Dimitri x Depressed!Reader [The Other Side of the Door]

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Holy shit requests came in fast for this book-

Requested by i_ship_it_so_much_!

We all need Dimitri some days, and today is that day. As is like, every other day.

> > > > >

Y/n's P.O.V.

I laid in my bed, succeeding in another night of troubled insomnia. My legs refused to carry my out into the unforgiving world. Though, they did remove me from the cloth sheets. I put on my monastery uniform, though I likely wouldn't even need to wear it today.

Was today a free day? Are we having class?

My pondering thoughts were answered by a knock at my door. I lazily hummed in response, forgetting I always kept my door locked. 

"Y/n, it's me," Said a certain voice, who could be identified in an instant.

"Dimitri, please," I responded, "Not right now. I'm just not... not feeling it today." It was a blunt lie, with slight truth sprinkled on top. 

I was answered with cold silence, and I had thought he had left until I had heard his back sliding down the door. 

"What are you doing?" I asked, too impatient for this.

"I'm waiting here until you open the door, I just want to talk." Tears threatened to fall down my face as my eyelids stung with heartache. He actually cared. 

I slid down and rested my back against the door where his back would be. I hugged my knees to my chest, my mangy, unbrushed hair shaken over my shoulders.

I hiccupped a few times, unable to control the stream of tears. Burying my face further into my knees, I cried, openly letting Dimitri listen. My heart was blackened with agony as I screamed.

I stood up, grabbing the dagger off of my nightstand. Before doing anything with it, my weak hands dropped the weapon, clattering on the floor. 

From the other side of the door, I heard a swift movement; Dimitri had stood up and was now banging his fists against the door. 

Others were surely bothered by the commotion we were making, and it was all my fault. 

"Y/n stop! You deserve better than this!" Dimitri protested, his voice shaking. We were drowning in all my sorrow. 

"Dimitri, it's better for everyone if I just end it here, s- so p- please... Don't try to stop me..." I lifted the dagger off the floor, both my thoughts and hands wavering. 

All of a sudden, the lock on my door gave away, the doors bursting open to reveal my insomnia-marked, tear-stained self. 

Dimitri ran, desperately trying to stop me. He gripped my wrist to halt the knife from coming any closer to my body. My fingers twitched, before all the tension in them was released, and the knife dropped by our feet. His hold on my wrist loosened, and I could feel his hand trembling. It wasn't until just now I had realized he was crying too. 

He let go of my wrist and wrapped his arms around me, crying hopelessly into my shoulder. My tense shoulders went limp, as well as all of my joints. I fell to my knees, dragging Dimitri to the floor with me. 

The blade of the half-forgotten dagger slashed my ankle, and I winced, though used to the feeling. I kicked away the dagger and cried harder, my face resting against Dimitri's shoulder, his blonde hair tickling my cheeks. 

"I would never forgive myself if I let you do that to yourself," Dimitri mutters between sniffles, the fabric of my uniform muffling his words. 

Without warning, his head was lifted from my shoulder as he pressed his lips against mine. The position of his hands changed, one on the back of my head with its fingers hidden in my hair, the other around my waist. 

His lips moved in rhythm, one I didn't follow. My lips moved weakly on their own, trying to seek the flow that of Dimitri's. My arms laid limply on his shoulders, my hands dangling mid-air. 

The entire world around us seemed to dissolve as if it was only the two of us. After separating from the kiss, I closed arms around him, embracing him recklessly. 

"Y/n..." Dimitri mumbles, standing up, his arms supporting me as well. He had nothing else to say but my name, though that was perfectly fine by me. I like the sound of my name in his voice. 

My body threatened to go limp again, my knees wobbly and weak. My face was sticky with dried tears, tracks and streaks still shining on my trembling face. 

I inhale and exhale large breaths to calm myself down, my lower lip fluttering with the current of air entering my lungs. 

Dimitri grips my shoulders, looking directly into my eyes, and smiles. How I love him. His eyes sparkled with care, and I could hear my heart racing at the memories from all this time. 

His hands fall from my shoulders down to my own hands, our fingers intertwining. 

"I promise I'll protect you Y/n, no matter from who or what, I will keep you safe."

> > > > >

Writing this just made my heart- literally explode. 

Anyway, that's the first request and the first chapter. I think it went pretty well, but then again that's my opinion and that doesn't matter.

But seriously, do you guys know how hard it is to write a kiss scene without having any experience. God, I'm so lonely lmao 

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