Timeskip!Claude x Reader (Fluff) [Tease]

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Requested by InquisitorWolf!

I'm just in a Claude kind of mood right now and if any of you tell me that's bad well then I just don't know what to think of you.

> > > > >

Y/n's P.O.V.

The breeze blew gently, rustling the leaves that grew bright green at the end of a tree's branches. 

"It's odd, isn't it," A voice behind me asks, and it registers into my mind as Claude. "How despite being in the middle of a war, the world still remains beautiful?"

I chuckle at the male. "Surely, but not as odd as to how five years in war made you more beautiful."

"I prefer 'dashing', but thank you," He teases. "That aside, I think we should regroup and think of a battle plan over lunch."

"Over lunch?" I groan. "You're going to ruin one of my favorite things with tactics and bloodshed!"

"Disastrous, I know."

I sigh, "I'll still go, of course."

"Good to hear. See you then, I guess," He replies. 

I smile at his back as walks away. Truth is, with all the teasing and such, I've fallen madly in love with the one and only Claude von Riegan. 

A finger taps my shoulder, causing me to jump. "Oh! Marriane! You scared me!" I exclaim, clutching my shirt where the cloth covered my heart. 

"Oh... I'm sorry... Another soul that-"

"No no no! I didn't mean it like that! You just caught me while I was spacing out, is all," I explain, feeling guilty for making Marriane think she cursed another person with her crest.

"I understand, that makes me feel much better," She smiles. "I just wanted to question what you and Claude were talking about."

"Hm? What about it?"

"Were you, um..." She pauses, looking quite red in the face. "Were you flirting?"

The question hits me like a wave. Were we? "Don't think too much of it, that's just our way of teasing each other," I say half-confidently. I couldn't confirm it, but I'm pretty sure this has nothing to do with flirting. 

"Alright, sorry for bothering you," She apologizes, and I promise her she wasn't a bother at all before she left, following a small crowd of birds. I grinned. My friends are all so quirky. 

I rounded a corner, heading for the dining hall. The rectangular room wasn't as full as it would have been five years ago before the war. I miss those days when we were all friends, like any other human to learn in Garreg mach.

I grab a plate of food off the kitchen's counter and head for the Cardinal meeting room, where the Golden Deer were told to show up.

Upon reaching the room, I noticed I was the only one with food aside from Raphael, so feeling self-conscious I left it on a windowsill in the hall. 

"So..." The professor starts, and I can already feel my focus wandering off the topic, to things such as: What day is it? What battle is next? Is the Goddess watching over us? I wonder what being the Goddess is like...

And before I knew it I had woken up to Claude's gloved hand shaking my shoulder. I blinked, sitting upright in my seat. 

"Y/n, you look really convincing sleeping with your eyes open," Claude... Compliments?

"So that's why my eyes feel like they're burning," I say sarcastically, though the pain I was feeling was unfortunately true. 

"Come on, let's go outside," He urges, and I shake my head to his offer. "It's sunny for once. The sky's nice and blue." 

"Damnit, you know how to convince me to get out," I say, pushing my chair back in as I stood up. Walking into the hall I immediately feel worse about leaving. "Aw, someone took my food," I complain.

"You brought food?"

"Yeah," I sigh, "I left it outside to eat after the meeting. I guess my hunger'll have to wait until dinner."

"We'll just have to do something distracting so you don't notice how hungry you are!"

I shake my head. "Claude, it's fine. I've skipped meals before."

"But that doesn't stop me from doing something with you," He grins.

I laugh. "True. What did you have in mind?"

He brings his hand up to his chin in a ponderous manner. "Wyvern ride?" He finally suggests, and I smile. 

"I'd love that."

He grabs my hand and leads me to the stables, where his Wyvern waits impatiently to spread its wings. Claude holds me by my waist and lifts me onto the saddle, him following shortly after untying his wyvern. 

The wyvern flaps its wings, lifting itself off the ground and before long, we were high above the monastery. 

"You might want to hold onto something," Claude advises, and I wrap my arms around his waist. He orders his wyvern forward, and we take off across the sky at incredible speed. I laugh in delight, taking in the fresh, untainted air as it blew into my smiling face. 

After around fifteen minutes of being in the air, Claude lands his wyvern, helping me off so my feet can touch the ground again. 

"That was wonderful, thank you," I say, petting the wyvern before following Claude wherever he was going. 

"No problem, anything to help the icon of beauty so she has a wonderful day." My face flushes bright red and he unfortunately notices. "What? Did my insanely good looks make you realize you're mad for them?"

"I suppose you could say that," I reply, stepping closer and closer to him. His arms wrap around my waist, and mine wrap around his neck in retaliation. 

"I could indeed. I can also say I'm in love with the one and only beauty icon in Fódlan."

"Aww, so I'm not the most beautiful person in the whole wide world?"

"I'll think about that," He chuckles, pressing his lips lightly on mine. His lips are soft and warm and dare I say, they felt amazing against my own. 

The air finally finds its place between our lips when we separate, both of us grinning. 

"Looks like our teasing brought us far," Claude quips. 

"Are you teasing me about teasing you?"

He laughs. "No, I'm teasing you about teasing me about teasing me."

> > > > >

1000 words and two hours later here we are! Second chapter written today! Thanks for reading this cringefest I just-

It's loving Claude and Dimitri hours, I'll write another chapter later.

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