Sothis x Male!Reader [Love Me Love You]

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Requested by leikesdark!

> > > > >

Sothis' P.O.V.

I hovered in the air above the carpeted flooring in Y/n's room. Small and cozy, that's what this place was, though being stuck in it for so long made it seem incredibly boring. 

I rested my chin on the palm of my hand, the sun flying across the sky as the day was wasted away. It gets lonely on days like these, where Y/n goes to walk around the monastery and talk to his students for what feels like forever. 

It's no fair, that I have to stay here all the while and just wait. Wait. I plop myself down onto his bed, taking the comfort of having something soft underneath me. I inhale. It smells like Y/n. No, stop, that's creepy and it makes me sound lovesick. 

I sigh, sitting on the wooden edge of the bed, swinging my legs back and forth impatiently. I turned my head and looked outside, trying to use the shade of the sky as a time detector. It must be late in the evening, since the sky was a dark red, turning more and more to the familiar purple-black of the night.

The door opens suddenly and I snap myself back to my original spot, placing my sarcastic expression on my face. 

"You're back," I address, adding "Finally" on to sound more exhausted.

Y/n scratches the back of his head, his hair getting messier in the process. "Sorry about that, I assumed I'd be back sooner but I was a bit busy."

I lift an eyebrow. "Doing what? Tea parties? Gardening? Eating copious amounts of food?"

Y/n's face flushes from embarrassment, though he shakes it off, setting some of his armor in the corner of his room.

"I don't understand why you have to wear that all the time. Isn't it tiring to feel all that weight literally on your shoulders?"

Y/n shrugs, taking off the last of his dark grey armor. "I dunno, I just feel safer wearing it." I nod. 

"Understandab-" I start but pause halfway through my short sentence, my eyes on Y/n. 

He raises an eyebrow at me. "What is it, Sothis?"

"Why are you changing right now? I- I thought you would change in the sauna, like you usually do!" I exclaim, feeling heat rise up to my now-red face. 

"Is there a problem with it? You seem quite flustered," He semi-apologizes as I pull my hands over my eyes, covering my embarrassed face. "Just look the other way, I'll tell you once I'm dressed."

At this point, I've squeezed my eyes shut so my hands are free to cover my ears from the sound of clothing falling on the floor. 

I've never been this embarrassed about being near him, I don't get why, though. 

"You're good to look now," Y/n says, his muffled voice reaching my eardrums through the palms of my hands. I still refuse to turn around, though I move my arms so they're crossing over my chest. "Sothis?" I give no response, instead, I vanish, leaving Y/n by himself.

Y/n's P.O.V.

Sothis left, so now it was just me, alone in my darkening room. Did I anger her? Nonetheless, I stepped across the floor of my personal quarters. I ran my fingers through my hair while looking down at my bedsheets, noticing a small dent in the once perfectly straightened covers. Sothis must have sat there. 

I smooth out the covers, then realize that's pointless. I pull the covers down and stare, Sothis still fresh on my mind. 

I should go and find her. Maybe I shouldn't, since she left because of me. I still want to though, it feels lonely. 

I pulled on a light jacket and boots before heading out into the cold of the night. I could see my breath appear in small puffs, clear against the invisible air. 

I searched through every nook and cranny of the monastery but still failed to find her. Damnit, Sothis, where the hell did you go off to?

That's for you to figure out, her voice replies into my thoughts. I run off to the goddess tower, knowing fully that was the one place I hadn't checked. 

Rarely ever had I stepped foot in that place, but today-or rather tonight-I would have to. 

Upon reaching the highest level, I found my messy, green-haired partner. "I finally found you," I say, my voice breaking the stern silence. 

"I wish you wouldn't."

"Sothis, come on," I plead, "Stop being so bitter!"

"You could have just changed in the sauna and I wouldn't be so irritated," She says, not even bothering to turn her head as she spoke to me. 

"I'm sorry if I offended you, just please, come back." Her eyes close, and I can see specks of remorse appearing on her face. "I miss you."

Sothis straightens (she wasn't exactly sitting down) before walking to me. Her small figure presses against mine, her arms wrapped gently around me. I hug her back. "I'll come back, just promise me you won't change when I'm around."

"Fine, I promise. Now can you let go? I'm missing hours of sleep because of your oh so sudden disappearance," I say sarcastically.

Sothis sighs, her arms dragging themselves back to her sides before she hovers on her toes and presses her lips gently against mine, her hands cupping my face. She rests her lips there for a minute, which was barely enough time for me to even react. 


"Sorry, I just..." She pauses, unable to find words.

"Love me?" She nods. 

"Love you," I say, hugging her once more. 

She stares past my shoulder to the stars against the black sky before echoing: 

"Love you."

> > > > >

Sorry, this chapter was a bit shorter than the others, I just ran entirely out of inspiration and I couldn't think of a better way to end it while using more words. 

I have at least half of the requests done, so I should be opening them up in another week or two, depending on how things go. See you guys in the next chapter!

-J.J. , le Goddess

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