A/N: Discontinuing

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I swear to fucking hell, I'm discontinuing so many books lately, and I don't even know why. I mean, most of you probably saw this coming, knowing I haven't updated this book in over a month, and I know that I haven't felt any oneshot inspiration for this book since then. I still love FE3H and its characters, but I don't think I can keep writing oneshots for them. This won't be prank discontinuation like last time, where I start another book after stopping the other, no. Unfortunately, I'm going to stop writing these oneshots altogether. 

I'd like to say a huge apology for the people who never got their requests published, but I hope you understand that I'm incapable of completing them. If I was, I would've published them weeks before now. I understand if you're sad, or angry, or downright disappointed in me, and that's fine. However you feel about this is how you feel, and that's entirely acceptable. On the other hand, I feel like this book must be stopped. 

I'll still be updating other books, so read those if you'd like. Sorry if this note sounds a bit on the sorrowful side, I don't mean for it to sound that way, but that's just how things turn out, I guess. 

On that note, I guess this is goodbye to my FE3H oneshots. Everyone wave goodbye as it drives away into the horizon, never to be seen again. Just kidding, it's staying. Anyways, I'll see you guys another time!

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