Felix x Reader (Fluff) [No Longer Numb]

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Requested by Misskitie! Sorry I couldn't do your original request, by the way. 

> > > > >

Felix's P.O.V.

I scowled at my opponent, Y/n. She's the only one who's beaten me in a sparring match. She extends her hand, offering to help me up, but I refuse to take it so I stand up on my own. 

"You have to stop being so stubborn, Felix," Y/n claims, sheathing her sword. 

"And you have to stop telling me what to do," I growl, throwing my sword in the equipment corner. 

Y/n sighs, a look of minor disappointment on her face. She starts to walk out of the training grounds, and I follow her. "Where are you going?" I ask her. "Do you want to do something together?"

"I thought you'd keep your grudge against me, Felix."

"In battle, we're enemies, out here we're friends."

Y/n giggles. "Are you sure about that? You aren't sounding like yourself," She says, and I realize she's right. 

"Just go on without me, I had plans anyway." Y/n looks at me as if she doesn't believe me, and she has every right not to. 

Nonetheless, she walks off, running to her friends after spotting them. I smile. 

"Woah, looks like someone's got a thing for Y/n~" A voice behind me taunts, and I clench my fists. 

"Shut up Sylvain!"

My sudden shout caused him to step back. I felt the anger and stress leaving the muscles on my face as I mutter "Sorry."

"Agh, no, it's fine! I just didn't know you'd get so defensive over a crush."

"She's not-" I start yelling, then quieting my voice, "She's not a crush."

"I think she is," Sylvain says, and I sigh. "You smile when you look at her, did you ever notice that? Also, did you know you're just kind of blushing right now?"

"No I'm not," I stammer quickly, turning around so Sylvain wouldn't see my face. 

Sylvain grabs my shoulder to turn me to face him. "I can help," Was all he said, yet it gave me plenty of reassurance. 

"Fine, just get it done by tomorrow."

"What? I think you have the wrong idea. I'm going to help you get closer to her and give you courage. You're going to be the one to ask her out," He explains. 


"Felix they're your feelings! You're the one who needs to express them!"

"I'll just ask her to eat with me or something," I say, the simple plan beginning to form in my mind. 

"Yeah, go do that, I'll watch and tell you how you do."

"I thought you said you were going to help!" I hiss.

"I am, I swear!" Sylvain puts his hands in front of his face as if to prove his defense. "Just go find her, I won't be too far behind."

I walked around the monastery in hopes of finding Y/n. She was a lot harder to find than one would think. Eventually, I found her happily chatting with her friends. I prayed that I hadn't come up too suddenly when I grabbed her shoulder. 

"Oh! Felix!" She exclaims. "See you later guys!" She waves her friends away, so it's just the two of us; or three, rather. "Did'ja need anything?"

My mind goes blank. "UhhhhHHHHHHhh-" (Mood) I can hear Sylvain whispering to me in the background. "Would you like to eat lunch with me?"

"Sure! Should I meet you there or-"

"We can walk together!"

"O-Okay," She mutters. 

"Actually," I speak up, feeling specifically nervous, "Who needs lunch? Let's uhh," I look around, trying to find something to do. "Let's go on a date."

Y/n's expression turns shocked, and from behind me, Sylvain wheezes. Fuck. "That came out wrong, I swear-" I try to excuse myself, but Sylvain interrupts. "No it didn't!"

"Sylvain get out of here, right now!"

Sylvain and I begin to fight, but our attention is taken away from each other as Y/n bursts out laughing. Sylvain starts to laugh along with her, and I look at them both in confusion. Y/n grips her sides, likely sore from laughing. 

I raise a brow, displaying my confusion. "Sorry, sorry-" Y/n apologizes between laughs. "I just thought it was funny how uneasy you were!"

"You were practically shaking, Felix!" Sylvain chimes. I roll my eyes at him. 

Y/n takes a few deep breaths to calm herself down. "Were you actually just trying to ask me out?" She finally asks. 

I sigh. "Yeah, though it seems it was a failure."

"I wouldn't be so sure," She says, planting a small kiss on my cheek, Sylvain squealing from the contact. 

"So is that a yes?" I inquire. 

She looks at me and sarcastically remarks: "What are you, numb?"

I chuckle and grab her hand, gently intertwining my fingers with hers. 

"I'm not numb, not anymore."

> > > > > 

I have one more oneshot to write and then I'll finally open my requests again! Once the next one is released the request page should be updated to say [OPEN], don't miss out!

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