Claude x PTSD!Reader x Dimitri [Forever Protected]

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Special request by Blu_Da_Creator! This is what y'all would have gotten if you were the 69th person to vote on this book. 

Also I'm sorry about the image but it was the least gay thing I could find. 

Warning to anyone who may find these topics triggering:
Gore, PTSD, depression, death (don't know why you're playing Fire Emblem if death triggers you) and the like. 

> > > > >

Y/n's P.O.V.

I laid in bed, eyes wide open and bloodshot. I couldn't sleep, and I knew exactly why. It happened a week ago and I hadn't gotten sleep since. 

It was the mission for the month, and we were supposed to help save a village from some thieves, starting simple. Little did I know, the leader of those thieves was the very father that had left me and my mother as a child. 

I stared at him, with his scarred face and bloodstained clothes. It was shocking, and my entire body refused to move as he lunged towards my allies. Fatally injuring at least five people in my class, including me, he smiled psychotically. 

I whimpered in pain as I gripped my lower stomach which was quickly bleeding out. 

"You piece of shit, you're so weak!" My father mocked me, digging the sole of his shoe into my skull. "Now you see why I left you and your bitchy mother!" Tears stung my eyes at his words and from the pain of my face slamming against the ground. 

I had barely been saved by the professor killing him off, which didn't help any of the pain I'd been feeling. The professor's kind hand helped me up and carried me back to the monastery to be healed. After a week's worth of concoctions and white magic, I was finally back to normal. Physically, anyway.

Nothing on my mind is normal anymore. I could feel my insomnia catching up with me, but I refused to succumb, though it did me no good, for when I thought I had merely blinked, my eyes closed for the few hours that felt like an eternity. 

My father laughed at me, brutally injuring me, stabbing every last part of my flesh with the sword he held in his blood-slicked hands. 

I woke to the sound of someone pounding on my door, and the birds outside tweeting noisily. 

"Y/n?! Are you alright?! I heard you screaming and came to see what was the matter," A voice rang, my thoughts clearing, for the most part. 

"Dimitri?" I asked. Dimitri was my dear friend, who wouldn't take the world if it meant forgetting my wellbeing. "Oh, yeah. Um... I'm fine, there's no need to worry!" I said, doing my best to sound cheerful as I stood up and looked at my reflection in the mirror. 

I had purple-ish circles under my eyes, larger and darker than yesterday. I stretched the skin underneath my eyes, the flesh snapping back in place as my fingers lifted off my face. (Woah, big brain rhymes) 

I checked my arms, legs, and stomach. No cuts, no scars, no... anything, really. How is a nightmare that bad?

"Y/n, are you still awake?"

"Huh? O- Oh, yeah!" I say, surprised at hearing Dimitri's voice again. 

His voice becomes quieter, to the point of mumbling, when I realize someone else is outside talking with him. 

"Do you think she's really okay?"

"Should we tell the professor?"

"We're going to ask her and help with it, right?"

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