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The next week was crossed in a blur moment for Jackson. He didn't have proper time to do anything. He really had no time to talk to the others, he was so busy in taking care of the custody of Jae and managing his company and taking care of every issue in X-games and put the company in a smooth run. He didn't even have time for proper sleep. He didn't go to the dorm for the week, he only met the others during the school hours, and even then he was too tired to talk to them or participate in their conversation. He preferred to listen to their conversation more. He planned to give the custody papers as a gift for their first anniversary, the day they first met. That's why it is important for him to done all the work as quickly as he can, but along the way many promises he made to them about meeting or spending time with them were broke. He really felt bad for that but everything was unavoidable.

The others don't know what they are feeling. It felt like Jackson doesn't have time for them anymore. They knew he had more responsibilities to take care of, but they are also important people in his life, right? Why it doesn't feel like it anymore. Today is Saturday; they all planned to go out for dinner together. They all excited for this as they got ready and waited for Jackson to come home. They waited



Waited. But, still there is no sign of Jackson coming. They lost their patience, they all decided to order something to eat and call it a night. That's when the dorm's door opened revealing smiling Jackson.

Jackson was excited to come to the dorm, after what felt like a decade. But, at first he didn't quite understand why they dressed like going to a classic party. Then he remembered his promise to be there for dinner. 'How could I forgot about this?' he slapped himself on his mind.

"I am so sorry guys, I totally forgot about our dinner." He said really feeling bad for them and ashamed of his own actions.

"How could you remember? We are nothing for you as you have much more important things to take care of." Yugyeom snapped.

Jackson was shocked to see this side of Yugyeom. He never thought Yugyeom would talk like this to him. He really screwed up big this time.

"I know, you had to decline out invitation for something more important. But, we thought of you as more important person in our life, shouldn't we get to get the same treatment from you?" Jinyoung asked now more angered tone.

"You are important to me too..." Jackson started.

"It doesn't look like that way, jacks" Mark told sternly.

"If you care about us, atleast spend some time with us. We are not even worth it now?" Bambam asked.

"Guys, I am sorry, I really..." Jackson started but he was cut off by the sound of his phone ring. He took his phone to see it was Eric. He put it on silent and looked up at the others and they were already gone. He really wanted to set everything straight then and there but he knew Eric will only call at this time if it is really emergency. So, he attended the call.

"Gaga, I am sorry. I know it is late, but it is really emergency." He said fast.

"I know, ge. What is the matter?"

"The boy, Jae, Jb's brother, someone tried to kill him in the hospital and no nothing serious. He was alright. But, I thought it would be good to inform you immediately. Now, I am heading there. I'll take care of everything, Gaga. You need to take rest. Don't even think about coming here." He said clearly.

"No ge. I'll be there in ten minutes. Just take care of everything till then." He said as he cut the call.

Jackson knew Eric would tell him to not come. But he really want to know everything is alright, by being there and he also didn't want to scare the shit out of the others by mentioning the attack on Jae or the escape of Mr. Im with Mr. Lee and Danny. He knew they are the one behind all this. He immediately called Hendry to tell him to pick him up. He really could've asked for other drivers but he really wanted someone to vent out about his problems. He talked to him non-stop as he went out of the dorm.

"Ge, what taking this long to get here?" he asked impatiently as he neared the said location.

"Your talking. I really can't focus on driving, I understand nothing is fair, they argued with you without understanding your situation. All you doing are for them. But, can you just shut up for a minute, so I can come there without engaging in an accident?" Hendry finished in one breath, which is effectively got Jackson silent. As said he reached there in a minute.

Just when he parked the car, sound of a gunshot reached him, just for him to notice Jackson fell on to his knees, screaming. He immediately pressed the emergency button on the car, which was specially made for this purpose. It was meant to send emergency signal to Jackson's body guards, who were appointed just a week ago. So, he had no idea if they can handle the situation. But, he rushed out of the car to get to Jackson's side. Whatever happens, he will not let him deal with it alone. He pulled Jackson up and tried to pull him to the car, only for to see they are surrounded by them.

"On your knees, hands behind your back." They ordered as they locked both of them in hand cuffs, checking for anything that could be used to track them. After they finally satisfied, they pushed them into a van and drove off to god knows where. All of this was happened in less than three minutes.

They drove for a very long time, after what felt like eternity, the van stopped infront of an abounded warehouse. Jackson really didn't have a great feeling about the situation at hand. He winced as the pain shot through his left leg once he put his feet on the ground, because of the gunsot wound. Blood already drenched his bottom half of the pant. They half dragged him and pulled Hendry inside the warehouse, he expected, Mr. Lee, Danny and Mr. Im. All of them had a satisfied smile on their face.

"I am really happy to meet you again, my son." Mr. Lee started as he motioned for the guards to leave, who were holding Jackson straight which lead to him fell on to his knees.

"You know it was supposed to be all of your friends. We didn't think that you'll be come alone out of the dorm, once you heard the news about the attack on that boy. Well, I am not complaining though, as we have you here now." Mr. Lee said as he tightly gripped Jackson's hair and started to caress the gun on his face, once he finished what he was saying he hit him square on his face.

He brought back to his kneeling position by Danny as he pulled him up using the grip on his hair. "You know how much you changed our life. We don't even have the future anymore. All thanks to you." he said as he shot him on the right upper arm. Jackson screamed and cried. Hendry tried to wiggle out of the hold of the men who kept him in place.

"If it was the reason, please let ge go. He didn't have any connection with this." He pleaded.

"We would've if you come out as seven, not one. Why you didn't tell them about the attack on Jae? I really hoped to meet Jb in your position right now." Mr. Im said. Soon, three of them surrounded him.

"Sorry son, it was enjoyable and all that, but we have to kill you before anyone could show up here who are now searching for you. I am sure there is a bunch of people searching for you, after all you're a son of billionaires, right?" Mr. Lee said as he pointed his gun on Jackson's head.

Cliff hanger!!! I am sure you guys know he will get saved. But, who would going to save him? 


They only love me when nobody's around (Jackson X Everyone)Where stories live. Discover now