Balthus x Reader (Angst) [It's Perfect]

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Requested by PFAmbipon-Breeze21!

I honestly have no idea how to write this but I'll do my best and only that ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ

> > > > >

Y/n's P.O.V.

I sighed, pulling my legs close to my chest as I sat down. I was feeling insecure, and more than usual. To start off, I can't do anything in battle, I'm just useless. Second, I wouldn't do well anyway, since I'm just a damn failure. 

I could feel the cold stone floor through the bottoms of my worn-out boots. Cold, just like most of the people I've ever met. Turning their back to me and leaving me in the dust, that's all that ever happened and all that ever will. 

I sighed and looked up to the ceiling. I realized: I haven't seen the stars in quite a while. 

I stood up, dusting off my clothing where it had touched the dirty floor, and started walking to the library. It was one of the few places you could be alone and focus. I stared into the candlelit area, its walls climbing high. 

I grabbed one of the ladders, and pulled it toward me and climbed. I had climbed at least twenty shelves high (however high that was in meters) when I finally found the subject I was looking for. 

My fingers skimmed across the book's spines before wrapping themselves around one and pulling it out of the shelf, the other books beginning to lean on one another. 

I climbed back down the ladder, flipping through the book's pages once my feet had found their place on the floor. I stepped outside, seeking more light to read by, walking while reading. Doing so, I hadn't paid attention to where I was going and bumped right into a bare chest. 

I looked up mumbling "Sorry," and upon looking at their face they didn't look even slightly bothered. 

"Hey Y/n! Look where you're going next time!" Balthus exclaims, resting his hand on my shoulder as I stepped back. "What'cha reading?"

I hide my flustered face under the pages and run away to a corner where it was dank, dark, and the ceiling dripped. Why am I such a clutz? Why do I make so many mistakes? Am I a mistake?

My thoughts were interrupted by heavy footsteps echoing through the hall. I hugged the book as I shrunk further into the corner, the figure coming into focus.

Yuri looks at me in confusion and addresses me. "Y/n? What are you doing?"

I averted my eyes, refusing to look at him. "I messed up."

He cocks his head, perplexed. "What on Earth do you mean?"

I sighed heavily, my shoulders slumping as fast as they had risen with my breath. "I don't know... I just embarrassed myself again. In front of Balthus."

"You have nothing to worry about, he's fine about it! He's the one who asked to come to find you, actually."

I look up at him finally. "Why didn't he just find me himself?"

"He thought you wouldn't want to see him, considering you were the one who ran away from him."

I stand up and ask "Can you bring me to him?" The walk across the Abyss is silent, though I wouldn't mind. Silence helps one clear the mind, which was something I really needed. 

Yuri escorts me to the narrow hallway connecting the Monastery and the Abyss, walking away once Balthus had turned to face us, or rather now only me. 


"Sorry about earlier," I apologize. "I shouldn't have run away, that was very rude of me." I bow, still clutching the book under my fingers. 

"There's no issue, believe me," He assures me and I give a sigh of relief, standing tall. "But you never told me, what's your book about?"

"Astrology. The stars."

He looks at me with slight sorrow. "You miss them, don't you?" I nod. "Let's sneak out and stargaze tonight! Only if you want to, of course!"

A smile breaks across my face. "I'd love that," I reply. 

At midnight, Balthus finds my dorm and helps me as I stumble through the dark, leading me outside. I gasp as the dim light of the moon becomes brighter as we stand under the cloudless night sky. 

"It's beautiful," I whisper. 

I can hear Balthus chuckle from behind me, listening to it come closer and then fade. 

"Is something wrong?"

He shakes his head. "I just wish we had time to do this more often," He complains, and I silently agree with him. 

I sit down on the green yet wilting grass, never taking my eyes off the sky. Immediately I recognize the constellations that are visible during this season. Balthus sits down and I unconsciously inch toward him. 

I eventually feel my head pressed against his shoulder, feeling his muscles tense. I sit upright. "Sorry," I mutter. 

"No, no, it's fine," He says, standing up. I do the same.

"Are we leaving already?" I ask.

"Only if you want to."

"Well then," I chuckle, "We might not get back to the Abyss until the stars fall." Balthus smirks. 

I shiver, then grip my elbows with the palms of my hands. Balthus silently responds with the action of taking his jacket and wrapping us both in it. His bare chest was pressed against my back, and it felt incredibly awkward, yet right.

"Is this fine?" He asks. 

I grin, happiness flooding my heart. 

"It's perfect."

> > > > >

Surprise I had no idea what I was doing while writing this. 

Back to J.J. updates, I created a Q&A book! There's a link to the profile with it in my bio if any of you are interested. 

Bye for now!

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