Family time

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"Are you guys going to introduce yourself to me or not?" still in firm tone and tight lips.

"Oh, sorry sir, I..." Jinyoung started.

"Hey, no sir between us. If you're my boy's lovers then you're already family. You can just call me dad or Ricky, okay?" he said now in more relaxed tone as he couldn't maintain his character more than five minutes. All of them were seem to relax a bit, as they nodded. All of them introduced themselves in a most polite way.

"Oh, you are just playing with us, don't you? I really thought you forgot about us, dad" Bambam added as he introduced himself. He seems to forgot about the fact that everybody is there and they know nothing about their trip. Everybody looked shocked at Bambam. Jackson and Mark glared at him, when he mouthed 'I am sorry'.

"Guys, I can explain. Actually, three of us went on a trip to LA and Thailand on our winter break. We stayed at Ricky's place, when we are at LA. So, we already met him." Mark explained.

"You went on a trip with him when we are..." Jinyoung started but soon cut himself off as he noticed Ricky's presence.

"Now, he is our boyfriend and everything worked out. So, you don't need to worry." Bambam said as he leaned back in his seat.

When they reached Ricky's mansion, others helped Jackson to got out of the car. Before, Ricky could even move, Yugyeom lifted him up in bridal style. Ricky couldn't even control his happiness as he watched them took care of Jackson. He really wished Sophia (Jackson's mom) would be here to witness this.

When he entered the mansion, a lady definitely in her late sixties or early seventies, from the attire she was wearing definitely working here came rushed towards them asking, "What happened to Gaga?" she held Ricky by his ear. "Did you pull some prank that ended up getting him injured?" she started to scold Ricky. The scene infront of them is made them shook, she is working here, Ricky is her boos, how come she acts like that towards him.

"Granny, dad didn't do anything. It is just Mr. Lee and Danny." Jackson said as he looked at the scene casually as if he seen these stuffs every day.

"Oh, it's them. I think I will definitely going to kill them, once I see them" she said sternly.

"Noona, can you tell someone to get the first aid kit. This kid doesn't want to go to the hospital." Ricky said as he sat on a couch.

Yugyeom slowly put Jackson on to the couch as well. Soon two maids were on Jackson's side holding the first aid kit as they started to clean the cuts on his face with him only letting out a hiss here and there. But, Ricky seemed to get disturbed by that alone as he tried to turn away from him and tried to think of something else.

"Noona, just check his stomach. I think he got badly injured there." Ricky said still trying not to burst into anger or tears as he saw his son in pain. Jackson looked towards him once he said that, he seemed to understand the situation as other only looked confused.

"Noona, we can do this my room. Yugy, could you..." he started to say to the person that is treating him.

"I want to see, Jackson. I want to fucking see, how much they hurt you." Ricky yelled making Jackson flinch a little bit. "I am sorry, Gaga. You know I don't like it when you get hurt, right? I am just angry that they got the dare to do this to you." he said as he looked at Jackson, tears already started to form on his eyes.

Jackson just nodded as he turned towards the maid to hold up his shirt. There is a bruise starts to form on his stomach. He hissed when ice pack placed on it. "It'll be alright. Just hold it in place."

"Gaga, I think your mom has to know about this. Why you didn't tell anything even to her?" Ricky started, he knew Jackson loved him but he also knew Jackson is a big mama boy.

"Please, dad. Don't tell her. I don't want to be the reason for their separation."

"He literally tried to kill you, got damn it." Ricky shouted as he stood up.

"I know dad. From today I'll be in your custody and I am going to turn 18 soon. So, we don't have to worry about him anymore. If mom finds her happiness with him, who I to take that away from her am?" he said.

After that everybody seems to be in silence, until Ricky's manager came into the house, "Ricky, I actually took care of every employee that wanted to get out of there. But, literally every one of them worked there wanted to leave their job. We already have enough employees here. They all from Korea, so none of them wanted to leave this country." He stated.

"We really can't leave them because of this. Just try to..." Ricky started. He didn't want to leave anybody out. All of them deserved to get a job. But, the flaw is none of them had work experience in other than house maintaining. That's the job, they are better at. He understood his manager's point. They only had one guest house, in which the maid positions were already filled.

"It's okay, dad. Actually I need people in the field of housekeeping." Jackson said to him as he turned towards the manager, "Just inform Eric ge about this. He will take care of everything." He said.

"Okay, Gaga. Oh, speaking of Eric, I almost forgot he told to inform you that everything solved in Yugyeom's ex-boss's case, whatever that mean. He told you to call him once you got free time." He informed.

Jb looked confused at the mention of Yugyeom's name. He knew Yugyeom doesn't work in the old studio anymore. He said that he got a job in better studio. He turned towards Jackson, "Seun-ah, what was that about?"

"Today is my unlucky day, isn't it?" Jackson said as he has to explain everything to Jb now. Before Jackson could start, Jinyoung explained everything to Jb, from Yugyeom called them for help to the owner's sick play.

"This is why I always warned you, when you start to work on that studio." Jb said mostly in angry tone.

"Leave it, Jb. Now, he is not working there anymore." Bambam said.

"So, all of you knew about him before, right? I am the only one that doesn't know anything, huh?" Jb said more in a disappointed tone.

"I am sorry, Jb. It's not like; we don't want to tell you. It's just we didn't know how you'll react if you came to know that everything was done by him."

"I know. I didn't get along with Jackson at the start." Jb said as he sighed heavily.


They only love me when nobody's around (Jackson X Everyone)Where stories live. Discover now