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The next day, he went to school with the others. but, none of them were prepared to see their picture, where they cuddle each other while they sleep, the picture that Jinyoung saw on Jackson's phone yesterday to broadcast on the TVs they had all around the school for school news purposes. All of them stood there shocked as others students starts to whisper with each other. Jackson was the one who looked more shocked, how come the image on his phone, got leaked.



Now, as he think about it, yesterday Mr. Lee and Danny came to visit him in the hospital. So, others left for few minutes to give them privacy. When Jackson came out of wash room he saw Danny putting him phone back on the table. At that time he didn't think much about that. 'It was probably him' he thought to himself.

"Th-that picture. I saw it on Jackson's phone yesterday." Jinyoung said without taking his eyes off the screen.

"What?" the others asked in unison as they turned towards Jinyoung.

"It-it's not me, guys. Please trust me." Jackson pleaded as he looked at the others.

"I know it's not you Jackson." Jinyoung said then turned to the others, "But, we have to do something about it." He said more seriously.

"Don't worry guys. I'll take care of everything. It is a problem that came because of me, so I'll take responsibility for it. So, you guys don't worry." Jackson said as he starts to head to direction of principal's office. Convincing the principal was easy for Jackson, as he explained it was took to submit for model offer they got. Now, all that left was confronting Danny.

When Jackson reached his uni, he rushed towards his department building, he saw Danny outside of his classroom. "See who we got here" Danny said as he saw Jackson approaching.

"Why did you do that?" he asked standing infront of him.

"What did they say? Are your sugar babies liked my surprise?" Danny asked as he laughed with his friend.

That's it, the last ounce of patience Jackson had was ran out on that moment. All Jackson could see was red as he launched towards him as he started to punch him wherever he could land his hands. He could feel hands grabbing him back, but he shook everyone off him. He also received some punches in the back and forth fighting. Finally, they managed to pull them away from each other.

After that they were brought to the principal's office. After talked with them, he called Mr. Lee, as both of them are family. Mr. Lee looked furious as he saw his son's condition, after the talk with the principal, Danny went to infirmary to treat his injuries, bruises already started to form on his face. Mr. Lee didn't say a word to him. So, Jackson thought about finish the talk with them as soon as possible and went to their lovers and held them in his arms, burying his face on the crook of their neck. So, he stopped and turned towards Mr. Lee, "I am sorry, it's all because of your..." he started as he bowed to him, but he just held arm, making Jackson to look up to him.

"Come with me. We have more things to talk about, that we can't do in here." He said as he pulled Jackson roughly towards his car.

Soon, they were in their house. Jackson was slightly scared because of Mr. Lee change in attitude, but he never going to show it on his face. "Mr. Lee..." he again started to get this over with.

"I told you to call me dad for thousand fucking times, and now what are you going to say? It's all my son's fault, huh?" he yelled making Jackson flinch at the otherwise silent house. They were not even inside a room, they were in the living room, where maids were working like cleaning, cooking, dusting. Everyone seems to startle at Mr. Lee's outburst, as they started to pay attention to what was happening there. All they saw was Mr. Lee slapping Jackson hard. Jackson fell onto the floor, because of the impact of the slap. Soon, the maids near him rushed to his side as they known him since he was a child. They always stay here if they came to Korea.

"Gaga, are you alright?" one of them asked as they caressed his reddened cheek. Others covering him as if they are protecting him from Mr. Lee.

"Get away from him, or you'll lose your job." Mr. Lee roared.

"We don't care about our job." Jackson heard someone say.

"Don't lose your job for me." He said as he pushed them aside as he stood up.

"Move, your boss told you, right?" Mr. Lee said as he pushed them aside moving towards Jackson, holding him by his collar. He pushed him on to the wall behind him, and punched him hard on the gut, making Jackson double over because of the pain. He just fell onto his knees, holding his stomach to ease the pain. He coughed, hissed as the pain starts to spread as he tried to breath.

The maids on there pushed Mr. Lee aside as they hold him in place. "We don't even fucking care if we lose this job because of this. We will never let you hurt him." one of them holding his said.

Danny took this as his cue as he reached down for Jackson as he pulled him up; Jackson winced as it hurt more. "Does it hurt? I also felt the same pain." Danny said as he punched him hard on his face. Some of the maids tried to push Danny aside; Mr. Lee shook out of the holds of the maids, as he neared Jackson, who was already leaning on the wall to stand straight.

"Mr. Lee, mom will..." he started as he can't even know how his mom will would react if she came to know about this. She'll definitely think that everything was her fault. He doesn't wasn't to be the one, who stood between her and her happiness. Even though he knew that Mr. Lee isn't a good person, but he made his mom happy, that was enough for him.

"Still, why can't you call me fucking father?" Mr. Lee yelled as he held Jackson's neck and started chocking him.

At that time, the door burst open...

Cliff hanger!!! I am sorry. Can you guys guess who came to Jackson's recue?

Hope you guys enjoyed it!!!


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