophia was talking to the reporters, they got close to hear this, "As, I said I am divorcing him. He physically abused my child. I've already reported charges against him in abuse of my son, his involvement in multiple scams in my businesses. The same goes for his son. There is no legal relationship between us two now, not anymore." She finished. Before they could process what was happening Danny and Mr. Lee already cuffed. They both also seemed to be really shocked by the events, which means, they also had no idea about what was happening in here.

They just stood there, motionless as their eyes couldn't keep up with the movements that are happening around them. They saw Mr. Lee and Danny got taken to the police car, the news reporters started to leave the scene with some discussion and joy as they got a story to run this week. Soon, enough Sophia already walking towards them, as soon as she got near them, she pulled Jackson by his ear.

"Mo-mom! Mom! It hurts." He whined.

"It hurt now? It hurt me more, when I heard about him hurting you. Why you didn't tell me anything, Gaga?" she asked as her voice broke at the end. "Did you planned to move away from me?" now here eyes filled with tears.

"No, mom. It's not like that I just didn't want to stand in between you and Mr. Lee. I didn't tell you anything because I didn't want to see you sad like this." He said as he hugged, his now crying mother.

After some moment of their hug, she turned to Ricky "Why you are also didn't tell anything about it? You thought I can't handle that?" she asked, now anger dripping in her voice.

"I never thought about, you can't handle something, never will. It's just Jackson didn't want me to disturb you. That's why I didn't tell you anything." He said as he enveloped her in a hug. "You know how much he missed you. He bought a locket during Christmas to keep our photo with him all the time. He needs you Sophie, more than ever." He whispered to her, making her cling to him more. "Will you give me chance, if I ask you?" Ricky started.

"What?!" she asked surprised as he looked straight at him the eyes, still didn't release the hug.

"I miss you, Sophie. I didn't like it when you were apart from me? Can you give me another chance to prove you how much I love you?" he asked caressing her cheeks.

"Mmm, I'll think about it. How about we all go for a dinner? I'll get the time to properly get to know my sons-in-law and spend some time with my precious family." She suggested, with none of them object the suggestion, they went to a restaurant, which is owned by Sophia.

When everybody was settled on the table which is at the private side, Jackson deliberately sat beside his mom making his mom and dad to sit beside each other. "Mom, if none of us told you about this, how come you knew about that?"

"You really thought, I will never suspect anything when nearly all of my employees left their job in our mansion? But, I am sorry Gaga, I really am. I should've thought about everything before I made my decision about marrying him. I didn't expect him to be like this. I am sorry." She said as she now fully looked at Jackson's eyes.

"No, mom. There is no need for you to apologize. So, what do you think of them?" he asked as he motioned towards others.

Sophia noticed everything they do, while having the conversation with Jackson. She noticed Mark and Bambam talking to Ricky in a mixture of languages, Yugyeom and Youngjae's awkward smiles here and there, Jb's 'I am responsible for them' look as he tracked everyone's move to make sure no one is left out, and Jinyoung's subtle ways of taking care of others, acting like a mom. "I think I'll really like him." she said as she pointed towards Jinyoung. "Hey, no offend to others, but I feel like he is really good at taking care of you."

Jackson knew she'll adore Jinyoung the most, because he is the one who has the role of mother in their little family. "Things can't get any better' he thought to himself.

Sorry guys, yesterday I accidently unpublished both of my stories, so I republished every chapter. 

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