Sylvain x Suicidal!Shy!Reader [A Shoulder to Cry On]

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Woah, look at that, an angsty request! Betcha can't guess what mood I'm in, huh? 

!!! Clear warning for anyone who may be triggered by depressing and suicidal content and subjects. !!!

(Requested by sanata101)

> > > > > 

Y/n's P.O.V. 

I sat outside my room looking at the bright blue sky. I was in more of a cloudy mood, but clearly the Goddess thinks we needed a change. I heavily sighed, letting out all the air trapped in my lungs. 

I stood up, my knees are wobbly as usual from how I've tortured them, making them bleed as I ran. Torture. That's what it was, yet I liked it, and I was used to the weak feeling of the consequences. 

Stumbling every so often, my legs led me to the fishing pond. I looked into the crystal clear water which reflected the fluffy white clouds dotting across the sky. I stared at my reflection, observing the way the ripples in the water morphed my already imperfect figure. 

Tears from my eyes splashed into the water, not making my mirror image any clearer. I lifted my fingers up to my face to feel the painfully familiar scars that permanently marked my unwanted memories. 

*Whoosh* flashback

My father wasn't ever in the best mood, but today he was certainly worse. My mother had gone insane and tried to kill him. They were forced into marriage, and it was very one-sided. My mother hated him, and even her own creation; Me. When she left, my father blamed everything on me. 

"The reason she doesn't love me is because I let you live, you little shit!" My eyes stung with tears and he punched my small and frail body. He grabbed his empty champagne bottle and smashed it upon my head. A glass shard cut across my face, leaving a scar underneath my eye, the one that's always visible. 

I ran away from my home where I was picked off the streets by a family of nobles, who took me in and eventually sent me to the Garreg Mach Monastery. I met so many amazing people who lifted my soul halfway out of the darkness it had been swarmed in. 

*Whoosh* real time

One of those amazing people walked up to me, his red-orange hair looking messy per usual, yet still good. He often flirted with me, embarrassed with myself because of how flustered I got. He made me feel loved, though I knew that it was all an act. He's dated at least half the girls in the academy, and I couldn't blame him for not dating me. 

"Hey Y/n!"

"H-hey..." I mumbled, mentally cursing myself for stuttering. Life had always hated me like this. 

"Darn, why do you sound so sad?" He asked, making me wonder if he actually cared, and my heart jumped at the thought. "I won't say being quiet is unlike you, but you definitely sound more unhappy than usual."

"Oh..." I say, pausing, my thoughts racing. I can't let him know about my depression, I just can't. "Don't think too much about, I just have a really bad headache today." I tried to sound more lightly spirited to try and sell off the impression I was trying to give. 

"Okay," He said, smiling. A girl ran up to him and grabbed his arm, grinning widely at him while sending a devilish glare at me. "Well, see ya later Y/n, I guess!" He waved back at me before running off with the other girl. 

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