Marriage (Part - 02)

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The music starts to boom, which means only one thing, that now it is his time to go out. He took a deep breath as if he was preparing for a battle. He started to walk out holding his father's hand tightly. At that moment his father's grip felt like a anchor for him as it made stand in place instead of washed away with the countless emotions and unnecessary thoughts and doubts he is having that moment.

When they stepped onto the aisle, as Namjoon and Jimin leading him as his best men, the only thing Jackson saw was his soon to be husbands. He really couldn't take his eyes of the. Jb who was now taking care of his hotel businesses mostly by himself, wearing a black suit, the long hair he had complemented the look, then Mark, who was now taking care of X- games, wearing blue suit, which exactly a contrast to his pale skin tone then Jinyoung, his beloved kindergarten teacher who also helping them out whenever he could.

Then his eyes moved to the other three people, who were now smiling brightly at him.

Youngjae also wearing a dark suit but what caught his attention was he was wearing glasses, he also now helping Mark with the X-games, beside him was Bambam, who was now wearing velvety pink suit. The last one was Yugyeom, who looked more like a child rather than a man, with his blue suit somehow similar to Jinyoung.

As he was submerged in thought Jackson didn't even realize that he already reached them and Jinyoung and Youngjae offering him their hands to him. He let go off his father's hand and took both of their hands as they lead him to stand in the middle of them. Their ceremony was planned like this they all read out their speeches one by one starting from Jb to Yugyeom.


I know all of you guys will talk about me giving life to you but I want all of you to know, it was you guys who gave me the reason to live. Of course, I would've been alive for my mom, to take care of her and everything but if I would've lived the life, it will be a question mark. You guys are the one, who took care of me, you guys are the one that stood by my side whenever I needed you. I am sorry, Jackson, for all the things I done to you in the past. I didn't even treat you like a human being but that night you chose myself over you, that was the thing that punched me in my face, made me realize, how bad I acted towards you. The moment I decided to give you a chance, I fell in love with you; I was been blind, that I didn't notice that before. I love all of you guys; I'll even sacrifice myself if it is for you.

I promise to be with all of you together, forever.


Jaebum-ah, I really wanted to say thank you first, for that time when you took us in. I really don't even want to know how would've we ended up if it wasn't for you. And you guys for putting up with me when I can't even speak a word in Korean. I really learned a lot from you guys. You guys gave me strength to stand against wrong. Jackson, I want to tell you you're so precious if you don't know it yet. I could never imagine a person taking up this whole mess like you did. It is really a lot, but you gave time and space to understand each one of us. You know, when you took us to our home countries, that could be a normal thing for you, but it meant a lot to me. Even your parents who take care of us like their own children. All of you guys deserve more.

I promise to be with all of you together, forever.


I know, it is about us starting to love each other, but, the thing that made me stay with you at first was, mom, actually Jb's mom. I lost my parents, I never knew how much I miss them until I met you, mom. You were there whenever needed you. Thank you so much for always taking care of us like we are your own children. You were the first reason that made me stay, then Jb, I never knew what you were thinking when you took in all of us. I really thought, 'Is this guy is for real?' how did he planned to take care of this much people with nothing. But, you proved to show love there is no need for anything other than the heart that filled with love. When you came into the family you really filled the puzzle Jackson. You are the piece that we all are missing. I love you guys.

I promise to be with all of you together, forever.


You know guys; we didn't meet in great way. I completely understand why all of you hated me at first. I tried to prove myself to you; it wouldn't have been possible if you guys didn't gave the space. I'll never forget that time Mark and Bam came to my rescue even though we are not in a great relationship with each other. Youngjae helped me overcome my weakness, which I didn't share with many people. I know you guys all have a relationship between you guys that you spent years in building, but thank you for letting me in, the one who had no experience what so ever in it. Thank you for always being by my side.

I promise to be with all of you together, forever.


Actually, I also met you guys late, when I met you I was like stone that breathe and moves around. Thank you for bringing back my human side, guys. Jb, you're the one that didn't lose hope on me, even when everybody said, I couldn't be normal again. I tried my hard just for you, now here I am. At that very moment I decided, whatever problem came, I should never leave you. When you insulted Jackson that was the first time I really felt the anger towards you. I never thought you would be wrong in anything, but when I saw him break down, I know you are wrong, that was also the time I found my love for Jackson. I really love you, guys, all of you.

I promise to be with all of you together, forever.


You guys know that I don't like to talk about emotional stuffs, but I really wanted to thank Mark. I know how hard it is for you to take care of the person, who was the reason for your parents' death. You even risked your life to save me. And Jb, I don't know what you're thinking when you accepted us and gave place for us to stay. I really thought that you're an idiot. Then there comes Jinyoung, Yugyeom, Youngjae and now Jackson who also didn't care about our past. You all know you're too nice for the world, right? But, the one incident I never forget was, that one time when Yugyeom stood up for me when some boys bullied me. Even though we ended up getting beaten, he really overcame his fear to stand up for me. Thank you, Gyeomah. This is why I don't talk about emotional stuffs, see.

I promise to be with all of you together, forever.


I know guys, from the first day until now I have been a burden to you guys. But, you never left me. You all are always by my side. I know how hard it was for you at first as I had so many things in the normal life that could trigger me. And that time when Jackson, you stand up for me, even when you don't know about my past. I know everyone of you always try to be careful around me. Always taking care of me, love you guys.

I promise to be with all of you together, forever.

After everyone finished their speeches, Eric and Amber came infront of them to give them their lockers. Jackson was surprised to see that, even he forgot about that, he looked towards Eric and Hendry the only people who knew about this, they smiled at him.

He really felt like his life got fulfilled at that very moment.

I know it is not a great ending, but forgive me, I really ran out of ideas for the ending. I am going to write another chapter for this story. But it is the end of the story. It just doesn't feel right to end like this. So, one more chapter 😁

Thank you so much for your support guys. Hope you enjoyed this story. 💚


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