Claude x Depressed!Reader [This World]

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This chapter was requested by:

Everyone in my comments section in the last chapter. 

Ya girl has this entire chapter figured out though it's probably going to go completely and absolutely different the exact moment I start to type it all out. 

> > > > > 

Claude's P.O.V.

I passed by the quirky students of the Golden Deer as I left the classroom, on the search of a certain classmate of mine. She hadn't shown up to class, and it had been so long after lectures started, the professor asked me to go find her. 

While on the walk to the second-floor dorms, a thought rang inside my head, making me only more worried than I had already been.

Could it be her depression?

She had told me about it after I had seen a small and faint scar on the back of her hand, and she had made it clear that it was only me who knew, the professors and Archibishop aside. She had also stated - or rather pleaded - that I tell absolutely no one. 

My worry compelled my legs to move faster, from walking to speedwalking, speedwalking to jogging, then jogging to running. I tried to make my knocking sound less rushed and distressed as I really was. 

"Who is it?" Y/n's voice asked, sounding as if she was merely awaiting a gift in the mail. 

"Y/n it's me, Claude," I say, and I hear footsteps shuffle from inside her room. "I was wondering why you weren't in class yet." I was sure my voice was wavering from my concern.

Y/n's eye appears in the keyhole underneath the door handle, watching me carefully as I kneel down to reach her current height. I smirk. Her eye moves back from the door and the handle hits me in the head as she turns it to open the door. I rub my hand across my hair, feeling the minor pain leave my head as fast as it came. 

"You good?" She asks, up on her toes to look at my scalp.

"Yeah," I say, my worries leaving me at the sight of her bright smile, "Let's go."


"To the classroom, I came here to bring you back, remember?"

Her eyes widen and she swings her door back open again, my foot catching it before it slammed shut. 

Y/n runs her fingers roughly through her hair as she kicks things like books and clothing across her floor. Her mood changed so suddenly, I didn't have any time to process what happened. My hand reached out into her room, opening the heavy door the rest of the way before I walked in. 

"Y/n w-"

"No." She interrupts, not even bothering to give a legitimate response. 

"Y/n please, tell me why," I plead again.

"I said no."

As much as I wish I could respect that answer, I just couldn't let "no" slide this time. 

Y/n shoves me out of the way, silently storming out the door. 

"Y/n wait-" I tried to grab her arm and stop her from running, but she had already managed to get so far away from me. 

I ran all around the monastery, following in her footsteps until I found her hiding behind a bush looking very out of breath. 

"If you're going to run from me, you definitely need to get out more often," I joke. She doesn't even smirk. 

I kneel down, tilting my head to look her in the eyes. She glances my way, and for the second I see the way she sees the world through the reflection in her eyes. 

Everything is grey, lifeless, a block of nothingness. Only two things were shining, the sun, and me, though oddly, I was brighter than the sun. 

I rest my hand on her shoulder, and she looks up at me again. My glow is fading, or rather, it was turning red. 

"You see things in a really unique way, you know," I state, and she gazes as me blankly. 

"You see it too?" She whispers. "All the colors, the way people shine, how it becomes brighter and darker?" Her voice cracks as she speaks. She crawls closer to me, her eyes widening with insanity. 

I couldn't do anything but stare. This seemed so unlike Y/n, I didn't know what else to do. Her gaze shook, never focusing on one place. 

"Tell me," Y/n says, her voice coated in the worst expressions, "Have you seen the world this way before?"

"Y/n I-"

"You haven't, I bet. I suppose if you hang around me for long enough you'll see. You'll understand. You'll understand everything."

My breath had become shaky. I was beyond terrified. I shouldn't be, though, this is my friend, I shouldn't be frightened by her. Yet I was. She snapped. Could I bring her back? Beads of sweat formed on my forehead, worry coursing through my body. 

"Y/n please-"

"All the people here, they anger me, annoy me, personally bully me, force me into this insanity, force me into a feeling of murder!"

This was starting to go too far, she was absolutely deranged. 

It was shocking. Horrifying. Nauseating. Please Y/n, come back to me. 

Everything she said stung. It wasn't supposed to, it wasn't even meant to be said. 

I did the one thing I knew I could do and embraced her. Everything seemed to slow for the single second that Y/n seemed to come back to her senses, then snapped right back.

"What the hell are you doing?! Let me go!"

I tightly shut my eyes, trying to hold her still in the hug as she struggled. "Y/n just listen to me!" As if she was truly listening, she stopped flailing around, stopped clawing at my arms to pry them from my hug. "In a different, perfect world, we wouldn't be like this. Unfortunately, we have to live in this flawed one, but as long as we have each other's backs, I know we'll make it through."

I can feel Y/n's breath soothing as she calms down. 

"Y/n please..."

"Claude do you know how hard this world is on me?" She stares at me with a certain sorrow in her eyes that slowly eats at my heart. 

"Y/n, I'm here for you and always will be," I console, her eyes closing slowly as tears spill from her eyelids. 

"I know you are, it's just-" She stop herself mid-sentence to wipe away a waterfall of tears, "There's nobody else. It's only you. Of course, I trust you entirely, but it's just the two of us, Claude."

"And that's okay, because we only need each other."

> > > > >

Well, quarantine is fun and it's slowly driving me into a painful mixture of insanity/anxiety. 

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter because I completely ran out of inspiration and couldn't decide what to do with 90% of the story plot. 

As usual, have a great day, and wash your motherfudging hands.

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